yen;f> 4 страницаm Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 124 Social science vs. natural science The chances of receiving education are considered the most fundamental right of human beings in the 21st century. Naturally, the argument about what the students should acquire at schools has attracted many attentions from people of various walks of life. In considering the obligatory courses required at schools, people have different ideas. Some would hold the view that it is more important for students to study science and mathematics than it is for them to study history and literature. I agree with this point of view completely. Although both social and natural science courses play an important role in the whole education system, natural science seems to have a greater impact on human progress. Our society is developing at a high speed quite unprecedented before. One cannot deny the fact that all of these results came directly from scientific discoveries. An example is that during the period of industrial revolution, it is science and mathematics that brought many inventions and discoveries such as assembly lines, mending machines and electric appliances which has freed the most of people from manual labors once and for all. The above reason I pointed out does not mean that literature and history cannot improve people's lives but they have few advantages to people's material life especially to those poor people who are still struggling for the essential needs of shelters and foods. Literature and history cannot be put into practice to some extent. Research and development of science and mathematics on the contrary can be applied to our real life and improve our living standard. Take medical science for example, the new findings of treatments of certain diseases can save lives of many people. There still exist some fatal diseases that threaten people's lives. All this will depend on the development of medical science. In short, all courses involving literature and history, science and mathematics are necessary and important to students. However, according to the reasons I discussed above, I want to make the judgment that science and mathematics course are more useful. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays Z1S ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 125 Should art and music be compulsory subjects? I totally agree with the statement that all students should be required to study art and music in secondary schools. It comes as a direct interpretation of the apothegm 'All work and no fun, makes Jack a dull boy'. The education of art and music is necessary to provide for that spice in life. The stress of life can be easily alleviated by the use of art or music, something that interests and titillates the individual. In secondary schools, students are like wet mud; they can be molded with the shapes one likes. Art and music are activities that bring out a softer, mature and a complete person. Without them, life tends to become dull and burdensome. Students tend to get bored of pedantic learning, and need a break from regular classroom education in the forms of art and music. Providing good facilities to capable students enhances their talents in art and music. Moreover students can develop their inter-personal skills when participating in extra co-curricular activities such as instrument, vocal and painting groups. The sense of honor will encourage them to improve their results on science courses. Art and music are an integral part of a complete human being. They are one of the essential ingredients of life. So in order to develop students with full personalities, secondary schools should impart art and music knowledge to its students. On the other hand students should not be forced to take up some form of art or music. It should be entirely optional for students to choose whatever forms of art or music that interest them. It is art and music that differentiate humans from animals. The serenity and tranquility that music and arts provide only human can enjoy. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 125 Should art and music be compulsory subjects? Life cannot be full without understanding and appreciating the greatest culture inheritances from our earlier generations such as arts and music. Secondary school prepares us to enter into college and adult life. Therefore all students should be required to study art and music in secondary schools. Arts are a part of our life. From antique cave drawings to African tribal crafts, from Indian totem poles to modern buildings, arts are everywhere. Not to mention those art exhibitions in art galleries and museums, which attract hundreds of millions of people to visit them each year. Even our home equipments are made with a touch of art. Arts are ubiquitous. Music is also an important cultural heritage of human being and remains a part of our present. It is common sense that music can relax our body and soul. For example, by listening to classical music that are played by traditional instruments, while gaining knowledge about the history and stories behind these music, students can really improve their knowledge, cultivate their spirits and broaden their views. Studying arts and music in high school also allow students to take a break between those mentally demanding courses such as math and physics. These arts and music course can even help students improve their results in math and physics, because a good relaxation can help students concentrate more later on. I am high school student myself and I believe that all students should be required to take arts and music courses during their secondary school years. It is not necessary for students to learn arts in order to become artists; but it is definitely necessary for students to learn to appreciate arts. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ZT> ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 125 Should art and music be compulsory subjects? Art and music are the advanced products of civilizations. They have been developed through thousands of years and accompanied by the progress of science and knowledge. In this sense, some people think that all students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. In my opinion, I totally agree the statement for a number of reasons. As is so often pointed out that art and music can broaden people's view of the world. The world that we live in is not only a material world, but also a spiritual world. The art and music that belong to the latter can benefit our souls and form our personalities. For instance, a piece of music often can bring us different feelings such as calm, happy, sad or sorrow. I would always like to listen to Tchaikovsky's Pathetique when I am in a bad mood; I always feel much better and ready to face challenges again after I hear it. I believe most of us have this kind of experience. Art and music education in