Session date 4 July 1998 2 страницаВ: (Л) То есть, другими словами, если кто-то полагал, что это был Рейс 19, он и появился, а если бы кто-то не поверил, что это был Рейс 19, он бы исчез? О: Да. В: (J) О Боже! (T) А ведь я тогда не поверил... (L) Значит, мы победили! (F) Мы отправили некоторых бедных парней в психиатрическую лечебницу. (L) Нет, я думаю, что исследователи отправились на поиски, а из-за наличия окна... (T) Самолеты показались точно, как они и ожидали увидеть их, в строю... но самолеты не смогли упасть на дно в строю. Это должно было сразу натолкнуть исследователей на что-то. Когда я услышал, что они нашли те самолеты в формации, рядом друг с другом, это обеспокоило меня. (F) Даже если что-то идет ко дну, оно не попадет туда в положении, в котором это нечто было наверху. (T) И еще они обнаружили после начала проверок отчетов, что у побережья разбилось около 200 таких самолетов. А ещё был другой парень, который утверждал, что он нашел один из тех самолетов, только это не был один из Рейса 19. У меня есть вопрос... Что случались с самолетом PBY, который вылетел на поиски Рейса 19? О: Он все еще пытается найти Эвенджеров. В: (T) В той же самой параллельной реальности, что и Рейс 19? О: Да. В: (T) Он когда-нибудь найдет их? О: ? В: (Л) Сколько времени прошло согласно восприятию экипажа Рейса 19? О: Нисколько. В: (J) Значит, они ничего не подозревают. (S) Интересно, они возвратятся в наше время или в свое время? A: Ваше восприятие.
Q: (L) Okay, at the time this “Mark of Cain” came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration? A: It was added to all simultaneously. Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it? A: DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal. Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually? How did they effect this change on all of them? A: Light wave alteration. Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA? A: Yes. Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves? A: Our center. Our realm. STO. The Reptilian beings used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves.
В: (L) Ладно, во время появления этой "Каиновой Печати", имелись ли другие люди на планете, которые не имели этих образований? О: Это образование было добавлено всем одновременно. В: (L) Как они физически осуществили это действие? Каков был механизм этого события, детали? О: Ядро ДНК - пока еще неоткрытый фермент, имеющий отношение к углероду. Световые волны использовались для того, чтобы отключить первые десять факторов ДНК, сжигая их. В тот момент произошел ряд физических изменений, включая узел в верхней части позвоночного столба. Каждое из них в равной степени отражено в эфирном мире. В: (L) Хорошо, у меня вопрос: сколько людей было на планете, и пришлось ли проделывать что-то с каждым индивидуально? Как они произвели эти изменения сразу у всех? О: Изменение световых волн. В: (L) И что, световые волны, настоящие световые волны способны воздействовать на ДНК? О: Да. В: (T) Что было источником световых волн? О: Наш центр. Наш мир. Служащие Другим. Рептилии использовали сложную технологию, чтобы исказить частоты световых волн.
Wave Chapter 4 (Волна глава 4). Q: They have said that light waves alter DNA. (AB) What specific light frequency? A: 6 pt 5. Q: (AB) Angstroms? A: Yes. Q: (AB) That’s actually the frequency of a medium red neon laser. A laser is a monochromic frequency. It’s like one of those laser pointers. It puts out only one color, one exact frequency. 6.5 would be mid-orange? A: Yes.
В: (L) Они говорили, что световые волны изменяют ДНК. (AB) Какая именно световая частота? О: 6.5 В: (AB) Ангстрем? О: Да. В: (AB) Это, фактически, частота красного неонового лазера. Лазер - это монохромная частота. Наподобие лазерных указок. Он излучает только один цвет, одну конкретную частоту. Частота 6.5 ангстрем - середина оранжевого диапазона? О: Да.
May 27, 1995 Q: (T) We have some company this evening. Roger and Carla Santilli are with us. Roger has some questions to ask. A: Hello, Roger. Q: (RS) Hello. I want to know whether we can have any clues on the propulsion systems of UFOs? A: Sure! Q: (RS) What’s the mechanism of the propulsion? A: This is difficult to answer when posed in such a manner, as we are talking about multiple realities, density levels and various modes as well!! Q: (RS) Is the gravity experienced by an anti-particle in the field of matter attractive or repulsive? A: Repulsive when thought of in the way that is parallel to your studies, but, as we alluded to in the previous answer, there are more realms involved besides the one with which you are most familiar. Q: (RS) The next question is: particles move, matter moves, in our direction of time, do anti-particles, anti-matter flow backward in time? A: Think of it as merely one seventh of the equation, Roger! Q: (L) Can we get an answer on whether this is the case strictly on the third level of density? A: Backward. Q: (RS) Yes! I am interested in the propulsion systems of UFOs, the only way that I can perceive traveling the long distances involved in interstellar space is to have what is called a “space/time” machine. We cannot move the enormous distances unless you can fold, somehow, time and space. You cannot fold space unless you join it and fold time. You cannot have interstellar travel unless you have a space/time machine. But, a space/time machine means to also have the ability to move forward and backward in time, to manipulate time. (L) Yes, you would have to cross distances and simultaneously move backward through time so that you would end up arriving wherever you are going essentially at the same moment that you left. (RS) That is why I asked whether we could use anti-matter as propulsion, because it would be repulsive in the right direction. The second question, whether, when we use anti-matter, we would move backward in time. Because, some of those objects, you see them moving, and they can be moving in space but not in time, or they could be moving in time but not in space. If you see a UFO, it does not mean that it is in our time. It could be in a completely different time. (L) And, they disappear sometimes right before the eyes of the observer, and the question is: where do they go? (RS) They could be standing still in space, but moving time. Or moving backwards. (L) And, there are a lot of abductions reported where there is seemingly no time lost at all. They come in, haul the victim out, do whatever they do, and then they slide them back in a fraction of a second away, if not at the identical second they took the victim out! (RS) Yes! This article I presented is exactly about this point! If, indeed, anti-particles have lift, then necessarily they have to go backward in time. Then they manipulate this: you can have an abduction any length of time inside the craft, but in our time, in our level three, it is zero time! (L) Yes, exactly! And not only that, there is the phenomenon of the craft that looks small from the outside, but inside is huge! (RS) That is all tied up in it! This is very exciting. I am learning the language. In our third level, the motion in space and time occurs via the change of the unit of time and space, therefore, can we change the unit? A: Yes, this is precisely what we mean when we speak of “transiting from 4th to 3rd.” Q: (RS) So, when they travel from fourth to third, they change the units. That is precisely what is in the article in the journal! [Holds up book.] This is published in the Ukraine. [Turns to page and displays diagrams and equations.] This is the experiment to test anti-gravity. There is a two-mile long tunnel that is a vacuum inside. They suck the air out. The first measure is to shoot photons to identify, at the end of the two mile tunnel, the no gravity point. The second measure is to shoot a neutron, and we know that a neutron is attractive. So, after two miles, the energy is very, very low. So, there is no gravitational effect when the neutron hits the point. Then, the third step is to shoot an anti-neutron at the same time and see what happens. This experiment will resolve this issue that this board has answered very scientifically. We call it the gravity of anti-particles because we don’t know. It can be down… Einstein predicts this as attractive as a neutron, anti-matter and matter have the same gravitational attraction. That’s what Einstein says. But, when Einstein’s theory was proposed, in 1915, anti-matter wasn’t discovered until fifty years later. If now, theoretically, the only way a particle, in our theory, can go up, can have lift, is if time is reversed. There is no other possibility. So, if this experiment is correct, then the space/time machine is absolutely a consequence and can be tested in a laboratory. You can have a particle moving backward and forward in time. [Displays new diagram.] This is the other experiment which is, in this case, is done by putting a particle which is neutral and subjecting it to… Since we don’t have a bunch of anti-matter — ideally we would have a pellet of matter and replace it with anti-matter — we don’t have a pellet of anti-matter, at this point, there are ways to do it though and it can be measured as to which way it moves, up or down. Now, the question of the units… It is very important, a fundamental question, because, say, you are outside a UFO, and you see the UFO as big as a car, say, and people go inside and report this enormous interior. There is no other way to do this than by changing the unit. What is for us one inch, that unit is completely different inside. For us the unit is the same along the three directions. Now, if you are inside, they can have different units in different directions. This means that if you are outside a cube, and you go inside, the shape, not only the dimensions but the shape even, can be different. At the third level, is it true that the value of the dimension is changed by the available energy, or the energy is used to change the value of the units? A: This concept crosses the density barrier, not limited to level three. Q: (RS) Goes up to level four. That’s the means of propulsion of the UFO. A: Reason for exponential awareness “explosion” is approach of wave. Now, concentrate on visualization. Answers are located there… After a period of contemplation, Roger to “hit upon” breakthrough question to solve puzzle currently occupying “center stage” of his psyche, with only one piece missing currently. Q: (RS) I notice that if the question is not properly phrased… (L) You don’t get your answer! Be specific. A: Careful not to confuse with too much data that is not connected in the same concept arena, as visitor is concerned primarily with one direction; in order to familiarize let data be absorbed on schedule comfortable to researcher! Like trying to learn mathematics in broken dosages! Q: (RS) Two short questions and then I will stop… A: Ask as many as you desire! Q: (RS) In our level three, does the use of anti-matter change the sign of the unit? Does this imply the reversal of the sign of the unit of space and time? A: Yes, but problem has always been for level three entities, that the “other” side is uncharted, therefore experimentation is not recommended, unless with assistance from level four through six STO. Q: (RS) That is an incredible answer because this is traveling in time. First they said that by using energy you can change the numerical value of the units, and from this (incomprehensible) you can make a (incomprehensible) show. Now the question: how you can go backward in time; by changing the sign of the unit: plus one second and we move forward, if that unit is changed to minus one second, we move backward. So the question is, by using anti-matter, can we move backward? But their answer was saying… precisely, that we are moving from level three to level four. In Greece, at this time, at the University of Santia (?), the nuclear physics laboratory at the University, there is a potentially fundamental experiment going on based on my studies to search for fundamentally new source of energy by bombarding zinc 70 or molybdenum 100 via Gamma with 1.294 MeV energy. Will the experiment be successful… A: All of the experiments you speak of share one thing in common: They all “touch the borderline” from the perspective of the third density side. Q: (RS) Will you help us? (Carla) Yes, let’s be practical! [Laughter] A: It is possible to cross over into fourth density from third, using third density technology. In fact, various individuals and groups on a more or less accidental basis have already accomplished this; the problem is “what does one do when one reaches fourth density reality with only third density training and experience?” Q: (L) Could you, if we spent the time, help us with this training and technology? A: Yes, but what do you intend to use it for? This is not like going to Disney World for a day, you know! What is your knowledge quotient regarding following: electromagnetism, Einstein’s “unified field theory.” And did he ever complete said theory, or was it completed under the supervision of Consortium [i.e. the “powers that be,” the “hidden controllers” or our world; the “secret government”], and suppressed. And if so, what are the ramifications!!! Also, Roger, are you capable of “filling in the blanks,” we think so! Q: (RS) From the third level there cannot be a unification of electromagnetism and gravitation because they are identical. There is an identity between electromagnetism and gravitation. So, there is no need of the unification because they are identical. Is this view correct? A: Yes. What about fourth level? Q: (RS) To my understanding to the third level, this is where the possibility to go up a level comes in. If gravitation and electromagnetism are identical, then anti-gravity exists. The origin of anti-gravity is not unification. Einstein was wrong, but the identification that they are the same implies the existence of anti-gravity. A: Wrong when searching on level three density exclusively, but this is where the Consortium comes in, i.e. “Can of Worms.” Q: (T) It is considered known to the general public that Einstein did not complete his Unified Field Theory, but that may be a falsehood. Part of the disinformation campaign. (RS) From what we know, Einstein failed to achieve the Unified Field Theory because the assumptions were not realizable. Can I ask a question? The origin of the mass of an elementary particle is primarily electromagnetic, therefore, the gravitational field of elementary particle must be primarily of electromagnetic nature. That’s why the view at level three is, outside mass, the gravitation and electromagnetism are identical. This is our belief at this time, supported by experimental evidence. Why is this wrong? I need an explanation. A: Not wrong at level three, wrong to limit to third level. Q: (RS) Is it true that the universe has equal amounts of matter and anti-matter as seen from level three? A: Yes, all others as well. Q: (RS) Then it is true that the total time in the universe is null? A: Yes. Q: (RS) This is incredible! A: But, Roger less pressure! [Roger lightens up, pause.] Thank you. Now, remember, most important concept is balance. How is balance achieved? Q: (RS) Matter and anti-matter. So, if matter is flowing in this direction of time, anti-matter is flowing the other way. They balance each other. (J) This is my question of the total time of the universe, which is zero. If we flow this way, maybe others in another galaxy are flowing another way. The sum is zero. A: Not galaxy, dimension. Q: (RS) Yes. Another level. I always think at level three! A: Not any more! [Laughter] Q: (RS) How can we represent mathematically the identification of gravity and electromagnetism, including the fourth level that you suggest? How can this be done? How can the inclusion of the fourth level be realized? A: We asked you to visualize for answers. It is always there for you to