Table of Contents 2 страница“Shall I keep going?” he asks huskily. “Or will you remember why you’re being punished.” I think for a moment and then realize my mistake. But I’m not ready to atone yet, and after all the emotional overload of the last week, I need to feel this. I hold back the words he’s waiting for me to say, and nod in silence. Another smack against my skin. I moan and gasp for air as the smacks grow quicker and harder. I remain still as I take the blows, thriving on the nerves awakening in my body. I close my eyes, soaking up everything he has to give me until he stops and speaks again. “Had enough yet?” he asks in a strained voice. “I’m sorry Gabriel,” I whisper. I could keep going, but I know this is difficult for him. I don’t want him to feel like he’s hurting me. “Very good,” he praises me. He kneels down behind me, pulling my arms behind my back and securing them with strong leather cuffs. He repeats the process with my ankles before binding them all together with chains. When he stands, he has a long silver chain dangling from his palm. He reaches down and clasps it to the loop on my collar. Moisture pools between my legs as he walks backward, extending the chain in his hand as far as it will go. The metal is pulled taut against my collar, making me feel every bit the depraved animal I am for wanting this scenario. Gabriel’s completely naked, his cock swollen and hard as his eyes burn into my flesh. The perfect male specimen. Rough, controlling, possessive. I revel in it, my eyes raking his body without any fear of retribution. He lets the chain slacken for a moment, and then with a hard jerk pulls it backwards, effectively bringing me with it. I try to keep my balance with my hands fastened behind my back, crawling awkwardly on my knees to where he stands. He gathers the chain in his palm, effectively bringing my face up to meet his hard cock. I open my mouth greedily and take in the swollen head, tasting him on my tongue. Gabriel makes a strangled noise in his throat and I groan with pleasure. I can’t use my hands for support so I bob forward with my mouth in an effort to take him in. He pulls the chain tighter, wrapping his large hand around the back of my head and urging me to take him deeper. “Is this rough enough for your liking, Victoria?” he grunts. I nod in agreement, his brutal thickness lodged deep in my mouth. His hips thrust towards me until he’s completely engulfed by my lips. He holds me there for several moments, and I try to contain my urge to gag. Gabriel strokes my hair while he stares down at me affectionately, his cock throbbing inside of my mouth. I can tell he’s enjoying this just as much as I am. “I can never resist fucking that beautiful mouth,” he says roughly, sliding his shaft deep into my throat. I gasp for air, taking in a half a breath before he’s submerged completely. He pumps in and out of me, losing himself in the rhythm as he holds my head firmly in place. I let him use me as he pleases, soaking up the sounds of pleasure that rip from his chest. Nothing has ever sounded sexier than Gabriel in the throes of ecstasy, and knowing that I was the one to bring him there. When he pulls out I whimper, and he smirks as he steers my head lower. He presses my mouth to the delicate, soft sack at his thick root, and I flick my tongue against them. Licking them both, I suck each one into my mouth, nearly driving him over the edge. His muscles are tight, preparing for the inevitable explosion. “Good girl,” he rasps. His hand increases it’s frantic pace on his shaft while I assault him with my tongue. He starts to contract, yanking on the chain to pull my head back. Hot liquid bursts across my neck and breasts while he groans above me. When he’s finished, he releases the chain in his hand and walks to the bathroom. He returns a moment later with a towel and looks down at me, still kneeling before him. “You look so fucking beautiful covered in my come, I don’t even want to wipe it off.” I smile up at him with hooded eyes, still hungry with desire. He hasn’t let me come yet and I’m needier than I’ve ever been before. He bends down and wipes my chest clean before unbinding the chains from my wrists and ankles. “I’m not done with you yet,” he says in a firm tone. “You will continue to pleasure me until I’ve decided I’ve had enough, is that clear?” “Yes, Gabriel.” “And once I’ve given you all of my come, I may or may not decide to let you have your release, depending on how well you please me. Understand?” “Yes, Gabriel.” “Very good.” He grabs the end of the chain leashed to my collar, pulling it gently. “Now come with me my pet.” He leads me down the hall and back into the sex room. It’s put back together, but there seems to be new furniture. I glance up at him questioningly but don’t speak. “I still want to play with you in here,” he explains. “But you’ll be the only woman that has ever touched any of these pieces, and that’s how I want it.” Relief floods over me at his words and my heart swells in my chest. “Thank