yen;f> 5 страницаCurrently some young children spend a great amount of their time in practicing sports. Most parents feel quite happy because sports are good for their kids' development and team work spirit, however they are quite worried about some negative effects such as practicing sports occupies too much time, distracts their attentions on schoolwork and loses certain interests on other activities. In my opinion, everything has its good side and bad side. The important thing is to handle it properly. Admittedly, practicing sports can help children's physical development, which makes them grow faster and stronger than before. As we know, during children's development periods, especially from 10 to 16 years old, sports are really helpful for children to develop. Sports can create a strong body that reduces the possibility of contracting some diseases easily. Definitely we believe that children benefit from sports. Another good thing is that sports teach us to learn how to corporate with other members in a team. Most sports are team work. If we want to play them well, we must master some skills to care about what our team members are thinking and how to adapt each other to achieve a common goal. Sports are not an individual activity, it needs corporation and mutual understanding. This is not easy to master. Of course, for parents they are delightful to see their children to get this skill from sports. On the other hand, practicing sports seem to occupy too much of children's spare time to concentrate their schoolwork. As a student, one's major task is to study hard and try to learn as much as possible, which needs students to devote much time on study or their spare time. If children devote themselves in practicing sports, it is not denying that they cannot concentrate them on schoolwork at the same time. The consequence of practicing sports too much leads children to distract themselves, which influences their future. Actually, besides sports, there are still many kinds of activities, such as drawing, collecting, good for their developments. If a child is too concentrated on sports, it is inevitable that he will lack of chances to explore other activities and lose some happiness when engaged in different experiences. Overall, on one hand, we should encourage our children to participate in sports activities; on the other hand, we must also remind them not to be too engaged because they should put study at the first place during their school time. There is a limit of doing everything. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 322 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 130 Sports - success all the way Sports, a great nourishment for body and mind. When we talk about sports, we are not just talking about somebody putting extra amount of exertion into a physical activity, and at the end of the act, being totally consumed and over till the next time. Sports is much more to it, analyzing the true benefits of sports, we could find that a certain amount of time to sports every day not only keeps a person physically fit, but also mentally at the edge. This is the reason why every form of medicine today, whether be it Alopathy, Homoeopathy or even the alternative ways, all suggest to adapt a routine exercise and the best way to exercise the human body is Sports. As talking about young children, putting a whole lot of time into Sports is concerned, there is a philosophy behind everything, there is a need to the human body and the human mind. A wise statement says ' excess of anything is dangerous'. Studying this statement we could put forward an example, the most useful thing to human life or rather the element that brings life is 'water', even if water is taken in excess, it could have dangerous circumstances. No matter what examples we put forward, excess of anything turns out to be dangerous. Now as to performing sports in proportion is concerned, this proportion varies from person to person, so no set limit could be applied to two individuals, it is the task of an individual himself to find out what exactly his limits are, and that he doesn't end up hurting him or herself. In the capitalist world of today as there are giant multi national organizations sponsoring individuals or teams, who happen to have some sort of promising ability. So it could be taken for granted, that an entity, if happens to polish his sports skills, could see great success in life, this success would not only mean that he will lead a healthy life style, but would as well be prosperous and rich. Thus striking the right balance, into the time given into sports and other activities would surely mean success, but after all is said, one word should always stay in a sports persons mind that is 'Balance'. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays &f ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 131 Money and success The notion of success holds different meanings for different people and groups. Such meanings have changed and evolved over time. Actually, many propose that possessing an abundance of money implies success. However, this view is rendered obsolete in the minds of those individuals who hold that one's success cannot be measured strictly by money. Material possession has been traditionally accepted as the measurement of one's success or social status. When we initially refer to someone, we routinely mention how much money he owns and thereby believe this individual to be quite successful if he is wealthy. In addition to this perpetuated concept, owning a lot of money is typically related to one's work ability and thus some people may simply consider money as a prime measurement of one's success. However, this view has changed recently since many people have come to recognize that money in many cases cannot bring about happiness, health and success. A more precise, contemporaneous definition of success means doing the things one perceives are valuable to themselves and beneficial for others. The winner of the Nobel Prize for peace may think he is has achieved success although he is rewarded little financial benefit. A person who loves animals and makes an effort to save animals that are on a path of extinction may think he has gained success although he may have expended all of his money on his career. Another individual may define success as being able to make artistic masterpieces that can be accepted by public. As a composer, success is having his work praised by adoring fans and who help cause the work to be bought the world over. Similarly, holding an exhibition in a famous art gallery may connote success for a painter. People adhere to various concepts defining success. Money surely cannot be the only measurement of success. Acquiring true happiness in life and attaining success means having the freedom and capability of doing that which you enjoy and believing it to be valuable. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 131 Money and success Since people's criteria for success differ, there is much debate over whether only those who make a lot of money are successful. As far as I am concerned, in today's society that stresses on individual achievement, money provides the best evaluation of one's accomplishment. To begin with, as a standardized measurement used for comparing values, money is objective rather than subjective, so it is considered an authentic reflection of one's achievement. As different people hold different understandings of success, assessing the amount of one's earnings has become universally accepted as a rule to measure one's success. Each year, Fortune Magazine publishes a special issue to rank the top 100 most successful people throughout the world according to their yearly income, because there are no other methods to rely on. In addition, the amount of money one makes is the consequence of one's hard work and talent. To deny the accomplishment wealth brings is equal to deny the sources from which it springs. In the past, I only believed in spiritual values and then leapt rashly to the conclusion that the best thing in life involves no money at all. It is my uncle who showed me the significance of money and changed my opinion. He told me he respected money and made it a goal to strive for in his way towards success. Because he would have to pay a price for it in terms of time, thought and energy. Gradually, I came to realize it is the mental and physical labor he devotes in the process of making money that paves his way for self-accomplishment, and thus deserves appreciation and respect. Finally, money is the most powerful possession in one's lifetime. As everyone knows, success is the ability to do whatever one wants to and to be satisfied with oneself. There is hardly anything that can be done without a certain amount of money. Indeed, with money, one can meet his or her material demand in life, such as taking effective medicines, living in magnificent houses, eating various delicious food, and so on. Also, with money, one can do a lot of meaningful things to benefit others, such as donations to poor people. All these will not only satisfy one's need for personal fulfillment, but also add grandness to one's success. In conclusion, money serves as a measurement of one's achievement. But we should keep in mind that only those who obtain money by hardworking and use it to benefit the society are really successful. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays &1 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 132 What new product would you develop? I live in a place where the environment is being degraded alarmingly and the desert is expanding rapidly. Subsequently, the people around here are suffering a lot from this vicious environmental vicissitude. So to change the current situation is a great challenge for the people living here. I believe to invent an electronic plant grower is significant to curb the environmental degradation. Firstly, weather condition is too severe to grow any plants here. It is not efficient for us to afforest in such a vast area either. Furthermore, if the plants could not get the basic supplies like water, amicable weather conditions, it is almost impossible for plants to survive. The invention of electronic plant grower could be scientific enough, when it plants grass or trees, it will automatically put solid ice and other trace elements which could enhance the viability of plants. Thus, the newly planted plants could easily survive in it. Secondly, the electronic plant grower could do a lot of onerous works in the field and tolerate unfavorable weather. It can extend to the most remote place to work where there are no residents at all, but could build up effective protection barrier to mitigate sandstorm. Furthermore, the electronic plant growers consume no water, which is precious resource in the desert. They can work day and night and take full time of planting season to plant as much as plants. Thirdly, to afforest in such a vast and tough area, it needs numerous manpower for planting in short season and taking care of the plants. As an advanced robot, the invented electronic plant growers could reduce the pressure of manpower and keep the live human away from the life limit area. To rehabilitate the environment is important more than anything else here, but the environmental rehabilitation could not do without some high-tech duplicate of human being like electronic plant grower. So I expect its birth with great hope. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 132 What new product would you develop? In most countries, people have to spend a lot of time learning a second language while at school. However, there're hundreds of different languages in the world, no one can learn them all. One of the most famous philosophers, Marx could speak more than ten different languages, which is already extraordinary for human beings. The difference between languages is a great handicap of communication between people from countries all over the world. A group of people planned to make a global language and ask everybody to learn, but finally the plan failed. Now there is a great need for an invention that can solve this problem. If I could invent something new, I would develop an electronic translator. Unlike electronic dictionary, which can just translate a word into different languages, it can also translate a whole paragraph even a whole book into different languages. What's more, it can even translate the language you speak orally into other languages. For example, when you speak " Hello" in English, it will say "Nihau" in Chinese automatically when you switch it to Chinese. It's obvious that this kind of invention is needed, and when it's invented, I believe it will spread out to everywhere in the world immediately. Then people will not have to waste a lot of time to learn foreign languages, and the communication between people from different countries will become much easier. Moreover, it will enhance the speed of globalization, which benefits everybody in the world. For it to be invented, there's still a long way to go. But the science and technology is developing and more and more new things have been invented. In the future, the electronic translator will be invented, and it will bring people more convenience. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 132 What new product would you develop? People will normally invent something that they want very much in the real life if they had the ability. As a father of a two-year-old boy, I would make a baby sitter robot. The reasons are as follows. In the first place, a baby-sitter robot can take care of my baby when I go to work. There will be a dilemma in front of parents when they have a child, who should stay at home and who should continue to work, mother or father? With a baby-sitter robot, they do not need to make a choice. Parents will no longer give up their jobs because of their child. In the second place, a baby-sitter robot can make my baby stay away from danger. A person cannot concentrate on one thing 24 hours a day. It will be dangerous when he/she is taking care of a baby. A baby is so unpredictable that you never know what he/she will do in the next minute. For instance, the baby may swallow a coin or fall to the ground from the bed when you just do not look at him/her for a second. However, a robot does not have such a problem because she is never tired. She can keep an eye on the baby all the time. Any potential dangerous action will be prevented. Even when the baby is sleeping, the robot can still watch the baby if you want. In addition, a baby-sitter robot can entertain the baby. Songs and stories can be inputted in the robot's memory and replayed whenever the baby needs them. It is so easy to change them that the baby will never be bored on one song or story. In conclusion, I would like to invent a baby-sitter robot not only because it can take care of my baby for me, but also because it can make my baby safe and happy. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 133 Are childhood years most important in one's life? It is about time somebody exploded that holy old myth about childhood being the most important years of our life. Childhood may certainly be important, but if we compared it with other period if life such as adolescence, I do not see any more importance. First of all, parents are absolutely dictators. Children do not have options, or if they do, nobody notices. Think of the years when you are a child. Who ever asked you an option? I have no such experience, to say the least. Parents choose the clothes we wear, the books we read and even the friends we play with. We have to manipulate so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of our elders. Even so, it is only part of the reason. We have vague memory of most parts of our childhood. Many of the things we learnt, the happy hours we spent and troubles we suffered have no trace in our mind at all. Do you still remember every quarrel you had with your little friends? Do you clearly remember every trip you had with your parents or other children? Most of you may probably say nay, I think. However, we may learn a lot when we are children. All these may contain what we think of as the most important thing, but we are passive to learn them. Without independence, how can we say childhood is most important period of our life? So, as I see it, childhood is certainly not the moors important years of a person's life. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ZZ ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 133 Are childhood years most important in one's life? A person's childhood years are indeed the most important years of his life and I agree with this statement. The initial years of childhood are the time when a person learns a lot about himself and his family and the society. A child's mind is impressionable and he imbibes values and behavior that he gets to see around him. So the role of his family and school is of utmost importance. It has been seen that children who get the love and support of their parents and teachers in their childhood turn out be mature and emotionally balanced teenagers and adults. On the other hand, if we look at the childhood of criminals and other anti social elements, we will find that most of them have been through tough times as children. They were deprived of proper care and upbringing. Delinquents also have a history of abuse in their childhood many a times. Children are always inquisitive and willing to learn. So if they are provided a stimulating environment in which they can develop their talents and learn to enjoy their work, they become good citizens who are an asset to the nation. Family is the most important institution in a child's formative years because parents are role models for their children. Children develop their ethics, moral values and temperament in tune with what they see in their parents and elder siblings. The type of personality that a child develops is difficult to change later. So I firmly believe that childhood is a vital part of a person's life that plays an important role in shaping his future. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 134 Should children be required with household tasks? When children grow up old enough to be able to help with some household tasks, some parents do insist that their children should take those kind of family works as early as they can, I do not think there is any in properties about the parents' conclusion. As a complex activity for children, household tasks will do them good, both physically and mentally. When children are about the age of 4 or 5, some simple tasks such as wiping the kitchen floor or cleaning their own dishes after supper will urge them to balance their using of their forearms and wrists, fingers, and develop their brain power to control all those cooperating activity of arm muscles and their whole nerve system. When they grow up a little more, maybe parents could teach them to operate on washing machines or to use microwave-ovens, that kind of activity can make them learn the basic principles of auto machines, which no doubt will make them to face the outer world in a brand new way. Helping in family works also can take children into more active communication with their families. When parents first teach children to use simple tools, children will learn how to understand the instructions clearly, and they may learn to communicate with other kids taking the same assignment to solve their own problems. So, family work is not just a kind of work assignment for children, it is more like a kind of learning process, they can learn not only how to finish those assignments but also learn how to communicate with each other. After finishing those household works assigned to them, kids always get compliments from their family, this will encourage them to try different things in a more creative manner at home or at school the other day. In a word, I think it is very beneficial for children to take the household tasks as early as they can, that will make them more active, more intelligent in communication and more happy in living with their families in harmony. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays IP ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 134 Should children be required with household tasks? Should children be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so? People have different opinions. Some people think that parents can do all the household tasks without children's help, children are still too young to do house work and sometimes they even make things worse. Other people, however, argue that it is very useful for children to take part in the household work. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the second opinion. In the first place, children may have the sense of contribution when they take part in household tasks. After a child was born, the parents are always the part that gives, such as feeding, changing clothes, and bathing the baby. Others help children because they are too young to do these tasks. When they grow up, they will gradually have the ability to do something, such as washing clothes for themselves, cleaning the room for themselves. If they are required to do what they can do, after finishing their jobs and looking at the result of their jobs, such the clean clothes and the clean room, children will have a strong sense of contribution and success, which will help them form a good personal character. In the second place, participating the household tasks will teach children how to cooperate with other people. For instance, When doing a house cleaning, one person cannot finish it all by oneself. Different tasks should be divided among several people. For example, dad cleans the windows, mom cleans the kitchen, boys clean the floor and girls decorate the wall. Gradually, children will get to know that they need to cooperate with others to make things done better and faster. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 135 Should high school students wear uniforms? I hate uniforms! It makes all the students look the same. When I am trying to find my friend from a group of student, I always make mistake because I cannot tell the difference among the girls who are all wearing the same clothes. Moreover, I am always nervous about my uniforms since I may not have another one to change into. The other one is still waiting to be washed or is still wet. After P. E., you cannot identify which coat is mine, so I just take one that looks like it. I am sure the coat I am wearing now is not the one I had first. That is my life with uniforms. Because everyone is against it, my school revoked this rule. Then, we could wear everything we want to. But new problems came up. Everyone began to buy new, brand name, expensive clothes and the campus because a big stage in no time. At last, the uniforms came back to our lives. Undoubtedly, everyone has the freedom to choose what to wear and, of course, everyone wants to make himself/herself good-looking. But when we are just students, study is our first important thing to do. Paying too much attention to attire can influence our study. Furthermore, we may spend too much money that is not earned by ourselves but come from our parents' hard working. The reasons above cause more and more schools make a rule to forbid trendy dresses or make students wear uniforms. It is not a good way but an effective way to solve these problems. If we want to get rid of uniforms forever, we must solve these problems by ourselves instead of the schools rule. We should earn school's trust by our behavior, then we can thoroughly say goodbye to uniforms! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 135 Should high school students wear uniforms? When asked about what to wear to school-uniforms or not, some people hold the opinion that to wear school uniforms is better than to wear other clothes one want to in many ways. Others, however, stand a very different ground. Personally, I prefer to wear school uniforms because it has more advantages. There are numerous reasons for me to believe to wear uniforms are better and I would in here explain few important ones. The main reason is that to wear school uniforms can make the students more concentrate on study. It can be given a concrete example that students go to a school that requires them wear their uniforms will surely have less trouble in picking clothes to wear every morning. And they will not pay their attention to the clothes others wear; this means they can be more concentrated on the study. Another reason why I advocate the attitude of that wearing uniforms is better lies in the fact that the uniforms is specially designed for the students. I believe it suits for them very much and can do well to the students at school. On the contrary, some of the students do not know what is good for them, and will choose some clothes that do not suit them or even do harm to them. All these demonstrate the undeniable fact that to wear uniforms at school is better. Of course, choosing to decide what to wear to school also have advantages to some extend, this enable the students to develop the habit of making choice all by themselves, that is to make decision themselves. If all the factors are completed, the advantages of wearing uniforms carry more weight than that of not. From what we have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that wearing uniform at school is better. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays w> ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 135 Should high school students wear uniforms? My high schools required us a few years ago to wear school uniforms. Somehow this requirement is not mandatory anymore, therefore only a couple of students have decided to wear the uniform from time to time. Other high schools in my town never required such things as a uniform, so the decision of the principal brought a lot of contradictory discussions. In my opinion, the fact that this requirement did not last is a confirmation of the fact that it was not a good idea. First of all, I consider that what we wear expresses our personality. Our clothes tell a lot about the type of person we are, so an outfit established by others means a denial of expressing ourselves. It is also true that we cannot wear at school fancy clothes, like when we go out with our friends, for example. But even if some of us decide to wear extravagant clothes, I think this issue concerns only them. They establish an image of themselves and therefore they will be regarded as they wish to be regarded. Teachers told us that we should be proud to wear the high school uniform when people recognize us on the streets, saying that we belong to the best high school in town. We were not exactly regarded as eminent students, especially by our colleagues from other schools. I believe that the way in which we behave and the way we think shows better what kind of an education we have than the fact that we are wearing gray clothes, which we do not even like. The schoolyard looked so strange when we were coming out from classes. All of us in dark uniforms, as if we were alike. We were not, and we should also show that to people surrounding us. It's my belief that requiring high school uniforms is an unnecessary thing. A prestigious high school is not a high school who likes to show off with its students, but one who lets the students express themselves freely.