high school can enrich students' life, even though they will not make them as a career at a later time. In addition, the love for art and music can become a good hobby for a person who has this kind of education when he/she is young. Many people have various hobbies that make their life meaningful and they may seldom feel bored during their spare time. Appreciating art and music is a great hobby. Many students acquire the hobby of appreciating art or listening to music after they took courses in art and music in high school. Last but not least, for some students art and music can help with their career pursuit, because they can get inspirations from art and music to achieve in other fields. For example, the profession of architecture has a strong relationship with art and music. "Buildings are frozen music." We can see that many buildings that were designed by architects were influence by some form of art. On the other hand, Albert Einstein, the Nobel Prize winner and the famous scientist, was also an excellent violinist and he admitted that music could refresh his mind and lead to more effective thinking. Moreover, some students pursue a career in art and music due to their art education in high school. They become artists or singers after they graduate. Maybe we are not aware of it at first, but from the above arguments we could see that art and music education are very important for high school students. It will surely benefit their school life and life after TOEFL TWE Sample Essays Itt ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 126 Can young people teach older people? Living at the start of the new millennium, in the most advanced technological era in history, one is confronted with a plethora of knowledge and information which itself continues to become outdated by the moment. While young people possess an ability to learn new concepts and absorb information faster and easier many now products or ideas could be taught to old people if they possessed the desire to learn. The computer, for old people, has emerged as the first barrier and stigma. With a computer, one can work without paper and pencil, obtain useful searches on the Internet or make online purchases from ones home. However, many older people are not able to do these things since using a computer initially demands a modicum of knowledge and skill. If one has time, there are rewards, however, to teaching our grandparents how to use a computer in order that they could discover the many benefits and pleasure of using a computer. In addition to new technological products, ideas or concepts that have helped shape young people can be conveyed to old people. Many old people maintain that health, for example, suggests an absence of disease. Yet many of us have realized that the notion of being healthy contains emotional, social and physical health rather than simply living without illness. Such scientific notions could be learned by old people from their children because young people may acquire such new ideas quickly. Why not learn something new from youngsters in order to adjust to a modern lifestyle and become healthier? There is no doubt that there are many things we should learn from older people such as aspects of traditional culture or some valuable, life-teaching experience. But in modern society it is the young who, at the forefront of the era, possess updated knowledge, positioning old people to learn from those younger. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 126 Can young people teach older people? Who says only old people can teach young people? We admit that older people have much more experiences than our young people, and it is true that they can give us much guidance when we encounter problems or unsolvable difficulties. However, with the rapid development of the modern society, young people can also teach the older people a lot. They can update knowledge about new technologies for the elders, share attitudes towards life with them and bring freshness into their lives. Since living in a very fast developing society, we need to make contact with many new technologies everyday. In other words, we need to learn everyday to keep up with the latest development. For example, computers are now very popular, but we seldom see the elders use computers. If they can learn how to use them from young people, they will definitely be beneficial from it because computers have brought a lot of changes to our lives and bring us new experiences. Young people are known for their quick understanding and acceptance new things, so that I think they can teach the older about new technologies used in our daily life. The attitudes of young people are totally different from old people. Mostly they are more positive and energetic than old people. They have a different angle to judge things. Sometimes the elders are passive towards life because they went through a lot of frustrations. On the contrary, young people are full of energy towards the life, and they are always optimistic. They proudly say because they are young, they can try millions of times. In some degree, young people's attitudes may influence old people. Young people also can share with old people what they like, which may result a change of old people. As we know, most young people like popular music. I have a friend who likes Japanese music very well; everyday she plays this music at home. Her grandmother often asks her to stop the music and asks her why she likes it. My friend tells her grandmother about the history of Japanese music and shows her a lot of examples. Gradually her grandmother likes Japanese music as well, which made us so surprised. Now if we go to their house, we can see my friend and her grandmother listening Japanese music together and share the feelings as well. You must be surprised like me when you know the story, but it did happen. So, no matter what age group you belong to, we must believe that everyone has something to share with others and to teach others. Old people can give the youngsters' lessons and guidance, on the other hand, young people also can teach the elders new things and different ways towards life. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 126 Can young people teach older people? To my ear this statement sounds false and a little too fare-fetched. It is truth universally acknowledged that the old people have volumes of experience, while the young have the energy and lots of creative power. Therefore I think that it's not suitable to take sides in this situation. Because in my view there is no way to determine who is better - the old or the young. Obviously, each of these groups has its own positives and negatives. I suppose they should co-operate and be helpful to one another rather than try to rival. The exchange should be done for their own mutual benefits. Even though the old people possess a great deal of experience, it is sometimes not enough for surviving in the changing modern world. That's why they often get stuck with their dated information, without being able to break free from their own prejudice. In many cases the old people are used to their old ways and, I imagine, it must be really hard for them to get adjusted to the new environment. But one should always remember that, like it or not, only the fittest survive. Therefore, if the old people don't want to become extinct as dinosaurs did, they should rather learn some ways from the young. The thing is that the young people are way more flexible to all of the little changes happening in their everyday life. It is easier for them to get up-to-date and to face the fact that some old ways are no longer valid. For them it is not a difficult thing to come to terms with. I guess that this is something that could be of some use for the elder people as well. If they have lots of experience to give, the young can teach them lots of flexibility in return. In fact, I personally think that there are many things that the young can teach older people and flexibility is just one of them. But the problem is sometimes that the old are very unlikely to be willing to accept this kind of searching with their arms wide open. Most of the times they are conservative and prefer to stick to their old ways. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 126 Can young people teach older people? An English proverb goes, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." With all due respect to this folk wisdom, I have to admit that it sounds somewhat dated to me. At the same time I agree that almost every saying has a grain of truth to it, and this one is no exception. Nor is another one? There is no fool like an old fool. As it can easily be seen, the two sayings contradict each other, which may seem terribly confusing. Nevertheless I would like to pursue the subject at some length and try to find out which one is in the right. It goes without saying that the old dog has quite a lot of experience. During its lifetime it has learnt a lot of different tricks that now make it feel happy and content with itself. I believe it deserves all kind of respect and admiration, since it has done a pretty good job. But one should always remember that the kind of tricks it has been doing up to now are old-fashioned and not up-to-date anymore. There now exists a marvelous opportunity to do all of them over again in a better, more sophisticated way. It is not surprising that a young dog would be way more dexterous in performing those tricks. Moreover, it can create some innovative, brand-new ways that an old dog has never even dreamed about. Therefore I suppose that the old dog should appreciate this never-ending source of energy and ideas, and maybe even pick up some of them. If the old dogs don't want to be considered off-the-shelf, they should rather be flexible and get with the times. "You are never too old to learn" shrewdly reminds them another popular saying. But still there is no way for the mature dogs to humbly imitate their own puppies. It is advisable for them to share the accumulated knowledge with the young, to be more helpful and willing to co-operate. At the same time, all of this will be accepted more easily if the old dogs don't try to impose their experience on the young. Then the latter would undoubtedly greet their teachings with their arms wide open. Both the old and the young should never forget that they are living in the same world that belongs equally to the first group as to the second. Even though the modern world is changing all the time, there still are ways to get adjusted to it for both. All metaphors aside, I guess that the young and the old must be very loyal to each other. They should exchange their experience and whatever else they have to give to each other. To get back to where I started? Nor the first nor the second saying is totally correct. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 127 Reading fiction vs. watching movies Watching movies is a much better option compared to reading fiction. So I disagree that reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies. In fact movies provide a first hand experience with real emotions. Also movies can be watched with the company of others, thus making for healthy relationships. Movies are generally much better received compared to novels or short stories. They tend to be much more exciting and surely provide real-time first hand experience. Reading fiction, more often than not, gives only vicarious pleasure. Also movies are a much better option for real emotions. The scenes, physiognomy of characters and background music all add up to a great experience. Howsoever good a piece of fiction is, it leaves much to be desired. The way movies exhibit a wide gamut of emotions and experiences are difficult to find in fiction books. Another major reason for movies being more enjoyable is that one can watch movies in company of others. No such sharing is possible in reading fiction. There is nothing like enjoying a movie with the person you love, or your family members, it provides the warmth to make for a pleasurable experience. In conclusion, I derive much greater fun, joy and excitement from watching movies, than by reading fiction. According to me, movies will always hold the upper hand. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays 111 ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 128 Physical exercise vs. academic study I am surely of the opinion that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Even a small session of exercise, but a regular one, can go a long way to give a balanced body. The rest of the school day can take care of academic studies. The common saying 'All work and no play makes John a dull child' holds water here. Also a balanced body allows one to have a balanced mind on top of it. A small part of the day devoted to exercise can take a long way in preventing future health risks. Moreover in the age of fast-food getting rid of the couch potato image is essential for today's young generation. It can easily be reasoned that students have better concentration if they exercise regularly. The mind runs fresh only if the body supports it. Students always need a break from the daily tedious lectures, and exercise can provide it in the best way. Another important reason to have daily physical exercise is its long-term benefits. Researchers have shown that daily dose of exercise can greatly reduce the risks of many diseases, especially heart problems. Physical exercise can act as a handy weapon against the rising obesity at school students. For maintaining good health, one always needs to do physical exercise daily. So why not do it in the discipline of the school? An entire day of academic studies can make life dull for students, and exercise can act as a pleasant escapade. