Table of Contents 3 страница“I believe it was in Dallas four years ago, that you sold out your best friend for a little fix, wasn’t it?” Alanna remains silent in response, and my whole face goes clammy. I don’t want to believe it, but she isn’t saying anything to defend herself. “You were so desperate for your fix,” Eleanore continues, “that you willingly gave away Victoria’s information to the first bidder. But, by the time I had gotten there, like the true junkie you are, you had reneged on your side of the bargain. I wonder exactly what it was you told Victoria to get her to leave with you that night in such a panic.” My entire body numbs as I recall the night in Dallas when Alanna came back to the hotel in a cold sweat. She told me that she had been recognized by her husband’s friend and we had to leave right away. How could Eleanore possibly know about that… if it isn’t true? Eleanore grows tired of Alanna’s sobbing and claps to get her attention. “So junkie whore, tell her it’s true. She needs to hear it from you to understand what kind of friend you really are.” I glance up at Alanna, tears brimming my own eyes. “Yes, but… Victoria…” Alanna sputters. “Tsk, tsk.” Eleanore wags her finger. “I told you, Alanna, very simple rules. What kind of friend are you exactly? Now I have to break one of her fingers.” Alanna starts to blubber uncontrollably, but it’s no use. I turn my head away as Allan clamps the cold metal against my pinky. I’m sure nothing could hurt worse than the betrayal I feel right now, but I’m wrong. Faintly, deep in the haze of my own agonizing screams, I hear Gabriel swearing as he watches my finger being snapped in two. After a few moments, the pain begins to numb courtesy of the adrenaline racing through my veins. I dare to hope that I can stay numb if this is going to be the kind of game Eleanore wants to play. Numb might be the only way I will survive. “Now, Gabriel,” she says spritely, “I do believe it’s your turn. You seem much more intelligent than your female counterpart there, but we shall see.” I don’t want to hear whatever it is she’s about to unleash on me. Not Gabriel. I try to block everything out as I tell myself he would never do anything to hurt me. “So it’s quite funny,” Eleanore begins, “the other day while I was waiting outside of your apartment, at six in the morning no less, that I ran into Anya Petrovski as she was leaving your place.” Gabriel’s jaw grows rigid, his eyes pleading silently with mine. “Well, anyway, I had a nice little chat with Miss. Petrovski. She was quite forthcoming, actually. She seemed to have no qualms about disclosing the fact that she had stayed at your apartment the night before.” My chest constricts as I wriggle beneath Allan’s forceful grip on my arm. I want to run. Far away from this place, from all of it. I can’t even bring myself to look at Gabriel as a fresh wave of tears runs down my cheeks. “So?” Eleanore asks. “Yes or no, Gabriel.” “Yes,” he says flatly. On some level I secretly wish he had explained, even if it meant more broken fingers. But it doesn’t matter now. What explanation could there possibly be for Anya staying at his apartment? Especially given he knows exactly how I feel about her. “So, Victoria, there you have it.” Eleanore sighs. “Your best friend and your boyfriend. Both have betrayed you. Now you must choose who will live, and who will die.” I glare up at the twisted face hovering above me, wondering how she ever came to be this way. “I won’t do it,” I say resolutely. “You’ll never turn me into you, Eleanore.” She just laughs at my response as though she knows better. “Always so stubborn. Shall I continue to break your fingers then?” “Go your fucking hardest,” I encourage. What’s a few broken fingers if it buys me some more time? “Fine,” she smirks. “Then onto plan B.” She walks over to Alanna and unties her from the chair, all while humming a cheery tune. She grabs her by the hair and shoves her into Gabriel’s lap with a satisfactory smile. Alanna whimpers and tries to pull away, but Eleanore just pushes her right back into place. “Kiss him,” she demands. “Or I will break every one of Victoria’s fingers.” Alanna glances back at me, her face stricken with panic. I close my eyes and burrow my face in my hoodie, knowing I can’t bear to watch this. “Wait!” Eleanore stomps back across the room and presses her heel into my neck, effectively bringing my gaze back to Gabriel and Alanna. “If you don’t watch them, I will make her keep going.” My stomach lurches as my eyes rake over Gabriel. He’s stiff and his eyes are cast down to the floor. Completely out of control, and out of his element. Alanna pecks him on the cheek quickly before pulling away. “Oh, you can do better than that,” Eleanore says. “Kiss his neck, slowly. Keep kissing him until I tell you to stop.” “Don’t,” I plead. Alanna looks both relieved and sick as Allan moves the wrench towards me again. I close my eyes and tense up as I prepare for the pain. A quick snap and acid burns my stomach, urging me to empty the meager contents onto the floor. I breathe through it and try to stay calm as Gabriel curses and rocks in his chair. Eleanore lets out a disappointed sigh and pushes Alanna onto the floor. “Get down on your knees in front of him, and pull down his pants,” she says. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I scream. It’s guttural and agonizing and I don’t even know where it came from. “Please, Eleanore… anything but this. You can break every bone in my body if you want to.” Gabriel is shaking his head and glaring down at me. He doesn’t want me hurt. But I’m hurting too much already. “Fine,” Eleanore concedes. “I can be lenient. I am not a cold hearted monster,” she says. “I will let you choose. You let your best friend fuck your boyfriend, or…” she trails off and gestures at the man holding me down. “Let him fuck you until he’s bored with you. Your choice.” “Gabriel rocks violently against his restraints, looking like the hulk as he tries to smash the metal chair beneath him. “You’re fucking dead! I promise you I will kill you when this is over!” “Fine!” I cry out. “He can do whatever he wants to me. Just please let them go.” Eleanore ignores me as she turns her icy gaze on Gabriel, walking across the room to slap him hard. “You have no idea about your slutty little girlfriend here. I knew she would go for it, that’s why I asked her. You need to see her for what she really is. A whore. She’s been begging for it before she even hit puberty.” “You mean you let someone rape her repeatedly,” he hisses. “Some fucking mother you are!” “Is that what she told you?” She shakes her head in disgust. “Because, I can assure you she was begging him for it. You should have seen how pathetic she was.” “I was eight years old!” I bawl out. “How could I possibly be begging for it?” “Enough!” she snaps, walking back across the room to sit down in the chair beside me. “Fuck her now, and make sure it’s brutal. I want to see all of them squirm.” I vaguely hear Gabriel cursing at Allan before he thrusts himself on top of me, holding me down with the brute force of his body weight. His hands seem to be everywhere, groping me as he tries to rip my jeans off. I manage to get my mangled hand free of the rope and punch him in the face. His eyes narrow and turn to shades of pure black as he grabs my head and slams it down into the floor. “Fucking bitch!” he spits in my face. He’s angrier now, and his hands let me know it as he assaults me. I’m still disoriented from the bump to my head, but I manage to bring my knee up between his legs, hitting him square in the balls. He doubles over on top of me, crying out in agony. I can’t move, can’t see anything around me. I can barely make out the muffled voices in the room underneath his suffocating weight. All I can feel is the pain everywhere I try to fight him off. And then his fist, smashing into my face repeatedly. Blackness wavers in and out of my vision, threatening to take me under. Something warm is trickling down my head. Blood. But he still hasn’t managed to remove any of my clothing, and I can at least be grateful for that. It’s short-lived though when his eyes go deadly calm and his hands wrap around my throat, squeezing hard. My breath slips from my chest as I flail beneath him. I pull at his arm, but it’s no use. I’m going to die if I don’t do something. I slip my free hand beneath me, reaching for the gun in one last attempt. After several fumbles, I’m finally able to dislodge it from my waistband. I pull hard until the rope slackens beneath, giving me enough room to shove it into his gut. Confusion washes over his face, and his hands loosen around my neck as he leans up to see what I’m holding. Without hesitation, I fire off two rounds. He slumps over on top of me, his blood soaking into my clothes.
