yen;f> 1 страницаm Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 101 Doing work by hand vs. by machine In general, there are two ways of making products, one is by hand and the other is by machine. It is undeniable that products can be manufactured easily and efficiently by machine. But for me, I prefer hand-made items for their features of individualism and flexibility. First of all, hand-made products are more unique and personal. Take birthday cards as an example, instead of same pictures on the printed cards available in the market, well-chosen images such as our own photos printed on a self-made card can surely distinguish the card from others. Owing to its uniqueness, the self-designed card will be of greater value for the person who receives it. What's more, garments made by hand are fitter than machine made ones. Although men's suits and lady's dresses can easily be found in shops that sell machine-made clothes, many people go for tailor-made clothing simply because tailors can make those clothes precisely according to individual customer's measurement and styles. Obviously, the fitness of clothing is what those people care about most. Finally, producing items by hand is more flexible. It releases people from being confined by modes that are necessary for machine-made manufacturing. For example, in hand-made pottery making, people can create new designs at any time. While in machine manufacturing, however, modes have to be made in advance, and afterward all finished products are based on the same modes and have completely the same looks. If a different look is needed, people must reproduce the modes first. Moreover, there are still some items that cannot be produced by machine because there are no matched modes. In conclusion, it is easy to get the conclusion that doing work by hand is more flexible than by machine in most cases, so I prefer products that are made by hand. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 102 Should students evaluate their teachers? I am always amazed when I hear people saying that students have no rights to evaluate their teachers, and that if they do so, they should be regarded as dishonest. Even one did not know from concrete examples that schools should ask students to voice what they think of their teachers, one can deduce it from general principals. It is true that a young man, one of the students, may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuous or fatuous, but no one will have the ability to make sure that all teachers are not behaving like this. When a student has some fault, it is the teacher's duty to tell him what he should do; on the other hand, when a teacher does wrong, others, including his students, are bound to let him know. It is as if, sometimes, that what many teachers have done are devoid of any mistake, however, the way they taught still deserve improvements. In schools, students try to develop abilities and skills, and prepare for their careers in the future. It is true that what they get from schools may be perfectly adapted to the society during a certain period of time, but the world is not still; it is changing all the time. What is learned today may become outdated tomorrow. As a result, teachers, who are bound to make improvements of what they teach according to the reflections of the society, should be evaluated by their students. Furthermore, giving students the right to evaluate their teachers help create the air of freedom in schools. This is especially important to inspire students' thought, and to encourage them to think. If students are not allowed to voice what they think of their teacher, they will have to do what the teachers tell them exactly, only to become robots that can to do nothing other than following instructions. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that it is significantly necessary to ask students to express what they think of their teachers, and this does good to the students, to the teachers, and to the society as a whole. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 27S ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 103 What characteristic makes people successful? In my point of view, a sense of humor is as important as, if not more important than, other characteristics that a person can have to be successful in life. This I support with the following reasons. Firstly, humor helps us to maintain a correct sense of values. It is because that we are always reminded that tragedy is not really far from comedy, and then we never get a lop-sided view of things. A small example could get some light on this point. Once I failed an assignment again, and I told myself that God was on vacation these days. I did not feel frustrated, and I succeeded the third time. So, if we can see the funny side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously. It is helpful for us to keep self-confident. In addition, the sense of humor is associated with happiness, and happiness will influence people around us. Those who bring happiness to others probably have a good relationship with people surrounding them, which is essential to a successful life. We all have the experience that we are inclined to talk and cooperate with humorous people. We may treat such experience as an enjoyment instead of a rigid work. However, to be a successful people is a tough thing. We need intelligence, honesty, determination, a sense of humor and so on. Without intelligence, we could not find the keys to solve all the intricate problems. Without honesty, no one would trust us and we could achieve nothing alone. Without determination we would easily bend for difficulty. Even so, I still think of humor as the most important part. A sense of humor supports an active attitude towards life. And it is such attitude that encourages intelligence, honest and other characteristics in you. To summon up, a sense of humor is the most important characteristic. If happiness is one of the great goals of life, then it is the sense of humor that provides the key. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 2% ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 103 What characteristic makes people successful? Many people believe that one can be successful if he /she is committed, honest, faithful or intelligence. But, the foundation of each of these qualities lies in believing the power the person has, and working accordingly to achieve the goal. There are many people, who are honest, beautiful, good and soft spoken, intelligent and even faithful, but only some are successful in achieving their goals. While all of these characteristics are equally important and act as the medium for success, the most important is the power to cope with circumstances and keep our spirit goes on in the most difficult situations. It is well said that we cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sail. Similarly, on the way to our destination, we will come across a lot of obstacles, but we need to find the way to come across that situation. This is where success lies. No matter how low we fall, what matters is how high we bounce back. Success can be measured by what we have and how much power we are using to achieve our goals. For example, while in playing games, it is sure that one team will win and another will lose, but the spirit is not just in winning but also in learning new techniques and improving team sprit and cooperation skills. A winner team cannot always be successful, but the successful team is the one that has improved a lot with respect to its earlier performances. Though the person is honest, intelligent, faithful and committed, it is not sure that he will be successful. The most important character rather than these is efficiency,, which is to understand the environment and the need, and to implement best of the best ideas and actions. No matter how smaller step it can be, but it can bring great changes. As Shiva Khera once said, "Winners do not do different things but they do things differently", which better explains the meaning of being successful. Success is not just winning, but also is how much we are satisfied with whatever we are doing. So, all qualities like honesty, intelligence, and faithfulness are directly proportional to success. The definition of success for each of us may vary. Some may think the reason for success is honesty while others may think it is the commitment. But, in my opinion, where there is will there is power, so each of us should know our strength, and work accordingly to be successful. And we should measure our success not with others but with what we have and what we have achieved. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 104 Contributions of artists vs. scientists Science and art are two main streams of knowledge accumulated from ancient times by human beings. They have their own characteristics and provide to the society their contributions, which benefit the world in which we live. Some people think that the contributions of scientists are higher than that of the artists. Before I give my opinion, I want to see the two sides first. Science is defined mostly as the knowledge related to the natural world. I think most of its domains are involved in material things, such as food, housing, clothing, transport, etc. It is usually easy for people to feel the existence and progress of science, because it is usually taking place around us they are apparent. In the past and present, science has changed our life a great deal, and I believe in future, it will continue to improve the world we live in. Art is more related to our spiritual world. It has a long history, too. It has developed coincided with science. Art helps us to appreciate the beauty that exists in life. Many people admit that art can nourish their minds and refine their spiritual world. In this respect, art is a good complement to science. I can hardly tell which one has more weight in terms of the contributions to the society. They are both indispensable in this world. The history of human has proven this. So I do not think it is wise and safe to say that one of them is more important than the other. As far as I am concerned, I think they both weigh profoundly with regard to the contributions to the society. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 104 Contributions of artists vs. scientists Social benefit, I think, can be defined as the profit that people who live in the society can share and appreciate. When we compare the contributions of artists and scientists, it is quiet difficult to outweigh one of which. However, it is because we tend to easily find the contributions of scientists to our daily life that I am on the side of those who contribute to the society in a tangible way. Now I would like to illustrate some examples that support my opinion. First of all, all the appliances such as televisions, personal computers and microwaves ovens that we use in our daily life are contributed by the scientists' efforts and aspirations. Nowadays, we can barely survive without those products that always help with our daily tasks. Most of those are the great invention that is developed in the past 50 years. Almost all people in the society can share those contributions. Scientists' contributions are more than just inventing those appliances. Thanks to their tremendous perspiration, our mental and physical health is ensured and protected in many ways. Newly developed technologies help physicians to practice operations. A number of medicines relieve and alleviate our illnesses. Those improvements in the medical field can easily make people to admire scientists' contributions. On the other hand, artists' contributions are sometimes difficult to appreciate. There are a variety of buildings with artistic forms that are designed by artists. However ordinary people cannot truly appreciate those great works. In view of social benefits, those contributions are less important to people in the society. Therefore, artists' contributions to the society are unfortunately less attractive for me. With the illustrations above, I definitely believe that scientists contribute more to our society. Although life without artists' works is dull and meaningless, we cannot survive with the contributions of scientists for sure. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com •m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 105 University housing vs. apartment In dorms, students can learn to improve their communication skills and to live with others harmoniously. Roommates must adjust their eating and sleeping habits regarding to each other's needs. Each one must adjust his free time in such way that he does not bother others while they are studying. The environment of dorms is likely the environment of formal offices where everyone must find solution to various problems and cooperate with others. Consequently, by adapting to conditions of living in dorms, students can actually prepare themselves for their future jobs. The environment of a dormitory is friendly and understanding, because it consists of students who have same goals and interests. For example, if one failed to understand his lecture, he can ask others for help. Furthermore, students can find that it is easier to find topics to chat or conduct activities together because they have so much in common. Apartments have quietly different surroundings. Students usually have fewer neighbors and roommates so that they have less distraction. Thus, students can concentrate better on their schoolwork. As a result, their grades could be better. Moreover, living in apartments maintains students' privacy. One has his secrets that he does not want anyone to know and sometimes needs to spend his time alone to think about his problem. Another advantage is that people who live around apartments are diverse. Thus, students