A. When do most Brits have a full English breakfast nowadays? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
A. When do most Brits have a full English breakfast nowadays?
B. What’s another name for the full English breakfast? The fry-up the eat-up the full-up D. Eggs can be...
E. Tick the correct alternative The bacon is served boiled fried roasted grilled stewed The sausages are boiled fried roasted grilled stewed BLACK PUDDING is made with chicken sausage kidney fat bread oatmeal pig’s blood cow’s milk It is served boiled fried roasted grilled stewed Baked beans are boiled fried roasted grilled stewed You can use toast or fried bread to transport food to your mouth clean your plate spread marmalade on Mushrooms must be fresh from a tin
F. Where are these popular? Grilled oatcakes Ireland Soda bread Wales Potato or tattie scone north of England Laverbread Scotland
LAVERBREAD is made up of seaweed boiled with oats aubergines boiled with bread