Chapter Six Victoria
When I catch my breath, my eyes flash open and the outside world invades my senses. I push the heavy mass of Allan’s body off of me, the noise in the room finally registering in my brain. Gabriel is screaming something, but I can’t focus on the words. My head is spinning when I sit up, the blackness threatening to return. I almost succumb to it before I close my eyes and force myself to take some deep breaths. It takes me a minute to get a grasp on what’s happening around me. When I look across the room, Eleanore is on top of Alanna, punching her relentlessly. Alanna flails her arms weakly in defense, but has clearly already lost the battle. The sight alone is enough to send another surge of adrenaline through my body. I stand on shaky legs, the sheer force of will the only thing holding me together at this point. Gabriel screams something at me, but I can’t and don’t want to hear what he’s saying. I have one thing on my mind as I creep up behind Eleanore and place the cold metal barrel of the gun to her head. “Get off of her, now.” Everyone in the room is staring at me. The voice that just came from my throat is so foreign, so cold and unfamiliar, I don’t even know what to make of it. But right now, I really don’t care. Eleanore freezes when she realizes what’s happening, and Alanna lets out a soft moan as her head lolls to the side and she passes out. “Get on your knees, and don’t fucking move,” I command. She reluctantly does as I ask while Gabriel stares at me in shock. He’s pulling at his ropes, still trying to get free. “My darling daughter,” Eleanore says sweetly, “what do you think you’re going to do with that gun? You would never shoot me, the mother who raised you.” Maniacal laughter bubbles up my throat as I stare at her with wild eyes. “Wouldn’t I?” I challenge. “I hardly think you deserve any semblance of the word mother.” “Victoria,” Gabriel bellows, his face etched with panic. “Untie me and give me the gun. I will take care of this.” I glance at him, and my heart squeezes in my chest. Betrayal hot and fierce slices through me all over again as I remember what happened earlier, and I have to tear my gaze away from him. Eleanore laughs at my reaction. “You see Victoria, admit it. You don’t trust him anymore. And why would you? You can’t trust him or Alanna. I’m the only person you have left in this world. Just put the gun down, and we can forget about all of this. I love you, Victoria. You are my daughter. We can leave here together, finally be a family again.” Her words feel like acid to the ever-present wound inside of me. I know they aren’t real, but those are the words that I’ve wanted to hear for so long. Needed to hear. “Victoria,” Gabriel growls. “She’s lying. Untie me, and I can help you.” Eleanore’s hollow laugh echoes through the room as Alanna starts to whimper beneath me. It’s all too much. Too much noise. I can’t think… I need to think. “Everyone just shut up!” I scream, waving the gun wildly in my hand. “Just shut up!” The room goes silent as they all stare at me, waiting for my next move. I use my free hand to rub my swollen eyes, and in that moment of weakness, Eleanore springs on me like a wild animal taking down it’s pray. My back slams into the ground as she launches herself on top of me, trying to wrestle the gun from my grip. The blackness is starting to take over again, and I know I need to make my decision now. Eleanore’s made her choice. She’s chosen to betray me yet again. My eyes are blurry and unfocused as I squeeze the trigger, a million emotions swirling inside of me as the bullet flies from the cartridge. Nothing seems to happen at first, and it feels like forever before Eleanore doubles over in pain. I manage to scramble back to my feet, keeping my gun and eyes fixed on her. She’s holding her hip, blood pouring from the open wound as she looks up at me in disbelief. There’s no disguising the pure hatred on her face. This is the real Eleanore. The one that I’ve always known. “This is why!” she sobs. “Why I could never love you. You’ve destroyed everything… the only man that ever loved me, and you took him away.” “I didn’t take him from you,” I rasp. “You did that yourself.” “No!” Eleanore screams defiantly. “He always loved you more. No matter what kind of evil little monster you were, you could do no wrong in his eyes.” “I was his daughter…” “Yes, his one and only,” she spits back. “I hated you from the day I met you. All he could talk about was how you looked just like your beautiful mother. You have no idea what it was like for me. I had to live with the constant reminder of the woman he still loved. He wouldn’t even have another child with me, he refused.” A small pang of unwelcome sympathy slithers into my chest for the pathetic, bawling mad woman in front of me. I had no idea how Eleanore felt before. What her reasons were for acting the way she did. And here she is, pouring her heart out. And for once, it all seems to be completely genuine. “He would have stayed with you,” I whisper. “He did love you, Eleanore. We both did. We tried to get you help, but you wouldn’t take it.” I pause for a moment, unsure of what I’m about to say next. “It’s not too late, we can still do that.” Gabriel is shaking his head and trying to talk to me again, but I drown out his voice. This is my decision, and I won’t let anybody take that from me. At my sympathetic gesture, Eleanore stops sobbing and returns to the stony-faced woman she’s always been. “I don’t want your pity, and I don’t want help. And I can promise you one thing, Victoria, if you let me walk out of here alive, this will never stop. I will find you, and I will kill you. I will never stop my hunt, until you are dead. It’s the only way.” “Why Eleanore? Why do you have to do this?” “Because I fucking hate you!” she growls. “You abandoned me, just like your father. You have to pay for what you’ve done.” She presses her hand to the gaping wound in her hip, crying out in pain as she rises to her feet. I wave the gun in her direction, feeling the situation slipping out of my control again. “Sit back down, Eleanore. I don’t want to shoot you again.” My voice cracks as I speak, showing my weakness. After everything she’s done, I still don’t want to do this. I don’t want to kill her. She doesn’t even blink at my lame threat as she takes a step closer. “If you really had it in you to kill me, you would have done it already.” My hand trembles as I wave the gun at her, as if that will somehow help her regain her sanity. “Get back Eleanore, I’m warning you.” “Fucking shoot her!” Gabriel commands from behind me. I place my finger on the trigger, taking another step back. “It doesn’t have to be like this,” I whisper. Eleanore lunges at me, wrapping her hand around mine and shoving the gun to her chest. “Pull the trigger!” she cries out. I shake my head and try to wrestle away from her. “Eleanore….” “I always knew it would come to this,” she says smugly. “Now you can spend your life rotting in prison.” “What are you talking about?” I hiss. “Goodbye, Victoria.” Her hand pulls the trigger before I can stop her. We both crumble to the ground from the impact, but it’s clear only one of us is still alive. When I finally gather the courage to open my eyes, I’m met by Eleanore’s lifeless expression. I scramble away from the body until I hit the wall behind me. I don’t know how long I sit there crying, but at some point, Alanna must have untied Gabriel, because when I look over, he’s sitting next to me. His arm is draped over my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. But I can’t feel him, I can’t feel anything. My body is numb. I stare into the dark void and feel my own sanity slipping from my grasp. It isn’t until the police arrive and the officers force me to my feet that I begin to focus on the situation around me.
Chapter Seven Victoria
It takes me a minute to realize what’s happening. I’m being arrested. It doesn’t make any sense, but as I scan the room around me, I know it’s real. Three officers are holding Gabriel back as he struggles in vain to get to me. All of the noise is drowned out by his panicked curses, and I can only watch in slow motion horror as they throw him to the ground before me. “Stop, Gabriel!” I croak. “Just stop… I can’t take anymore.” My words jolt him from his anger-induced haze and his body goes limp as he stares up at me with the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen. All of the fight is gone out of him too. They pull me to the door and lead me away with tears streaming down my face. “I will get you out baby,” Gabriel calls out to me. “As soon as I can, I will get you out.”
