Chapter 7Chapter 7 Jake pulled up in front of city hall on his motorcycle. He was glad that he'd taken the time off this morning to recharge the battery. It was relieved that it was only a minor problem, Max. Jeep was parked out front. Jake felt a pang of anticipation as he thought about Laurie. He hoped she liked the song he put together last night. He took off his helmet and walked up the long staircase toward the entrance of the old building. Sally Laurie. And that we're busy in the basement, opening dusty boxes of junk that neither Jamison had gotten out of storage cage for the kids to use as props for the haunted house. The boxes were filled with old paper plates, cans of paint, clothing, curtains and hundreds of other discarded items. Mayor Jamieson handed Sally a fat, petty cash envelope filled with Chris 20 dollar bills.
He told her this is for buying refreshments and to get fliers printed to advertise the event. This is all the money we have to work with. You must provide receipts for each and every purchase. There is a shopping list inside for the bare essentials. We'll have to get those. Spend it wisely. That's all we've got. Laurie asked Mayor Jamieson, is it OK if we have a live rock band play at the party? Our friend offered to play. The mayor rubbed his chin, allied the band. That's a good idea. And we'd possibly draw a pretty large crowd. It's fine with me as long as they can bring their own equipment. He looked at his watch. I've got to get going, kids. Keep me updated on your progress. The mayor walked up the stairs and nearly crashed right into Jake, who was standing at the top. Excuse me? Jake said politely as the mayor hurried off to his office. Jake smiled as he looked down at Laurie. His tall frame almost filled the doorway.
He pointed to a large cardboard box and he brought in. I brought a surprise. His eyes searched the room. So this is it? He asked Matt complain. Yeah. This is gonna be a lot of work. Just look at this place. Jake, the mayor said you and your band can play. Isn't that great? Laurie called as she watched Jake love the heavy box down the stairs. He pulled the box across the floor. Cool. I'll call the guys later and tell on the good news. So what did you think of the tape? He asked. Laurie felt foolish for thinking that Jake might have been following her and was glad that she didn't mention it to anyone. It's really good and it's spooky. Does all your music sound like that? Jake laughs No, no. That was just something I put together for the haunted house. Most of our stuff is just ghetto rock and roll. Jake looked around the basements. Did the mayor say where he wanted us to set up on the stage? Matt pointed. What about over there in the storage cage? He explained. There's plenty of room in there if we move out the boxes and we can decorate it. So it looks like you and your band are monsters in a giant cage, you know? Yeah. Sally added, We can line up the filing cabinets so that the maze ends right by the bands. They can follow the music to the end of it. Matt pointed to the huge box Jake dragged in. What's in there? A dead body, Jake Grant. It's better. Just a little something I borrowed from the theater. Laurie looked at the box and then Jake. How'd you get it here on your motorcycle? No, I borrowed my buddy's pickup, he explained. So what's inside, Laurie? Question? It looks so heavy. I'll let Matt do the honors. Jake said, handing Matt his Swiss Army knife, Matt cut the tape and Sally dug in, struggling to pull something heavy out of the box. Grab that in. Matt told her, Al Sally cried. She pulled her fingers from the box to rebuild a small cut dripping with blood. Matt heaved the item out of the box and set it on the floor. Jake rushed over. Sally. Are you OK? He asked. Feeling guilty that you hadn't warned them. That thing is sharp. I'm sorry. Lori stared at the blade of the old guillotine on the floor. Yuck. Is that thing real? I don't think so, Jake answered. They use it as a prop over to the air, but it's about as close to the real thing as you can get. Sally sucked her finger. Look what it did to me. She eyed the crude metal blade with fear. I don't think it would be a good idea to have this thing at the party. Someone could get hurt. We'll just put some silver duct tape over the blade part and secure it so it can't fall down. This is perfect for the spring factory, guys, I'm telling you, Matt said Lori stepped away from the blade looking disgusted. I wonder how many people have had their heads chopped off with something like that. I don't know. It gives me the creeps. Jake laughs Yeah, it is pretty scary. Man held the little knife in the palm of his hand. Thanks, man, he said. Mind if I borrow it a little longer? The knife is just what I need to start digging into all these other boxes. This is going to be the best haunted house ever. Lori commented. Hey, Jake, would you design our flier for the spring factory? We need a really creepy looking haunted house with this time and the address on it. Oh, I need to take it to the printer tonight. Jake, wait, are you saying my art is creepy? Lori blushed. No, you're just a good artist. Come on. You know, I didn't mean anything by that. Jake was flattered that she even knew that he was an artist. Of course I'll do it. I better get started right now so I can make my deadline. Thanks. Lori looked over at Matt and Sally, who were pulling old costumes out of the box, not through on a red cape and mask. Sally fell into his arms. My hero. She cried in her most theatrical voice. My darling Matt dipped your back. We're giving her a long kiss. Laurie clears her throat Come on, you two. We've got a lot of work to do. Let's start throwing his own curtains and sheets over the filing cabinets. Sally pulled a dusty piece of drapery from a box mat, began rearranging the cabinets into a series of twisting and turning walls while the girls threw sheets over the top of them. Within an hour, Jake had completed the flier and the mace was all set up. The four kids sat on some cardboard boxes. Sally looked at Jake's artwork. This is great. It looks so professional, Jake. Well, thanks, Jake said. I've always loved art. He stole a glance at Laurie and smiled shyly.
