Chapter 29Chapter 29 Upstairs, Matt and Sally repressed tightly against the wall. People were pounding on the glass doors, trying to jar them open despite mass protests. Suddenly, the horribly disfigured Michael Myers lurched up the stairs into the eerie, dark shadows of the lobby. Sally was slammed against the wall by a force of scattering bodies, desperately trying to move back. Hysteria swept through the room. There was no one there to save them. Michael stood at the top of the staircase, holding a rusted gasoline cannon one hand and a burning jack o' lantern in the other. Hell had arrived. Michael had come home. Shrieks of terror swept across the floor as he emptied the can of flammable liquid across the walls and drapery choking gasoline fumes filled the room. Matt screams Jochum. No one moved. They were all helplessly frozen. Matt looked at the gleaming pumpkins that sat on the floor. Gasolines ripped up the walls dangerously close to the flames, as if in slow motion. Matt felt his body moving across the room. He was blinded by terror and rage, but he kept moving closer and closer. Michael Meyers step forward toward him in class. His two huge hands around Matt's throat, Matt gasped in struggling with all his strength and pushed the two of them backwards down the stairs. They tumbled into the darkness. A Jack Leonard flung against the wall, igniting a gasoline soaked curtain. The lobby lit up in an orange blaze. Terrified people shrieked for help as they clawed and beat the windows and walls without thinking about the consequences of her actions. Sally Potter way through the crowd and the smoke and went tearing down into the basement after Matt. In minutes, she thought the whole place would go up in flames. She found that lying on top of the twisted filing cabinets, the flames from upstairs cast a horrifying light across the basement. Sally could see a few struggling bodies still tangled in the wet and the balloons bobbing through the room. She looked at Matt and then back at the kids trapped on the dance floor. There wasn't time to help them now. She decided she pulled Matt to his feet and glanced around the room. Her body was not with fright. Michael Myers was nowhere to be seen. He disappeared into the maze. Come on! Sally screamed. They felt their way along the back walls of the building, around the dance floor. The smoke was growing thicker and the fire was spreading quickly. Matt hoisted Sally up through the basement window. She put herself through roughly and dragged her leg across a broken shard of glass. Her leg throbs painfully as she stood up from the cold, muddy ground. She looked down and saw a bloody gash in her ripped gold stockings. Sally peered back inside. Rehmat yelled to her. Open the back door. You pull and I'll push Sally frantically search for the back door in the darkness there. She grabbed the handle and put it on the emergency release with all of her strength. While Matt pushed the door flung open and Matt escaped outside, a few others ran out after him. Matt and Sally ran around the front of the building and climbed the massive staircase. They moved toward the glass doors where they saw the screaming, desperate faces pressed hideously against the glass. The people inside were banging, inclined to get out of the burning, smoke filled room. Matt yanked hard on the shovel, releasing the doors. A stampede of teenagers and clouds of thick black smoke poured through the doors. Just as everyone escaped, the lobby ignited into a total blazing inferno. Sally heard wailing sirens in the distance and almost breathed a sigh of relief before she remembered that there were still people trapped in the basement. There wasn't time to wait for the authorities. Michael Meyers hasn't come out and Laura and Jake were still inside. Sally screamed her eyes wide with fear.
Matt. We've got to go back inside. Jake and Laurie, you're still missing.
Matt nearly collapsed from exhaustion that forced himself to be strong to go on. Sally and Matt ran around again to the back of the building. Her golden dress glowed in the orange line as they raced past the flames. Smoke and heat drifted through the broken window and under the back door. As they entered the basement, they could see the flames licking across the walls and filing cabinets. Laurie stood over Jake on the dance floor, screaming as she tried to free him from the giant spider web. Balloons began bursting from the intense heat. Sounding like rounds of machine gunfire. Three girls right beneath the ropes. Sally saw Marsha Miller's panic face staring up at her from beneath the web. Don't let me die. Please just don't let me die like this. Martha begged. Her face was blackened with smoke and soot. Sally touched her hand briefly and shouted over the rumbling. I'll get you out. Marsha. Just hold on steel and start struggling. Matt helped me lift this thing together. Matt and Sally lifted the giant web, freeing Marcia and her friends who were caught underneath a loud explosion boom through the basement as a filing cabinet ignited and burst thousands and burning papers scattered through the air. Miniature fires broke out all over the basement. Laurie screams Help me, help me get Jake out. As she rifting clawed the nylon ropes, she didn't even notice that her real hands were beginning to bleed. Marsha stumbled her feet and put on her Michael Meyers mask to protect herself from the thick, acrid smoke. She tripped on the remnants of the net and fell to her knees. Her friends blindly ran out of the smoke filled basement without her. The huge building creaked in a large burning being crashed to the ground with the shower of scattering sparks, burning embers and debris pinned the nylon ropes to the floor. Jake was trapped beneath them. The net ignited at the far end of the room. Lori kept tugging, doing everything she could to set him free.