learn to contact with ordinary peoples and are not confined to the academic community. Therefore, students are offered a wide variety of experiences that will be useful in the future. If I were in a situation to choose whether I would live in a dorm or have a separate apartment, I would choose to live in a separate apartment. It could be argued that living in an apartment limit the contact of a student with his fellow students. This argument goes on to assert that such students are deprived from social environments and therefore remain aloof and introvert. However, it is a fact that students can make enough friends even if they live outside of the university. Especially, in the cases that student live with their friends. Furthermore, students can visit each other as often as they need to. They can maintain a good relationship with their fellow students in a way that does not affect their school performance. Alternatively, students who live in academic dormitories are constantly surrounded with familiar people so they cannot avoid excessive socializing even if they don't want to. As a result, they do no have enough time for studying and the get low grades. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 290 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 105 University housing vs. apartment I think it's better for college students to live on-campus during their first two years in college, and then move into an apartment off-campus during their last two years. Freshmen and sophomores need the convenience of campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life. Students' needs change during four years, so should their housing too. Living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things going on campus. You get the whole university experience. Plus, you interact more with other students. This includes not only with your roommates, but also everyone in your dormitory. The older students in the dormitory can be of a big help to the new students. Keeping up with studies during your first year is hard enough. You shouldn't have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy. Living in the dormitory also makes a student feel more like a member of the university community. There are more opportunities of becoming involved in university activities and networking with student leaders and university administration. Living off-campus, however, is a definite advantage for senior students. Finding an apartment, dealing with leases and the landlord's regulations, cooking meals, and planning budgets are all good preparations for life after graduation. This kind of independence helps senior students grow into adulthood. Off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on what's going on in the society. Students meet different people in the society than on campus. Getting to know their neighbors who are not students can enrich students' understanding to the society and help them adapt to life after graduation. In conclusion, I think a combination of two years on-campus and two years o f f -campus is a winning combination for most students. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 291 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 105 University housing vs. apartment Accommodation is one of the basic needs of people in today's society. The choice of living in dormitories on campus or finding an apartment off campus depends upon the student's preferences. A student living in an apartment may seem to hold this view that he can share his room with other people who would reduce a great burden on paying off a huge amount of rent. While living in a dormitory one cannot have this type of advantage. On the other hand, a student who prefers to live in a dormitory may hold his view that one does not have to worry about getting up early and to rush for a bus or any other means of transport to attend one's class. The strong view presented by a student living in an apartment is that he does not have to abide by the rules, e.g. the main terms and regulations for a student living in a dormitory. Whereas, a student who chooses to live in a dormitory may strongly condemn this view: he express his view stating that a student living in an apartment also has to follow the rules of maintaining the room properly, such as to clean the rooms and make it neat and tidy, wash the bathroom properly etc. A student in a dormitory holds this view that everything has been provided to them. All the facilities are provided at a university dormitory; while living in an apartment one may not gain this advantage. On the contrary, a student living in an apartment hold the view that a dormitory student is restricted to certain things such as they are not allowed to go out of the university beyond given times. While living in an apartment, there won't be such problems, and one is free of time restrictions. In my view, I prefer living in an apartment because I hold my opinion that if I do not have enough money to afford a living in dormitory, then certainly I would live in an apartment where I can share my rent with other people. Every thing has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to a student to decide what he chooses and how to make use of his choice. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1ft. ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 106 Means of transportation Advances in science have thrown before us a number of options for covering distances, either long or short. The type of transport to be used for covering distances depends upon a range of factors like distance between the and starting point and the destination, time and money constraint for traveling, availability of different mode of transports, time taken for travel, safety considerations and the number of persons traveling. To cover a distance of 40 miles, for instance, the options I can think of are on foot, by bicycle, by motorcycle, by car, or by bus. The longest time taken for traveling this far will be on foot while the shortest time will be by car or motorcycle, but again since the number of persons traveling is one which is me, a car will not be a feasible option as it will be underutilized and will prove to be costly because of high fuel consumption and initial cost. A bicycle will be cheaper in terms of initial cost and there is no fuel consumption. But it will take much longer time to travel, and it may cause physical fatigue. Therefore, this option is ruled out. A bus will prove to be a cheaper mode but the flexibility is limited regarding timing of arrival and departure. A motorcycle will be economical but will not be safe to drive on highways. Therefore considering all modes of transportation available and taking into account various factors mentioned above, I will prefer to take a bus as it will be safe and economical, although it is less flexibility in terms of departure and arrival times. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 106 Means of transportation The 40 miles distance is not very long for me. There are three kinds of transportation tools I could use to travel 40 miles from my home. They are driving a car, taking a train, and riding a bike. It seems very difficult to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages to the extent that it is hard to distinguish. Yet that does not mean they are of the same to me. To be frank, I would prefer riding a bike. I like it because riding a bike is one of the best physical exercises. During my early high school years, I used public transportation to go to school, therefore I often got sick. Ever since I started riding a bike to school, I had never been sick again. Bike riding makes me strong. Bike riding is also a flexible means of travel. I do not need to worry about the bus or train schedule. I do not need to care about the parking problem; I can leave my bike almost anywhere. In addition, I can go to some places where automobiles and trains cannot reach, such as rural areas. Once I rode a bike in France. Along the wine road, we biked from Strasbourg to Colmar, stopped at each small village every 2-3 miles, tasted the fresh homemade wine, and enjoyed the medieval architectures in those villages. It was absolutely a romantic trip! Although driving a car or taking a train is faster than riding a bike, and save your concerns about the weather, they have a lot of disadvantages. Driving a car can cause parking and environmental problems, and taking a train is limited by the train schedule. Both of these means are expensive. One needs to pay for the gasoline or train tickets. No wonder, I prefer riding a bike! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 2?<f ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 107 Should higher education be available to all? Some people hold the opinion that university education should be available to all students, while others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. I deem the first one as the premier choice. The main reason is that providing all students with the opportunity to obtain higher education is highly beneficial to the development of modern society. More and more people will be able to obtain knowledge and become professionals if higher education is available to all students. Since there are not only a lot of excellent professors who have significant experiences of teaching and research but also plenty of advanced facilities such as laboratories and libraries at the universities, students have much better opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills. If everyone in a society is highly educated, there will be no doubt that the society will be able to develop at a great speed. The second reason is that it is obviously not fair to a lot of students if a university education is available only to some students. I am convinced that everyone in the world should have the same right to acquire knowledge no matter what his intellectual ability or financial status is. There is no reason for people to judge students merely based on their academic performances and decide if they should be granted with higher education. It is only fair that everyone has the right to obtaat a university education. Last but not least, people are able to obtain better jobs since universities can better prepare students for their future careers. At universities, there are a lot of opportunities for students to participate in co-op programs. By participating in co-op programs, students cannot only learn how to write resumes but also practice their interviewing skills. All these skills gained at universities will be highly conducive for students to quickly obtain job offers after graduating from universities. To sum up, taking into account of all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that higher education should be available to every student. View TOEFL/GRE/GMAT essays at FindScore.com! TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 2& ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 107 Should higher education be available to all? While higher education should be available to all students, I am sorry to say I strongly believe that the higher education of better quality should be available only to better students because this is a simple resource management issue although it would hurt many people's feeling. It is given that colleges and universities cannot possibly be built equally with the same quality of facility, faculty, curriculum, etc., which resulted in different school reputation. Therefore, certain schools must be more competitive than others. Then the question is who should be selected to attend the better schools. In California universities, there used to be a quota system ensuring students' race distribution does not deviate too much from that of the entire state. However, students in different ethnic groups do score very differently in the standard SAT and ACT exams. As a result, the minimum admission scores were quite different for different ethnic groups. The local newspapers called it reverse race discrimination and California state government reportedly cancelled the quota system few years ago. As a matter of fact, Germany has been administering an exam at the end of primary school for years to divide their students into two categories. One for higher education and the other for vocational training. A system like this would make sure that limited educational resources are used in the most effective ways. As for China, late Chairman Mao did make all the universities in China open to public, which lasted as long as 10 years! The result? These students were criticized as having college student's title, using high-school textbooks and staying at primary school level. Not only the society refused to recognize them as college students, even the government called them college trainee instead of college student! Again, it would hurt some people's feeling, but the policy is strongly supported by early genetic research. My education psychology textbook described tracking investigation on twins from the same egg, but growing up in different families for whatever reasons. If all babies were born equal in their future physical and mental abilities, there would be much less correlation between the twins than that between the twin and his/her sibling in the foster family. Unfortunately, statistics is science from God. The conclusion in the textbook is that the babies' future physical and mental abilities are 75% related to genes and 25% to the post-born environment and personal effort. The truth is obviously there, but to be politically correct is something I admit very necessary. This is why every country is sending better students to better schools, but keeping the issue low-key. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 1% ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 108 The best way of learning