you,” I say softly. He pulls me over to the end of the new bed. It consists of a large mattress and a metal railed headboard and footboard at both ends. He folds me over the cold metal of the footboard, leaving my legs dangling towards the floor as my face rests on the mattress beneath. Then he bends down behind me, pulling my legs apart as far as they will go. He attaches a chain to each ankle and clamps them to the metal legs of the bed frame. He repeats the same motions with the cuffs on my wrists, extending longer chains to the front legs of the bed. By the time he’s finished, I’m spread tightly in all directions, unable to move. He walks back to the apothecary cabinet and retrieves something from one of the drawers before he returns. A minute later, I feel a wet metal object trailing down the crevice of my lower back, and I wiggle around in anticipation. Then he stops, pressing it against the tight entrance of my ass. My whole body tenses when I realize what’s happening. Gabriel’s never taken me here before. “Relax, Victoria,” he says. “It’s not going to hurt if you relax.” I try to do as I’m told, closing my eyes and just feeling the sensations. He pushes it inside of me gently, working it in and out until it’s fully rooted inside of me. He leaves it there as his hands move to my butt, caressing each cheek roughly. And then he stops. I wait for whatever’s going to happen next with shallow breaths. A rigid hand swats my right cheek, and I let out a yelp. It’s not from the slap, but from the powerful sensations radiating from the metal plug inside me. I’ve never felt anything like this, so intense. I barely have time to wrap my head around it before another hand lands on my left cheek. And again. He spanks each cheek roughly, over and over, sending jolts of electricity throughout my body. And then he twists the plug inside of me, nearly sending me over the edge as I cry out. “I told you it wouldn’t hurt,” he says gruffly. “I love seeing my handprints all over your creamy white skin. So beautiful, Victoria.” “Thank you, Gabriel,” I whimper. He reaches down and slowly works the plug around inside of me for a few more moments before he removes it. “I’m going to claim your ass now.” He leans down into me, pressing his erection against my back as his fingers dip into the swollen, aching flesh between my legs. “You are so wet for me,” he groans. “That’s good, I won’t need to use any more lubricant.” What? His hard cock plunges deep into me, and I almost mewl with pleasure before he abruptly pulls it out again. And then I feel the tip. There. The place no man has ever gone before. He presses into me slowly, taking his time as he strokes my back. The pressure is almost unbearable for a moment, and I try in vain to push my hips forward, but I can’t move. He pauses, allowing me to expand around him while he kisses my shoulder. “You are so fucking tight,” he says. “It feels amazing baby.” His words and gentle caresses manage to soothe my frayed nerves, and I relax around him. He continues to inch himself deeper and deeper until he’s finally rooted all the way inside of me. It’s a strangely erotic feeling, being stuffed so full of Gabriel in such a forbidden place. It turns me on in a way I didn’t expect, and when he starts moving, foreign sensations burst from deep within my belly. The feeling of him rocking back and forth, igniting every single one of my nerves, is so intense I don’t know whether to cry or scream. “Yes.” He crows behind me. “That’s it, angel.” His hands find my breasts and he strokes both of my nipples while he fucks me from behind. It’s all too much. The pressure inside me builds rapidly, guttural sounds I don’t even recognize coming from my mouth. “Would you like to come baby?” he asks as he thrusts into me again. “Yes! Please, Gabriel!” “Good girl.” His hand continues kneading my breast as he finger fucks me at the same time. Dark spots fill my vision as the orgasm tears through me, nearly making me faint in the process. I’m still throbbing around him when he growls, pouring his own release deep inside of me. “Fuck!” he pants, collapsing beside me. “You never cease to amaze me, Victoria.” I can’t speak, or even have a rational thought for that matter, so I just stare up at him with heavy eyelids. He kisses the crown of my hair and strokes my entire body before releasing me from my binds. I’m like a limp noodle, completely useless as he carries me back into his bathroom, setting me down into the bathtub. He goes about running the water and pouring in soap while I focus on not passing out. I’ve never experienced an orgasm so intense in my life, and it’s taking me forever to come back down to earth. Gabriel climbs in behind me and pulls me to his chest while he massages my shoulders and back, kissing my temples softly. “Are you okay?” he asks. “You haven’t said anything.” “I’m more than okay.” I relax back into him. “That was… amazing.” He breathes a deep sigh of relief, squeezing me a little tighter. “I’m glad that I was the one to give it to you.”
