In 1891, a Canadian sports teacher that worked in an American school in Massachusetts invented a new game. His name was James Naismith. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 In 1891, a Canadian sports teacher that worked in an American school in Massachusetts invented a new game. His name was James Naismith. James decided to create a game for his lazy and rebellious students. They had to keep fit but they couldn’t go outside because it was a very cold winter. They had to play in the gym. He took two old peach baskets that he saw on the floor and put them on the wall. Then, he organized the students in two teams and he asked them to pass a big round ball and throw it into the baskets. This is how J. Naismith invented basketball. His students loved the game and learnt the 13 rules that their teacher made. Soon it became very popular in the USA.