The officers take me to the emergency room, and after some x-rays, bandaging, and a couple of splints, I’m discharged. The ride to the jail is sobering. There are no more tears left to cry, so I just sit and stare at the blood spattered across my shoes. At some point, the female officer in front introduces herself as Officer Barrett. I don’t respond, but she continues to talk to me anyway. “Look, Miss Kelly,” she says softly. “I know that you’ve been through quite an ordeal tonight, but I need to explain why you are being charged.” I nod, which is the best I can do in the circumstances, waiting for her to explain. “Miss Kelly, we have a police report from San Antonio dated four years ago. It states that you threatened and assaulted Eleanore Price. She tried to press assault charges but was unsuccessful. However, she was granted a temporary restraining order in your absence. On top of that, we have a report from two days ago stating that you called Eleanore and threatened to kill her. Now she is dead, and you did, in fact, kill her.” I want to be outraged, I really, really do. But honestly, nothing Eleanore has done could surprise me anymore. This is just another drop in the bucket. I don’t know why I even bother trying to defend myself, but I want this woman to know it isn’t true. That I’m not some cold-blooded murderer. “I never even saw Eleanore when I was in Texas,” I say. “And I’ve been the one running from her. I’m the one that had restraining orders, you can look them up. I didn’t want her to die, she pulled the trigger herself.” “I’m sorry,” Officer Barrett speaks gently. “It’s just standard procedure any time there’s a homicide under these circumstances. But, I did do a little digging around and found out the officer that signed off on the police report in Texas was Mitchell Kinkade.” I squeeze my eyes shut, overwhelmed with the sickening realization that Alanna’s husband was helping her to track us down. “Of course it was,” I mutter. “That sent up a red flag,” the officer continues. “There wasn’t much to the report, so I spoke to Alanna. She explained her situation, however since Mitchell is now deceased, we can’t question him. It’s going to make things a little more difficult, but we will get to the bottom of this. There will be an investigation into his report as well as the events that happened today. You may have an opportunity for bail until we can get this sorted out.” “Does that mean you believe me?” I ask, blinking back tears. Officer Barrett gives me a sympathetic smile. “It doesn’t matter if I believe you or not… it’s not me you need to convince.”
By the time I get through the booking system, I’m more exhausted than I’ve ever been in my entire life. And that’s saying a lot. Running was exhausting. Weaving webs of lies to keep my cover was exhausting. Always looking over my shoulder… exhausting. But this day, has by far, been more exhausting than anything I’ve ever experienced. I killed a man. And then shot Eleanore. And then watched her take her own life. As I collapse onto the hard bunk of my cell, I try to take stock of my emotions. I want to feel something, anything, but right now all I feel is numb. I curl up against the flimsy pillow beneath, and fall asleep without any resistance. The next few days are a blur of sleep and nightmares. This morning I was dragged into a courtroom to listen to the charges that were being pressed against me. There was some lawyer there to talk on my behalf, which was for the best since I was completely out of it anyway. Gabriel was there too, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. As soon as it was over, I came back to my cell and went straight to sleep. It’s all I’ve been able to do while I’ve been here, but, unfortunately, the guards standing at my cell seem to have other plans. “What’s going on?” I mumble wearily. “We need you to come with us,” the man says. “I have a Mr. Maddox and his attorney here to post your bail.” “Have my charges been dropped?” I stare at the men in confusion. “No ma’am,” one of them answers. “You are free on bail for now, the charges still remain.” “No,” I say firmly, shaking my head. “I don’t want bail. I’m staying here until the charges against me are dropped.” Both men look at each other and then back to me. “Uh, I think you should consider talking to an attorney before you make any decisions like that.” “There’s no point. I’m staying here until this is over.” Both men just look at me like I’m crazy before they start to lock me back in my cell. “Wait! I get a phone call, right? Or can you contact someone else for me?” “Yes.” The officer shrugs, clearly not impressed with my shenanigans. “It’s a police officer,” I say. “Officer Wright, in Idaho.” He gives me a puzzled glance before nodding. “Would you prefer for me to try to contact him, or I can take you down later to make your phone call.” “You can contact him,” I say softly. “Just tell him what’s happened, and he will understand.” The two men leave the cell, their keys clinking as they walk away. I know Gabriel is going to be furious with me, but I can’t think about that right now. I need this. This time to think, to sort through my feelings about everything that’s happened. I lay back down and go to sleep. Over the next two days, I only leave my cell when they make me. The rest of my time is spent in the sweet oblivion of my crappy new mattress. It isn’t until I’m awoken by a familiar voice that I feel a frisson of hope. Officer Wright. He came. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. Such a simple, genuine man. He was a friend of my father’s and he always looked out for me. He cared enough to come all this way, and I can’t help but burst into his arms, hugging him tightly. “I missed you too kiddo.” He laughs gently, hugging me back. I lean back and take a good look at him. He’s older now, and grayer too. His dark brown hair is more of a salt and pepper style now, but the kind green eyes are the same. He was close to my own father in age, and I imagine for a moment what my Dad would look like if he was still alive. “Thank you for coming,” I say gratefully. “I didn’t know who else to call.” “Of course.” He smiles softly. “You’ve been through a lot kid, and there was no way I was going to let you go through this on your own.” He runs a hand through his hair, his expression turning serious, and just like that our warm reunion is over. “They tell me you’ve refused bail.” “Yes.” “Why Victoria? You didn’t do anything wrong. What you did was very brave, and you more than likely saved the lives of your two friends. You could be out free until they can get this mess cleared up. Why would you want to stay in here?” I choke back a sob, my voice quivering as I speak. “Because, I’m not free. After all these years of running, Eleanore is finally gone, and she’s still messing with me. I don’t want to let myself hope if even for a second I could be wrong, just to end up having it all taken away from me. I will never be free until I can walk out of here knowing that my life is my own. That I can live without fear or being controlled by unknown circumstances.” Officer Wright gives a slow nod as my words sink in, letting out a deep sigh. “I can understand where you’re coming from, kiddo. You’ve been to hell and back, that’s for sure. But it’s over now, and I have faith that the fine detectives working this case will prove it was self-defense.” He pauses for a moment, furrowing his brow before continuing. “But these things take time, kid. It could be months before all of this goes away. I really think you should reconsider staying in here until then.” Months. The word is like a knife to my chest. But I don’t have a choice. I refuse to leave, to walk free, worrying about whether or not the charges might stick after all. I refuse to have hope only to have my freedom ripped away again. I won’t let myself hope until all of this is over. And only then will I finally have my life back. “I understand that, Officer Wright,” I say solemnly. “But this is just something I have to do. I can’t live one more day of my life like that, looking over my shoulder, wondering what’s going to happen to me. Being afraid. I refuse to do it anymore.” He shakes his head, but I swear I see a glimmer of pride in his eyes. “You really are something kid, I’ll tell you that. Your Dad would be so proud of the young woman you’ve become. How strong you are.” His voice cracks slightly as he pulls an old photo out of his pocket, handing it to me. I almost break down when I see the warm brown eyes staring back at me. “He had so much regret over bringing that woman into your lives,” Officer Wright continues. “How she hurt you. You were his whole world, you know that kid.” “I know.” I smile through the tears, rubbing my thumb over the worn photo of my father. “And I regret every day that I wasn’t able to do more for you. Somehow I knew it would all come down to something like this eventually. I had hoped that Eleanore would stop looking for you, but I knew in my gut it wasn’t true. I never stopped thinking about you all these years you’ve been away. I liked to imagine that you were on a sunny beach in Mexico somewhere, enjoying your life. But it was just a silly dream,” he says. “A sunny beach in Mexico sounds nice.” I grin. “Maybe I should have considered that. You must have got the shock of your life when you got the phone call.” “You have no idea,” he says. “I was scared for you, more than anything. But also relieved in some strange way.” He looks up to study my face, still bruised and swollen from my assault. “How are you holding up anyway, kid? Are you doing okay?” I glance at the photo in my lap, seeking comfort in my Dad’s warm smile. “Yes, I’m okay,” I murmur. “I don’t know, maybe I should feel something else, like more guilt. But I don’t. I was sad when it was happening, I wanted to believe there was still a part of her that was human. I gave her every chance to change how this ended, but she wouldn’t bend. She was so sick in the head she killed herself just to try to ruin my life. And that man, Allan, he attacked me. And he would have killed me if I didn’t shoot him, so I’m not sorry. I can’t feel bad about that.” Officer Wright pulls me into a tight hug, his chest trembling with repressed emotion as he tries to comfort me. “I’m glad to hear it,” he whispers. “I don’t ever want you blaming yourself for this.”
The cell feels lonely when Officer Wright leaves, but he promises he’ll be back soon. He leaves me a parting gift too, but it’s something that I’m not really certain I even want to open. I stare at the crisp white envelope in my hand, wondering who it could be from. When I finally crack the seal, I recognize the neat handwriting immediately.
Victoria, I can’t imagine the thoughts that are going through your head right now. So much has happened, and I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, and most importantly, I need you to know that I love you. I can’t even sleep without you beside me. I want you to come home. I miss you.