Chapter Three Gabriel
As I pull away from the curb outside Victoria’s apartment, my cell phone rings. The number on the screen indicates it’s Allan Ricketts, the same detective I had it out with last week. “Allan,” I answer briskly, “did you finally come to your senses?” “Yes, Mr. Maddox,” he says in a contrite tone. “I’ve been working on a hunch, but I didn’t want to say anything before. Now I have something concrete for you.” As much as I don’t want to take the bait, he has my attention. If it’s something concerning Victoria, I need to know about it, even if I do hate dealing with this scumbag. “Fine, what is it?” “I’m afraid this is a little bit more of a confidential matter,” Allan says nervously. “I’m going to need to meet you somewhere. I have some hard copy documents to give you.” “Can’t you just fax them to me?” I snap. “I’m sorry, Mr. Maddox, but not these. You’ll understand why when you see them.” “Fine,” I agree. “Where do I need to meet you?” “Well, it’s the weekend,” Allan says. “I’m at my apartment.” “Text me the address. I’ll come now.” When the text comes through, I debate just telling him to fuck off. The place is all the way on the other side of the city. But again, I think of Victoria, and I enter it into my GPS. An hour later I pull up in front of the dilapidated apartment building, thinking that it’s a perfect place for a roach like Allan to live. Still, I have to wonder what he does with all the money he makes from his steep fees. The elevator is out of order when I walk in, so I open the door to the stairwell. No sooner do I step inside before something cracks into the back of my skull.
*** Victoria
I haven’t heard from Gabriel for two days, which is unusual. The way he was acting on Sunday, I expected him to be all over my case. I’ve been going stir-crazy in this apartment while I wait for his call. My phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. It’s my boss Marvin from the courier company. “Hello Marvin,” I answer less than enthusiastically. “Victoria,” he greets me in a business-like tone. “I need you to make a delivery this morning, can you do it?” I hesitate for a moment before answering. Gabriel isn’t going to like this, but right now, I don’t care. He’s too busy to give me a courtesy call or respond to my texts, and I need to get out of this apartment. “Sure,” I agree. “I can be there in thirty minutes.” I hang up the phone and quickly throw on some jeans and a hoodie. Before I head out, I toy with the idea of taking the gun with me. I know it will make the inevitable fight with Gabriel easier if I do, so I tuck it into the back of my jeans beneath my jacket. When I walk into the living room, Alanna gives me a puzzled glance. “I’m just going to make one delivery,” I explain. “I need to get out of this apartment before I go crazy.” Alanna nods in understanding. “Okay, just be careful, babe. Gabriel’s got me twisted into a bundle of nerves now. I’ll feel much better when we are safe in his apartment.” “Yeah,” I groan as I walk out the door. If that ever happens. When I get to the courier company, my boss hands me a piece of paper with the address on it. “You sure are popular.” He laughs. “I think it must be that rich boyfriend of yours. He told me not to tell you, so make sure you act surprised, okay?” I smile in relief. He must be planning a surprise for me. I wonder curiously what it is as I walk down the street. Twenty minutes later I’m staring up at two adjacent buildings. This business has a ½ address, and I can’t figure out where it is. I decide to walk down the alleyway, thinking it must be somewhere behind the two buildings. I’m expecting Gabriel to be standing there, but I don’t see him anywhere. I don’t see any buildings with the address on them either. An uneasy feeling starts to creep into my belly, unfurling its black venom like a poisonous snake. The more I think about it, the more I realize Gabriel would never ask me to walk around in a strange place like this. It doesn’t feel right. I turn to leave, but it’s already too late. Something slams into me from behind, plunging me into darkness as I crash to the ground beneath.
Chapter Four Victoria
My tongue is plastered to the roof of my mouth and it feels like someone’s jammed a knife straight into the back of my skull. One quick glance around confirms that what happened before wasn’t a nightmare. I’m lying on a stone cold floor with my arms bound behind me, my forehead covered in blood and sweat. Bile rises in my throat as I try in vain to struggle loose from the ropes, but a hard boot to my ribs is quick to put a stop to that. “Stop moving, bitch!” A man barks from behind me. My mouth is duct taped and I try to speak, but everything comes out muffled. All I want to do is scream, but I know I need to stay calm. To figure out where I am and what’s happening. I’m not dead yet, so there has to be something I can do. I glance around and take in my surroundings. This place looks strangely familiar, and it only takes all of a minute for reality to sink in. I’m in Gabriel’s cabin. A renewed sense of dread washes over me as I flop my body over, craning my neck to look for him. The man who kicked me is standing in front of the door, watching me intently. It’s the same man who bumped into me in front of my apartment the other day, the one I got the weird feeling about. I have no idea what he could possibly want with me, but from the look in his eye, it doesn’t take much to guess. I try not to focus on that as I continue to survey the room around me. Lifting my head isn’t easy, and the moment I do searing pain shoots through my skull. I whimper and try to suppress the overwhelming urge to vomit as my eyes land on the other side of the room. My worst nightmare has come to life as I glance at the battered figures strapped into metal chairs before me. Alanna looks as though she is sleeping peacefully, but Gabriel is bleeding badly from the side of his drooped head. He looks as if he’s taken the brunt of this strange man’s wrath, and my heart squeezes at the sight. I don’t know what he wants, but the more I watch him, the more I realize he’s waiting for something. Or someone. Almost as if on cue, the front door creaks open, and a voice behind me chills me to the bone. Sweetness laced with Arsenic, the most caustic woman I’ve ever known enters the room with a flourish. Eleanore. “Is the bitch awake yet?” she asks casually, her gaze swinging in my direction. “Yeah, she’s awake all right,” the man retorts. “And already causing trouble too. When are you going to let me at her?” My stomach churns violently at his implication, my breath coming out in hollowed gasps. I would rather die than let Eleanore do this to me again. But then I think about Gabriel and Alanna, the innocent bystanders in all of this. They’re only here because of me. “All in good time, Allan,” my stepmother’s shrewd voice cracks my raw nerves like a whip. As she approaches, her heels click across the hard floor like shotgun blasts. And instinctively, I know this is it. The end of the line for me, because there’s no getting away from her this time. And just as I suspected, she isn’t going to let me go down alone. I squeeze my eyes shut as tears flood my vision, threatening to turn me into a sobbing mess. She’s going to hurt Alanna and Gabriel to get to me. In a sick twist of irony, I recall the time that Gabriel and I spent at this cabin not so long ago. How I told him about Orion’s fate, and how I thought the constellation had guided me to him somehow. And now, here I am, his own personal Artemis, unknowingly leading him to his death. The whole situation is so fucked up I want to scream until my lungs are bloody. But I know it won’t do me any good. The expression on Eleanore’s face tells me as much. She’s finally got me right where she wants me, and there’s nothing I can do to change that. “Did you really think you could get away from me so easily you foolish girl?” I try to mumble a fuck you from behind the tape, but nothing intelligible comes out. Eleanore stoops down, and in one swift painful movement, rips the tape from my mouth. I tamp down the strong instinct to react to the pain, refusing to give her the satisfaction. She simply laughs at my stiff expression. “Always trying to put on a brave face, aren’t we? Tell me, Victoria, don’t you think it’s time you paid the piper?” “What are you talking about?” I hiss. “I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve left you alone, so why can’t you just move on?” “Oh you would say that,” she snaps. “After everything that you’ve done to hurt me. Making your father hate me… making the whole town think I was crazy.” “You are crazy!” I yell, unable to stop myself. I know this isn’t the best way to approach the situation. She has the two people I love most in the world within her grasp. I know I should be logical, but right now I can’t. I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns. “You think you are so tough don’t you?” she glances across the room. “We’ll see how tough you are after your friends wake up and you watch me slowly torture them to death.” All of the blood drains from my face, and just like that, my temper is gone. “Please, Eleanore…” I