Watch the video. Can you name the cities in the video clips? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
What do you know about the cities below? Watch the video. Can you name the cities in the video clips?
Discuss the questions 1. What are the advantages / disadvantages of living in a city? 2. Which is the best city in your country? Why? 3. In your opinion, which is the worst city? Why?
1. The city is d_____. There's absolutely nothing to do. 2. The district is r_______-_________. The houses are in a bad condition. It needs redevelopment. 3. It's totally d_________ here. Where's everybody? 4. The area is really v_________. There's so much life. 5. It's very d_______ here. Looks like most of the buildings were constructed during the Soviet era. 6. The city centre is really o______________. There's no room to breathe. 7. This part of town is very t__________. There aren't many locals here. 8. What a p__________ little town! It looks like a postcard. 9. It's such an a__________ area. People are obviously rolling in money. 10. This part of the city is really d__________. The standard of living is very low.
Correct the mistakes. One sentence is correct. 1. I love my hometown, but as a teenager I always found it deadly. 2. This area of Liverpool is poor and running down. 3. The coastal resorts are desert in winter. 4. The Indian area to the west of the city is vibrating and busy. 5. Once in France, the family settled in a cramped flat in the drably Paris suburb of Trappes. 6. The fact that the centre is undercrowded is the main thing that people complain about. 7. This used to be a pretty little fishing town, but now it's become very touristful. 8. There's a shop in the picturesque village that attracts visitors from all over the country. 9. We stayed in a deprived neighborhood. There was a sports car parked in every driveway.
Match the adjectives to the videos. There are two words you don't need to use. Work in groups. Think of different places that each of the adjectives could describe. Give reasons.
Speaking · Think about one city you would like to live in and one where you would hate to live. Describe the places and explain your choice. · Work in small groups and share your ideas.