Chapter 26Chapter 26 Sally grabbed a jack and lantern and carried it through the halls of the building, looking for Mayor Jamison or a security officer or anyone. The light from her pumpkin cast the night nurse tunnel along the dark corridors as she screamed out for help. The mayor sat in his office desperately trying to dial out for backup. He'd known that something was terribly wrong when the lights went out. He slammed down the receiver of his dead phone in the dark.
Mayor Jamieson fumbled through his desk and found a keychain squeeze lights. He gripped the tiny light and sweaty palm.
He knew Michael was here. His knees felt rubbery as he stood up from his desk. He was barely able to walk. He's shown the tiny beam of light along the walls of his office as he backed out toward the corridor. His deteriorating heart pounded in his chest and threatened to burst. He heard the far off voice of a girl screaming somewhere in the building. Heavy footsteps clunk down the hallway toward the door of his office. He called out. Who's there? No one answered, sending a silent shockwave through his body. The footsteps came closer. Pounding against the smooth tile floor. Cautiously, he poked his head out into the narrow corridor and felt an icy draft. The footsteps had stopped and all he could hear was the sound of his own reason.
He could see the moon shining through the open window at the end of the hall. The mayor froze in terror, clutching his pained, wracked hearts. Michael Myers stepped out from the shadows and moved toward him with his arms race.
The mayor let out a blood curdling scream. The blade of the gleaming butcher knife crunched the mayor's rib cage. He slid into his heart. The mayor let out one last desperate cry as he struggled to remove the knife, truly sticking to his chest. Fresh blood seeped from the gaping wounds. The last thing Mayor Jamieson saw was the horrifying case of Michael Myers looming overhead. Before everything that White is having, a broken body dropped to the floor with a crash. Michael Meyers jerked the bloody knife from his chest and listeners listened to the desperate screams of a nearby girl.