beg. “You don’t have to do this. Just let them go.” She actually seems to consider it for a moment before busting into a hysterical fit of laughter. “No, I don’t think so, Victoria. But don’t worry, it won’t be all blood and gore. We’re going to have a little fun first. You see, I think I will make your angry boyfriend watch Allan here rape you repeatedly. Maybe your pretty little friend over there too. I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet.” “Why are you doing this?” I plead, my voice cracking. “They haven’t done anything to you. You can do anything you want to me, but please let them go.” “Tisk, tisk.” Eleanore smiles. “Where would the fun in that be? You deserve everything you get, you little whore.” “How can you say that?” I try to reason with her, playing to any of her sane emotions. “You’ve been the only mother I’ve ever known.” “Yes, how unfortunate for me.” She retorts sourly. “You didn’t know how lucky you were. You never appreciated me.” The weakness in her eyes surprises me, but before I can say anything, she walks back towards the front door. “I need to get some things in town,” she announces to the man standing guard. “You call me the minute they wake up, do you understand?” He nods, and then as quickly as she entered, she’s gone again. I need to figure something out, and fast. As I stare up at the ceiling, I hear incoherent grumbling from across the room. I crane my neck to see Gabriel stirring in his chair. He blinks his eyes open wearily, his expression filled with pain. “Victoria,” he rasps. “How did they get to you?” I glance up at the man at the door to find him picking his nail absently. He doesn’t seem to care that we’re conversing, so I decide to answer. “I was making a delivery,” I reply. His jaw grows rigid as his eyes darken with obvious frustration. “I gave you one simple fucking request,” he booms. “You just had to leave your apartment, didn’t you?” “I didn’t know,” I snap back. “I thought it was a delivery for you. That’s what my boss told me anyway.” His face softens a little as his eyes roam over me, taking mental stock of my condition. I can tell he wants to rescue me right now, but he can’t move an inch. Somewhere deep in the recesses of my depraved mind, I almost find it ironic. “Are you okay?” he asks. “Yes.” I nod. “I think so. My head hurts, but I’m okay.” He looks so sad and forlorn, I can’t help the intense guilt that floods over me. This is all my fault. Tears spring to my eyes, and I try my best to hold them back, to be strong. “I’m so sorry Gabriel,” I whisper. “This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen.” “No,” he replies firmly. “Don’t think like that, Victoria. This is not your fault. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine.” He casts his eyes to the floor and I try to make sense of what he’s not saying. But then he quirks his eyebrow as though an idea has just struck him. He glances at the man by the door and then strains in his chair to try to look out the window. What is he doing? “Victoria,” he says calmly, “I just want you to try to relax, okay.” The man at the door lets out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head at our conversation. “Think back on the last couple days, and how good they were,” Gabriel continues, his tone odd. “Think of all the things we did together. You, me, and Alanna.” He seems to be stressing the last part. He’s trying to tell me something, but I don’t know what. I think over the last couple of days, mentally taking stock of our time together. I hardly even saw him. The last time I saw him was when he was teaching me how to shoot… The gun. It was in my waistband before when I was taken from the alley. Is it still there? My body seems impossibly numb as I try to adjust on the floor without getting the attention of the man above me. I roll as flat as my bound wrists behind me will allow, wiggling my hips a little to press my butt to the floor. And then I feel it. The cold metal of the gun still inside my pants. How did they not find it? I shake my head because it doesn’t matter. I need to figure something out and quick. Eleanore will be back soon. As I try to wiggle my wrists behind me, the ropes make a slight noise, and it earns me another swift kick to the ribs from the man at the door. “Don’t fucking move!” he growls. Gabriel rocks violently in his chair, his face red with anger as I try to fight the overwhelming pain. “I’ll fucking kill you when this is over Allan,” he bellows. The man just gives him a pathetic smile, as if he already knows that will never happen. “I’m going to fuck your little girlfriend here,” Allan announces. “Long and hard, right in front of you. Then you’ll watch her die a slow and painful death before it’s your turn.” A sob escapes from my chest. I don’t want to cry, and I don’t even care that he said he’s going to rape me. All I can think about is Gabriel. If I can’t get free, he’s going to die… because of me. “Shhh baby,” Gabriel tries to soothe me from his chair. “It’s okay Victoria, I’m right here with you.”