You guys did a great job on the names, you know. Want to take me for a tour? He tried that one at a spooky voice at the end. Laurie stood smiling and took him by the hands. Right this way. All we have to do now is decorate it. Ouch! He cried. Laurie felt his and jerked away from hers.
He held up his band. Chained. Sorry. He smiled. It's still a little sore. He grabbed her hand with his other. Lori held her breath, wondering again how he'd heard it. Jake. She asked what happened to your hands. She had to know if he was the one following her last night. He gave her fingers a little squeeze that made her break out. And goose bumps. Nothing. He answered quickly. Just a little accident. Accident. She thought she pressed on. What kind of accident? Jake's face turned red. The bike fell over on me when I was working on it this morning. That's all he said. Lori sighed, relaxing a little. Come on. She told him. Jake followed her through the damn twist of the maze, filling electrified. The sun was going down outside and with every precious seconds. The darkness of night creeped into the basement windows. At the end of the maze, Jake stopped suddenly and without thinking of the consequences. He pulled Lori close to him and kissed her on the mouth. He felt her body go rigid and then relax. And she began to kiss him back. Jake stopped and pushed her away, hoping he hadn't frightened her. I'm sorry. I just. I couldn't help myself. Lori, still lightheaded from the rush of adrenaline, smiled. No, no, Jake. I'm glad you did. Jake wanted to hold her to kiss her again, but he stopped himself. It's getting dark. I'd better go over to the printer before they closed or flowers be ready by tomorrow morning, he said. Lori took a deep breath. OK, get some petty cash from Sally. She gave his hand a little squeeze. I'll see you tomorrow. She watched Jake disappear through the maze as she leaned against the filing cabinet, feeling dazed by his powerful kiss.
Outside the building, a dark shape emerged from the woods, peering at the dim lights, glowing in the basement. He followed their light tinkling laughter through the darkness. He was close enough now to hear the voices of teenagers talking and laughing slowly and carefully. He moved closer.
The sound of breaking glass echoed through the basement. What was that? Matt said, jumping to his feet. Laurie asked nervously. Jake left already me. Sally stood behind Matt. Yeah, he's gone. He's long gone. Sally pointed to the corner window. It came from over there. Look. The window is shattered. Matt pulled a black mask over his face, looking ridiculous. Have no fear, ladies. Matt. Man is here. Sally rolled her eyes at as Matt. Charged up through the maze, singing. Here I come to say good day. The girls timidly followed behind him. Matt, be careful back there. Sally, call the room with silence. Laura yell. Matt, where are you? Did you find anything? Matt. Sally looks up at the broken window with a concerned expression. Matt, are you OK? Honey, as they walked through the final turn in the maze, Matt suddenly popped up. Do. The girls screamed, Sally was furious. You jerk. You scared us to death. Matt cackle That was the idea. This is the exact spot I'm going to hide when the kids come through the maze. Laurie took a deep breath. What about the window? Did you find anything? The cold wind whistled to the basement. Nothing but broken glass. Someone broke it from the outside. Who would do such a thing and why? Sally asked. The lights went out, leaving them in total darkness. Laurie made a little swallowing noise and whispered, What if it's Michael Myers? Would you please shut up, Laurie? Matt snapped. Michael Myers. Does it exist? Read my lips. He's fake. A scratching sound came from the window. Sally was about to scream when the power groaned back on.
Laurie grabbed Sally in that. Let's get out of here. Matt and Sally agreed, and the three of them left. Matt flicked off the basement lights. Sally turned around to take one last look at the maze before they shut the door. In a blur. A white face appeared in the broken window, staring into the dark basements.