I highly recommend that you visit1. I highly recommend that you visit I highly recommend that you see/ buy/read/ watch… 2. When I was there, there was an exhibit of MANET When I was in…. there was an exhibit of…/ an exposition of…/ a conference of… 3.What do you think of …? -Stunning and spectacular -I think it's very eclectic and extraordinary It's lovely its original its scenic oh it's a wonderful
-very symmetrical in a lot of different ways as far as the architecture goes
this place is really memorable
it's very intricate. It makes you realize that there's a lot of thought that was put into this place, a lot of consideration ( внимание)
-I guess I really appreciate that
- it's exhilarating in a very calming way
-if you look at it from a bird's eye perspective just everything is perfectly kind of arranged
- warm and inviting
- precise ( accurate, exact)
- bustling (with a lot of people, crowded)
-striking, when something is noticeable because it's so amazing or so beautiful -The scenery (пейзаж) was striking. -I was struck by it. - Captivating is very interesting, holds your attention - Picturesque- beautiful like a picture. - Ancient it’s historical