Chapter Five Victoria
Over the next twenty minutes, I try to wriggle free from the ropes that bind my wrists. They are too tight. Way tighter than Gabriel would have ever bound me. And the more I move, the more they cut into my wrists. I can feel the sensitive skin burning as blood seeps from my wounds, but I don’t care. I need to do this. As Alanna begins to stir, my efforts become more fervent. Eleanore asked Allan to call her back when they woke up, and now time is running out. I’m hoping for at least a few extra minutes, but as soon as Allan sees her moving, he picks up his cell phone and walks into the kitchen. For the few brief moments he’s gone, I wriggle furiously, pulling at one of the ropes with my fingernails in an attempt to shred it. Allan comes back before I can get anywhere, and Alanna groans as she comes out of her drug induced stupor. She blinks her eyes a couple times before they quickly fill with terror. Before I can think of anything to comfort her, Eleanore slips through the front door. Her heels click along the hardwood floors as she walks into the center of the room, taking stock of all the puppets at her disposal. “Well, looks like the gang’s all here.” She muses. “Now the real fun begins.” I still my wrists when her gaze turns to me, cold and deadly calm. “Now Victoria,” she says. “You get to choose who I kill first. Your best friend, or your boyfriend.” The word no tumbles weakly out of my mouth as I shake my head vehemently. It’s all I can manage, and this only seems to irritate Eleanore further. “I think you seem to have forgotten how persuasive I can be.” She turns to look at Allan, waving him over. “Untie one of her hands,” she orders. Though my fear is a real living, breathing thing at the moment, it’s overshadowed by a small glimmer of hope. If Allan unties my hand, I may have a shot at getting the gun. Like a good little soldier, Allan stomps over and nimbly undoes one of my binds. He strings the rope back beneath me, dangling my bloodied wrist in front of Eleanore. At the site of it, Gabriel snaps. “What the fuck do you want Eleanore?” he pleads. “I’m sure whatever it is, we can work something out…” his voice trails off and his eyes fill with desperation. “Just please don’t hurt her any more.” Eleanore shoots him a stone-faced glare. “There is nothing you have that interests me. This…” She waves her hand around the room. “Is what I want. And as long as you play along with my game and follow my instructions carefully, I won’t kill her just yet.” Allan kneels down on my free arm, effectively holding it in place as Eleanore hands him a giant metal tool that looks somewhat like a wrench. My stomach churns as I try to stay calm, taking in large gulps of air. “Now.” Eleanore focuses on Alanna and Gabriel. “This is what we are going to do. I need you to listen carefully to my very simple instructions. I will ask you a yes or no question, and you will respond with yes or no only.” Alanna glances nervously at Gabriel and then back to me, tears streaming down her face. “If you say anything else, and I do mean anything else, even so much as one word,” Eleanore continues, “I will break one of Victoria’s fingers.” Gabriel glares at her as Alanna sobs, trying to control her rising panic. “Is that clear?” Eleanore asks. Alanna nods meekly and Gabriel simply grunts before looking down at me with his most reassuring expression. I know he’s trying to tell me he won’t hurt me. “Okay.” Eleanore smiles. “Let’s get started then, shall we?” She pulls a chair from over by the door and sits next to me. “Alanna,” she hisses, “we’ll start with you. Victoria’s best friend. Someone she relies on and trusts with her every secret. Someone I’m sure she has come to think of as a sister.” She glances down at me with an icy smile. “What do you think Victoria here will think of you once she has learned of your betrayal?” My face contorts in confusion as Alanna shakes her head violently. “Let’s talk about Dallas, shall we?” Alanna tries in vain to bury her face in her shoulder, blocking out everything around her as Eleanore’s voice rings through the room.