Chapter 24Chapter 24 in the dark woods. Matt opened his heavy eyelids. He didn't know how long he'd been knocked out, but his head was still throbbing. He forced himself to stay calm as reality set in his mind was flooded with nightmarish images. Matt was still in the ditch, still covered with mud. The sharp pain still pulsating through his body. But he was alive. He held his breath for a moment and listen carefully to his surroundings. The land whisper through the trees. He was alone now with his final reserve of energy. He began wiggling his fingers, then his wrists, then his arms, to loosen the heavy blanket of freezing dirt that had nearly suffocated him. Sweat dripped from his favorite head as he got an arm loose and then his leg had to get out. Have to warn the others. If it's not too late. Matt had three. His pain wracked body from the dirt he grabbed onto a twisted tree root that reached out across the ditch. Slowly, he was able to pull himself out by climbing up the tangled nest of roots and branches at ground level.
He stared down into the deep hole in the earth that had nearly become his early grave. The rested shovel was missing. Michael Meyers was gone. Matt limped through the woods. By way of moonlight, the lights in downtown Haddonfield came into view. The city hall building was right there, right. The lights were out. The building sat quietly, outlined only by the glow of the four October moon.
Something was very wrong. Matt traveled as fast as he could, wincing with each painful step. He knew where Michael Meyers had gone.