Exercise 4.. Exercise 5.Exercise 4. 1) the service staff - f) is supplied with a portable radio to communicate with the engine-room, bridge, bunkering barge, or coast bunkering personnel; 2) the engineer - h) will order the barge to stop pumping for five minutes to avoid air pockets when a tank is filled to 80 % capacity. 3) the Port State Control - e) fines the vessel’s officers who were responsible for the leakage; 4) the crew - g) prepares the bunkering station; 5) the watchkeeping officer - c) informs the crew about the start of the bunkering operation and checks that red light/flag Bravo is displayed; 6) the Chief Engineer - a) must be in charge of bunkering and prepare written instruction; 7) the Third Engineer - d) opens the valves on the tanks that will be filled with fuel; 8) motormen - b) unscrew the connecting nuts of the flanges and remove all fire-fighting equipment; Exercise 5. обсуждать условия бункеровочной операции- discuss the conditions of a bunkering operation; поставка жидкого топлива- liquid fuel supply; быть ответственным за обеспечение этого образца топлива- be responsible for providing this fuel sample; принимать участие в бункеровке- take part in bunkering; обеспечивать опилками, ветошью, ведрами и огнетушителями- provide sawdust, rags, buckets and fire extinguishers; подписать все документы- sign all documents; проверить соединение шланга- check hose connection; открутить соединяющие гайки фланца- unscrew the connecting nuts of the flange; быть оштрафованным судовладельцем- be fined by the shipowner. Exercise 6. 1. During a long voyage, ships call at foreign ports to replenish fuel, water and food supplies. 2. Bunkering is a dangerous operation and must be carried out very carefully. 3. Throughout bunkering, visual observation of all actions is required. 4. It is the chief mechanic who must agree with the suppliers on the desired brand of fuel, on the time and on the procedure for bunkering. 5. We need to supply 400 tons of heavy fuel. 6. How many tons of diesel do you need to supply? 7. What brand of fuel do you use? 8. Sorry, but our old-built vessel and diesel do not fit it.
fuel system. 9. Starmekh is responsible for the supply of fuel corresponding to this sample. 10. In the event of fuel entering the sea, those responsible for the leak will be fined. 11. The bunker wants us to close the drain valves and seal them. 12. We would like you to start pumping fuel into the stern tank. 13. We need to appoint an observer for leaks and overflow, as well as to take meter readings. 14. The third mechanic is very experienced, he will make all the necessary preparations in accordance with international rules. 15. Will there be a representative of your company to monitor in case of a fuel overflow or other unforeseen circumstances? 16. We are ready to start bunkering right now. We have little time. 17. How many tons of fuel do you want to order? 18. What is the diameter of your bunker hose? 19. In the event of a fuel overflow, our bunker will immediately stop the bunkering. 20. How long will you be in port? 21. How much fuel are you going to take? 22. What brand of fuel do you use? 23. Who will be responsible for the bunkering? 24. Who will signal the fuel cut? 25. Who will watch the hose? 26. Who will record the meter? Exercise 7. Оповещение- alert; забортные клапаны- outboard valves; забортные стоки- outboard drains; сальники- oil seals; бункеровочный рукав- bunkering sleeve; освещение района трубопровода- lighting of the pipeline area; локализация и уборка разлитой нефти- localization and cleaning of spilled oil; опломбировать- to seal; маркировки об испытании- marking of the test; быть в наличии и в рабочем состоянии- be available and in working condition; система аварийной остановки бункеровки- bunkering emergency stop system. Exercise 11.