Before Bunkering. During Bunkering. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Before Bunkering Actions: 1. Establish communications between ship and bunkering station / barge. 2. Rig fire fighting equipment. 3. Position drip trays and save alls. 4. Plug scuppers. 5. Post "No Smoking" and "No Naked Light" signs. 6. Close scuttles, windows and air conditioning intakes 7.Tie off hose to prevent strain on end fitting. Check: · Vessel and barge are moored securely. · Safe access between ship and bunker barge. · The deck watch is fully briefed. · Emergency shut down procedure is discussed and agreed. · Torches, radios and all other electrical equipment is suitable for hazardous area operation. · Suitable protective clothing is available and being used. · All personnel involved in the operation are aware of designated escape routes. · Sufficient personnel are retained on board to deal with an emergency. · Bunkering area is adequately lit. During Bunkering. Actions: 1. Take periodic witnessed oil samples. 2. Reduce loading rate before topping off. 3. Close valves as each tank is loaded. 4. Notify bunker station / barge when final tank is being filled. 5. Allow sufficient ullage to drain hoses and lines. Check: · Supply line pressure and temperature. · Tank levels, and those adjacent tanks are not being fitted. · Loading rate. · Bunker tank vent systems. After Bunkering Actions: 1. Close and blank off manifold. 2. Blank off hose before lifting it over the side. 3. Unplug scuppers and open drains. 4. Drain and stow drip trays. 5. Mop up any drips and minor spills. 6. Send bunker samples for analysis. Check: · Ail filling valves are closed. · All lines and hoses have been drained and blanked. · All bunker tank vents, sounding tubes etc. are secured. · All areas are free from oil and all equipment is stowed correctly.