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com m Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 129 Business research vs. agricultural research There are two kinds of opinions concerning the plan to develop a research center in our country. One is to develop a business research center and the other, a agriculture research center. Taking consideration of the current situation in China, I strongly recommend the former because it will help to solve the urgent problems in our country. First of all, a business research center will help to develop the economy. At present, the global economy is slowing down and there is no evidence indicating that the recovery will come any time soon. Our biggest trading partners such as the United States and Japan fall into economic plight. As result, the exportations to those countries and direct investment from them are decreasing. The most important task is how to keep the economy growing healthily. The center will help to complete this task by exploring new business opportunities to increase exporting and helping enterprises adjust themselves. Secondly, a business research center will help to solve the problem of unemployment. With the reform of state owned enterprises, more and more workers employed by those enterprises lost their jobs. Our economic reform and adjustment is going through a vital stage. A business research center will help the enterprise figure out how to solve this problem and the unemployed people will have a chance to get jobs in new business fields. Finally, it will help to solve China's rural problems. China has a big population, and nearly 70 percent of its population is farmers, namely, 700million farmers in China. Now the rural problem is focused on farmers who have been released from arable lands with the development of new technology can get their jobs. A business research center will help to develop rural economy in the industrial and service fields that can absorb the enormous number of farmers. Based on the reasons I present above. I believe a business center will play a strong role at present than a agriculture research center does. As result, I support the plan to develop a business research center in our country. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ZS ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 129 Business research vs. agricultural research It is a well-established fact that science from the very beginning has aimed to serve the community. This has been in the form of taming the nature forces, alleviating some arduous problems, or improving the mundane life in one form or another. My country is a developing one, and is suffering from some economic problems. While agriculture has been the most pervasive hustle since the first Egyptian stepped into the Nile valley, nevertheless, I prefer the business center to be developed and hereinafter I will present and analyze this perspective. Agriculture is responsible for providing the community with food and supporting some industries. For my country, there is no persistent conflict in providing food. Moreover, no conflict exists regarding the necessary water supply. Not denying that researches in agriculture will produce new generations of crops that consume less water, produce more nourishment, resist diseases, or require fewer pesticides. However, in my perspective, we must provide more jobs to increase the income of families and hence supply them with adequate fund that will motivate the economy wheel. This attitude will result in more purchases and hence the necessity for increasing the agricultural production will arise. But first we must begin with research center that supports the economy. To support the economy, provide more jobs, and increase the annual income per capita, we must focus on the most lucrative activities. Agriculture is considered within the least profitable activities. While business fortifies all aspects of the economy, business research will improve sales of marketing centers, provide the industry with new ideas based on the requirements of the customers. Moreover, business will assert the economic side of management systems of factories and governmental facilities. Ultimately, universities should provide the community with more researches and scientific potential in the field that exclusively support the welfare of the community. Keeping this in mind, business centers will be the right choice. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays Hi ToeflEssays. com Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 129 Business research vs. agricultural research Since the announcement of the University's plan to develop a new research center in our country, many people have showed their concern for the project and expressed their views of type of center it should be. It is now clear that the diversified views have converged to two: a business research center or an agriculture research center. Now that we have to make a decision, I think we should choose the latter without hesitation. As everybody knows, our country is an agricultural country whose fanning produce is not enough to feed its own people. We have no way out but to develop our agriculture because agriculture is the foundation of our national economy and because it would be a disaster to the whole world if we rely on foreign food to feed the biggest population in the world. To develop our agriculture, we cannot just call on the peasants to work harder because they have being working the hardest from generation to generation. What we should do is to raise their educational level and provide them with better seeds, more fertilizers, advanced machinery and equipment, and up-to-date technical advice. In short, we have to rely on science and technology to develop our agriculture. Some people would say that this couldn't be a convincing reason because science and technology are needed not only in agriculture but also in all other fields. My view is that our situation in agriculture is the most serious and the challenges are the greatest. Ours is a big country with widely different climates and soil conditions. If we are to assist the peasants, we have to study all types of crops and all the fanning conditions in this land. With a research center, these problems can be studied and solved systematically. But so far, no agriculture research center worthy of the name has been set up while there is already a business center in the southern part of the country. Because of the above reasons, I strongly recommend that we develop a research center for agriculture purpose and I also strongly recommend this center be well funded. If wee take this step and succeed in this endeavor, our agricultural produce will be greatly increased and our whole national economy will have a solid foundation. TOEFL TWE Sample Essays ToeflEssays. com w Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions Topic 130 Should children spend much time on sports?