He can't die. Not after everything that's happened. Not now. I'll get you out, Jake. I promise. She cried. Coughing from the smoke. Sally screamed at Marsha. Get out. Marsha, hurry. Marsha stood up and looked around the burning room in total confusion. Her eyes fixed on Matt. Matt, please save me. She cried.
A hulking figure emerged through a cloud of black smoke that struggled to get Jake untied. He did everything he could to try to free his friend. He heard footsteps behind him and he turned. And that's when he saw it.
Michael Meyers was coming at the glimmer of the knife shown brightly in the fiery light. Matt screamed as Michael Meyers move closer and closer. Another blazing support being pressed to the ground behind him. He screamed, jumping back out of the way. The scene was too nightmarish to be real. But it was real. And this was really happening. Matt had an idea. It was their only shot. He ran and hid behind the gear team and put sheets were a silver duct tape revealing a razor sharp blade. The metal was almost too hot to touch. He stood on the other side of his weight, his arms wildly. He screamed out over the burning rubble. Hey, Michael. Over here. Tell me. Give me.
So he looked up from the hopeless tangle of rope and saw Michael march through the thick black smoke, slowly making his way toward Matt.
It was a vision that she would never be able to erase from her memory. She shrieks. Matt, what are you doing? No.
Marsha Miller appeared out of the smoke. She stumbled behind my toward Matt. Matt continued to untie the release hand was Michael stepped into his trap. Michael Meyers stopped. Sally screamed, More should get out of here. Go that way. Run. Michael Barnes whirled around the scene. Marcia standing behind him. The flames danced furiously in his black eyes. For a moment, Marcia let out a chilling scream. She spotted the circle searching for a way out. Michael Meyers grabbed her by the head and snapped her neck back. When the bone crunching cracked, her body felt broken. Then Michael Myers began marching towards South in lowering Matt had to think fast. Had to get him to go the other way. This way. He cried, panic, killing him. He picked up a jack o' lantern and her limp. Michael Meyers hitting him with the jarring force.
Michael Myers stumbled around, swaying slightly. He began walking toward Mack the Knife, firmly ripped of his knee. Matt is numb with tears. Michael Meyers step closer and closer. He squeezed the release part of the guilty tightly in his hands. Sally screamed and ran forward, shoving Michael Meyers directly toward the vehicle. The hulking figure lunch. Born and raised his arm to drive the knife, and that's furiously feeding cards. Matt released the cord blade. The gates was rough. The screeching metal against metal sound. Michael Myers suddenly looked up at the fallen blade. Blood spattered across mats faces Michael Myers sink to the ground. The thick blade was embedded through the center of his mask.
Matt stumbled backward and gagged. The horrifying sight in the hellish inferno. Blood filled the eye holes of the mask and the flames reflected back at him in the two dark red pools. Fire was engulfing the entire room and another meant the place was going to collapse in on itself. Matt grabbed the knife from Michael Meyers hand and stumbled through the cavern and burning beams towards Sally, Lori and Jake. They cast and gagged as they tried to release Jake. Matt screamed at the girls, get out, run. Sally had to tear Laurie away from Jake. Laurie's hand was painfully jerked from his tears streaming down her cheeks. I love you, she cried as she was dragged away. A window exploded from the heat and shattered glass crashed to the floor. Sally and Lori covered their faces with their hands and stumbled across the dance floor outside. They held their breath until they were free of the smoke and began gulping in the fresh air. They collapsed to the ground and held each other, sobbing, waiting and watching the door.