Chapter 10,Chapter 10, Jake and Lori entered the lobby to the city hall building. The old clerk nearly had a heart attack when she saw Lori's bloodstained blouse. Lori, a little embarrassed by her appearance, quickly explained that it was fake blood and asked to use the telephone. She dialed nine one one was immediately connected to the police department. She explained the details of the bizarre accident to an officer who dispatched the patrol car to the scene. He told her they'd been contacting them later for more information. Satisfied that the matter was now in the hands of the police. Lori, relax the rules. They went down to the basement to help Matt and Sally with the decorating. Sally's face went white. Lori Jake, what happened to you guys? That Kamir quick. Jake explained what had happened to them. Sally got at the bloody mess all over their clothing. Don't worry. Jake assured them we weren't hurt. The police are investigating right now. Matt, look worried. So you think someone tried to kill you? He hope they didn't notice that his voice was just the tiniest bit shaky. Are you sure? Lori sat down on a crate, sawed off tree stumps.
Don't lie. She said whoever did it must have been waiting for us to drive by and push it in the road at the last minute. Sally's eyes opened wide. What if it was Michael Myers? Her voice became squeaky and high pitch.
Where did this come back? Matt rolled his eyes. Sally, for the last time, Michael Meyers isn't coming back. That is if he ever even existed. You've been watching too many horror movies. This conversation's getting a little too stupid for me. I'm going to go back to work on the maze and I could use some actual help. Sally protested. He turned his back on. Oh, yeah. Well, how do you explain the accident? Who would try to hurt Lori and Jake? I don't think that Martian Miller would go that far. Matt went around. Who do I look like? Inspector Gadget? Maybe the city was clearing it. Or maybe somebody needed some firewood. You people need to get a grip. We have a lot of work to do around here, he said. Sally thought about it.
I guess you're right. We've all been a little tense the last couple of days, she mumbled as she caught her breath and calm down. She winked at Lori and slipped into the maze. After Matt, Jake pulled an envelope from his pocket and showed it to Lori. I meant to ask you, do you know this girl, Marsha Miller? She handed me this envelope in the parking lot after school.
He said, Do I know Marsha Miller? Lori asked sarcastically as she tore open the sealed envelope. She's only the rudest, richest, meanest, worst enemy of mine. Actually, Sally's the one she really hates. But she takes it out on me because we're friends. Oh, I gotcha. Jake said, realizing he might have struck a nerve. Lori removed the invitation from the black envelope and read. Hi, Jake. I'm having a wicked Halloween bash in Ames is dying to have you as a guest. Marsha. P.S. Here's a little something for you and your band if you can play my party. Lori reached inside the envelope and found a chip. Jake grabbed the check and took a deep breath. Wow. 400 bucks. I can't believe it. Who is this girl? Lori felt angry and defeated. She spat. That girl was conniving, evil. You know what? Lori explained. She's been on the warpath ever since Sally started dating Matt. She went nuclear when she found out that we're having our party on the same night as hers. And now she's stealing our entertainment, too. Lori angrily pounded her fist into a cardboard box. Jake had to stop himself from laughing at Lori's childish tantrum. Wait a second. Lori, hold on. Who's sick? I'm going to play a third party. He asked Lori deeply into his eyes. He seemed to be amused by the whole thing. You mean you turned down that kind of money from the sacred spring factory? Jake took her hand in his. Now I'm turning it down because I have a date that night with my new girlfriend, who happens to be the hottest girl in Haddonfield. And I already have a previous booking to play Listerine factory. I'll give her a check back tomorrow. Murray was breathless, she whispered. Your girlfriend Jake gently stroked her hair. Yeah, if that's okay with you. I really like you, Lori. I really do. He peeled off his leather jacket. I can't stop thinking about you. It's like you put some kind of spell on me. Are you a witch? She felt high as she digested his words. I know what you mean. I'm crazy about you, too. She admitted Sally walked up behind them. What's this about Marcia Miller? Lori being that Jake Marshall offered my boyfriend 400 bucks to play her stupid party, but he's turning her down and giving her back the money. Sally Tee's your boyfriend, huh? Congratulations. You too. Sally gave Jake a friendly hug. You look great. Is Jake for sticking with us. Besides, you'll get better exposure at our party. The whole school will be here from the jocks and the geeks. And unlike Martius, small private party for Hadfield's financially gifted Jake. Squeezable reasoning. And again, you guys are my friends. I'd never turn my back on you. Besides, if I play in her party, I'd just be hired. Help like a monkey on a string. Lori giggled as she looked down at her bloody blouse. This stuff is never going to come out. What did you make it with anyway, Jay? Fruit punch. Concentrate in tomato juice. He said, in a matter of fact, the way I developed it last summer when I was working for the theater, it's my Romeo and Juliet special mix. How appropriate. You don't go killing yourselves or anything, guys. Sally laughs Hey, do you guys want to meet us for pizza later? Not like this. I don't. I have to go home and change first. Lori said. Jake nodded in agreement. She grins. I'm officially donating this shirt to the spring factory. She posted the stick and trash bag. If the rest of the clothes that were in the bag look anything like this. Our work is cut out for us. Okay? You too, Sally said. I'm going back to check in on that. He's reading a giant spider web out of my Lonhro. We'll meet you in about six at the pizza parlor. Okay. It's a date. Lori said Jake pulled the bloody garments from the bag. Yep, they're red. All right. All we have to do is stuff the clothes with some newspaper and put some mask on four heads and we'll have ourselves an instant go fest. Laurie dug around and found some newspaper which she crumpled into balls while Jake carefully stuffed them into an old pair of pants. After he filled the old clothes, he chose mask for each figure. Laurie plays the wolf man mask over the collar.
One of the headless bodies that lay on the ground there, she said, standing back to look at their accomplishments. This is perfect. It almost looks as scary as when you were wearing it at your house. She giggle. Jake playfully crept toward her rally. Laurie shook her head. Oh, no, you don't. You scared me enough for one day. She looked at her watch. Well, we better get going soon. I want to get home before my parents see me like this. Why don't I give you a lift home and wait for you to change? Then we'll just go from your house. Jake offered Lori flashback to the accident earlier. Why don't you give me a lift home now? I'll come pick you up my dad's car. She suggested not wanting to sound like a wimp. She added, It's gonna be cold tonight. And besides, my parents would kill me if they found out I was riding around in the back of a motorcycle.