discover. Q: (RS) It is not going to be easy, but I am going to give it a try. A: What ever is? Q: (RS) The question is how to represent mathematically the transition to the fourth level. I think that this can be done by isogeometry, the geometry that we discussed earlier, which is generalization of the unit of space and time… A: Geometry is one key, but there is another. Q: (L) What is the other key? (L) Could you give us a clue. Just a little clue? (RS) Give us the formula! A: Have already… access… Q: (RS) We should have a session… because this is confirmation of the only mathematical model we have of the UFOs… the only one that exists as far as I know. We have a computer model… We cannot build a UFO, we don’t have the technology, but we can put the formula into the computer and get a model. A: Merge geometry with optics. Q: (RS) What?! It is the science of light. A: Matrix. Q: (RS) That is precisely what I have done. I’ve done a representation of light represented by a unit, which is a matrix. I have already done this! Years ago! A: But you left out one important factor, remember, hypothesis does not theory make! Q: (RS) I made a conceptual hypothesis in my mind. That’s not a theory. It has to be formulated in a quantitative way, that’s the mathematics, the formula, and then this has to be proven experimentally that it works. Hypothesis, formula, and experimental verification is the process for a theory. A: Now, what factor was missing, Roger? Q: (RS) I don’t know. But how… I do not know how to express it mathematically… A: Light waves… gravity… electromagnetism… Q: (RS) I have to think it over. In isogeometry… A: What role do waves play in third level understanding of physics? Q: (RS) Transverse oscillation of the ether… the medium that fills up the entire universe. No wave can exist unless there is a medium to propagate it. Transverse oscillations fill up the entire universe. A: Light, gravity, optics, atomic particles, matter, anti-matter… unify, please. Q: (RS) That lists everything… (J) What do they all have in common? (RS) Oh! All of them are vibrations of the medium that fills up the universe! We perceive things, everything, even spaces between things. Reality is the opposite of this. Because light is a wave, like sound. If you remove the air, sound cannot propagate. Light is the same thing. Light is a wave and cannot propagate unless there is a medium that fills up the entire universe. So what we perceive as being solid and empty is not true perception. The whole universe is filled with the vibration of this medium. So, without the medium, there would be darkness. So, light is an oscillation of this medium. A particle is also an oscillation only the wave propagates and the oscillation stays there. So when I move my hand from here to here, I have just moved the oscillation. The space is oscillating. We are completely empty, but space is filled up. So, the answer is that what they have in common is that they are all oscillations of this medium that fills up the entire universe as perceived from third level and I think from fourth. A: Now, what relation between gravity and light? Q: (RS) I do not know. At this moment in my studies, I do not know. Light can be converted into matter, therefore there is gravitation. (L) But, what could the relation between gravity and light be? A: Access knowledge base and network. Q: (RS) The only connection between light and gravitation… the photon and the anti-photon (?) produces a pair of electrons and positrons, particles and anti-particles, and those particles have gravitation. So, in this way electromagnetic waves… a photon can create matter… (L) And matter has gravity… (RS) And matter has gravity, so… it can be converted… (L) But where does it come from? (RS) That is a good question because it isn’t known. It could come from a vacuum… (L) But how does it happen? (RS) In experiments in the laboratory, you shoot a photon at a nucleus and the nucleus spits one electron and one positron, and so you have conversion of photon into particles. Those particles have gravitation. I do not know if a photon has gravitation. I don’t think so, it travels at the speed of light. There is no time. Time is suspended. (L) Okay, is it true that at the speed of light, there is no gravity? (RS) There is no gravity. (L) Okay, then maybe the speed of light is the antithesis of gravity just as anti-matter is the opposite of matter? (RS) That is a good point. A very good point! A: Close. Q: (J) Is it about balance? A: All is. Q: (L) If at the speed of light there is no gravity… (RS) There is no time… (L) Then gravity must be… (RS) The clue… But is the missing clue… Are we discussing the missing point to go from the third to the fourth density? A: Yes. Q: (RS) Then the point is valid. So, then if you go at the speed of light then you are in fourth density. A: Now, what is missing factor, which allows third density and fourth density matter to achieve light speed without disintegration? Think… Q: (RS) That is the fundamental question of nuclear physics… Matter cannot reach the speed of light intact… (J) Anti-gravity? (RS) Even by using anti-gravity. At this moment, matter cannot do this… (L) Okay, if you have some matter and this matter is speeding up, and it is approaching the speed of light and it is losing its integrity the faster it goes, what if, at some point you start incrementally adding anti-matter which… (RS) Use the inverse process… take an electron and positron and put one inside the other and recreate the photon. But matter cannot reach the speed of light… If it does, time stops… There is no dimension… (L) Maybe it is consciousness? A: What is the missing link between matter and consciousness? Q: (RS) Ah! (L) If we knew these things we wouldn’t be here! [Laughter] (RS) It is supposed to be a field. (J) Is it EM? (RS) No, a bio-energetic field. (L) What if consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Gravity is created by matter. (L) But isn’t matter created by consciousness? (RS) Yes, the mind can create matter… A: There are no “gravitons.” Q: (RS) Not to my knowledge. They do not exist. They are in Einstein’s theory, but I will never believe it… Does our consciousness create gravity? A: Getting “warmer.” Not “our.” Q: (L) Somebody else’s consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Fourth level. A: Level Seven. Q: (RS) Oh yes! That I can understand! The ultimate level. Is it true that the universe, as perceived from level three, which is expected to be made up of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, is, in actuality, open? That is, is matter continuously created somewhere in the universe? Matter and anti-matter? A: Better word would be: Recycled. Q: (RS) Is it true that the same recycling occurs in the center of the earth. There is a theory that the earth is expanding. I heard this at a congress; that the earth is expanding in diameter precisely because the center of the earth is in process of the creation of matter. Is this correct? A: Off base, but all concepts are valid within unified dimensionality. Q: (RS) My biggest problem has never been new knowledge, but politics, particularly the politics on Einstein. Is the can of worms mentioned before, can you give me anything on this? As soon as you go beyond Einstein, there are all sorts of problems, political problems in our contemporary society. Any suggestions? A: Political problems have root in effort to suppress knowledge already gained in limited quarters for purposes of control of civilization. Q: (RS) That is the best answer I ever heard. Very, very good. (T) While I was walking around outside smoking my cigar, I was getting the image that one of the reasons that Roger is here tonight is to experience this, but also to see and read what we give you. We are not making this up. It is coming from somewhere. There is substance to this information. Roger is going to Europe. You have colleagues in Europe who are working on these very same things. The Cassiopaeans have indicated that you are on the edge of opening this barrier. That this can be done, it has been done with disastrous results the few times that we know of and possibly other times that we do not know of. What I am getting at is, part of the reason you are here and seeing this may be because you need to take this information with you because when they breach these barriers, they need to understand what they have done. Because, if they don’t there is a possibility that what is transpiring naturally will be accelerated. Does artificial breaching of the barrier between the densities accelerate… A: Yes. Q: (T) That may be why when we ask how long this process is going to take, this oncoming density change, they answer “one month to 18 years.” And we were thinking that maybe they can’t tell how long it is going to take for this transition point, this realm border to come through our section of space/time and do whatever it does. Maybe what they are referring to is not that, but what people might do in terms of breaching the barrier unknowingly. They are stretching what they know, and pushing onward, but they don’t understand what this is all about. A: Yes. [Good night to Carla and Roger.] (L) Of the three pairs we were given, they each seem to be opposite to each other: Light and gravity, optics and atomic particles, matter and anti-matter… (J) It’s all about balance. What is the relation between gravity and light? What is the missing factor that allows third density and fourth density matter to achieve light speed without disintegration? What is the missing link between matter and consciousness? (L) What is the missing link? Well, I think the relationship is right there. What is it that slows down light causing photons to manifest, collapsing the wave, so to speak, and creating matter? (J) It may be that this same factor that allows third density to achieve light speed without disintegration. What is the missing link between matter and consciousness? (L) Well, the relationship is there. We were told we were getting close when we said “consciousness” but that it was not our consciousness, but that of Level Seven. (J) They said that “creation” was a recycling. Q: (L) Are you still there? A: As always, Laura, do you think we go out to lunch or something? [Laughter] You keep asking if we are here?!? Q: (T) Did you enjoy talking to Roger and would you like to talk to him again? A: Yes. Will. Q: (L) Am I getting warm when I say… we have light and gravity, optics and atomic particles, matter and anti-matter, all are ways of talking about a transition… Are these three pairs of relationships? A: Close. Q: (L) What is the thing that collapses the wave? Is it consciousness? A: Yes… Q: (L) There is more. Can this consciousness be expressed… (T) We are trying to get from a third density concept to a fourth density concept where there is no physicality, per se. At fourth density they don’t have a problem with going at the speed of light and disintegrating, because it doesn’t exist there… A: Close. Q: (T) So, for us to try and think of this in third density… A: Variable physicality is the key. Q: (L) What makes the physicality variable? A: Awareness of link between consciousness and matter. Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter? A: Illusion. Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion? (T) That there isn’t any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density… A: No. Illusion is that there is not. Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter. A: Yes. Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density… (L) I got it! (T) Don’t disappear on me now! [Laughter] The relationship is that consciousness is matter. A: Close. What about vice versa? Q: (L) Just reverse everything. Light is gravity. Optics are atomic particles, matter is anti-matter… Just reverse everything to understand the next level… It can’t be that easy. (J) Wait a second: gravity equals light, atomic particles equals optics, anti-matter equals matter? It is all about balance. (L) And the answer must always be zero.