INFORMATION LETTER. International Conference Intelligent Systems in Science and Technology.. The 5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference Artificial Intelligence in Solving Actual Social and Economic Problems of the 21st Centu
INFORMATION LETTER International Conference "Intelligent Systems in Science and Technology". The 5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Artificial Intelligence in Solving Actual Social and Economic Problems of the 21st Century"
Dear colleagues!
Official languages of the Conferenceare Russian and English. The purpose of the Conferenceis to promote the development of advanced information technologies and automated control systems (including IoT). Sessions of the Conference:
1.Cyber-physical systems, IoT(smart house, smart city). 2.Robotics,mechatronics. 3.Artificial intelligence.Big data systems(big data, data mining, block chain). 4.Artificial intelligence in natural and social sciences. 5.Computer vision and visualization systems. 6.Additive technologies. 7. Fundamental problems of data mining.
The form of participation is full-time-presentation at the session and publication of the papers in the conference proceedings (It is registered in the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI)) in Russian or English. Due to the difficult situation caused by the coronavirus infection, it is possible to participate in the Conferences via interactive media platforms. Participation in the conferences is free of charge.
The organizing committee of a Conference reserves the right to decide on the inclusion of each paper in the proceedings by results of reviewing. The best papers (according to an editorial board) will be published in the Bulletin of Perm University. “Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer science” or in the journal “Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences” in Russian or English. These journals are registered in the RSCI.
During the reviewing process, the organizing committee determines the appropriate conference session for each paper. The detailed program of the conference will be sent to the participants in addition.
The organizers will be glad to review your original, not published works on the subject of the Conference.
Application for participation in the Conference and papers are accepted until September 15,2020. The organizing committee reserves the right to reject the application if article does not correspond to subject and (or) level of the Conference. After expert evaluation the editorial board makes a decision about the publication of a paper. The message of inclusion of a paper in the Conference proceedings will be sent to the authors until September 29, 2020.
To register and fill out an electronic application form, go to https://robotpsu.timepad.ru/event/1225394. The paper template can be obtained at https://vk.cc/91ho2j. Papers are accepted in a volume of at least 3 pages but not more than 6 pages of A4 format. Papers should be designed according to the requirements specified in the template. Papers that are not designed according to the template will not be accepted for consideration. After filling out the electronic application form, send the text of the paper to isntconf@gmail.com.
Please, give the file name with the text of your paper in the following form: Name_paper.doc, where “Name” is the last name of the author of the paper (the first of the co-authors). If the author (co-authors) submit one more paper (no more than two), then include the number of the paper in the file name (Name_paper1.doc etc). The subject line of the e-mail with your paper should be "Paper to the conference". Papers from participants registered after the deadline will not be accepted.
Please forward all the questions to the executive secretary of the Conference: