Chapter 9Chapter 9
Matt was sitting in his jeep waiting in front of the school for the girls. He stared at Sally's beet red face. Her fist and teeth were still clenched in anger. What's wrong with you? He asked. Your ex-girlfriend attacked me.
That's what's wrong, she said. With the hints and blame and her shaky voice. Matt looked surprised. Marcia. No kidding. Would you say to her. I don't believe this. Sally cried. I tell you, I've been attacked. And you ask me what I said to her. Well, the answer is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Matt could see how upset she was by the tears that were welling up in her green eyes. He placed his hands on her knee.
Sorry, Sally. He said. It's just. It's just that I've never seen her act like that before. Are you OK? Lori couldn't believe that Matt was being so dense. She angrily spoke up in Sally's defense. Marcia has been threatening us for days. She really, really steamed about our party because practically the whole school will be there. We think she put the death threat in Sally's locker. Death threats. Matt said he looked at Sally for an explanation. Sally told him about the pumpkin in message she'd found in her locker after lunch. Matt was deeply disturbed by the similarities between what Sally described in the Jack and Lantern in writing on the wall. He'd seen Emile Myers place a few days earlier, Sally added.
And on top of that, whoever put it in my locker stole all of my books. They even tore down your picture and crumpled it up. Matt didn't know what to take. After all, he dated Marcia for a few months and she'd never done anything truly mean to him except when he broke up with her. He'd called it off after she'd started telling him what to wear and who to socialize with. Matt didn't like being pushed around by anyone. He remembered his part time job at the hardware store, which was owned by Marsh's uncle. The day after he broke up with her, he was fired or laid off as a word that Matt asked. Did you report it to the principal or anyone? No. My locker was totally empty when I returned. I don't know what to paint. It was so horrible. Sally said Jake Kovak pulled up beside the jeep. He lifted his helmet. Hey, guys. Are you on your way to city hall? Laurie set up in the back seat looking at Jake. He looks fabulous and a little dangerous, sitting on a leather seat of his motorcycle. Yeah. She cried over the rumbling of his engine. We'll see you there. Jake motioned for Lori to join him. How about a ride on the wild side? Sounds great. She answered, licking her lips as she climbed out of the jeep, Jake handed Maria Hill. And now to the back of the bike. The vibrating chrome adding to her excitement. She waved at Sally and Matt. We'll meet you, she said. And hug Jake's lean body as they pull away from Haddonfield high disappearing down the road. Jake yelled over the sound of the engine. Let's stop by my house. There's something there I need to get. OK?
Lori shouted. She clasp her hands together around Jake's waist, watching the trees and the thickly wooded forest move past as they rode the bike, hugging the curves of the gently sloped road. They rounded the corner on directly road. Jake sped up a little as they approach the old Mars house. It still look creepy, even in broad daylight. Lori thought she caught a glimpse of something in the tiny attic window that made her heart stop. Jake, Jake, I saw something in there. Someone's in the old Mars house, she cried. Something is watching. She thought. Jake downshifted and pull to the side of the road across the street where he asked, Laurie hid behind Jake's body. She pointed to the attic. Up there, up there. I think I saw your face looking at it. It wasn't Ejaculator like the other night. It was moving. What if he's come back? Jake stared at the tattered curtain blowing through the window until his eyes went out of focus. I don't see anything. It was probably just a shadow from the trees on the curtain. This whole place can play tricks on your eyes. Laurie, Laurie protested. No, I really saw something, Jake. I really did. I think Jake turned around and touched her face. Maybe you did, he said. But if you're suggesting that we actually go inside that spook house to check it out. I really like you, but you're crazy. Laurie giggled nervously. No way. Let's just get out of here. She watched the attic window, filling more than a little uneasy as they drove away. At the end of the road, Jake pulled over and grabbed the male out of the box. Then they slowly drove up the long dirt road to his place, which was nestled against the forest on the hillside while Vincent surrounded several acres of property beside the house. Lori commented, Wow, it's really isolated up here. Doesn't it freak you out sometimes being so close to the Meyers house? Jake turned off the ignition and helped Lori off the bike. Not really. I can play my music as loud as I want. And no one ever complains. Not even Michael Meyers. Michael Myers, the name stuck in her mind. The horror stories. What about your parents? Lori asks. Jake shrugs their employers.
So they they go out of the country a lot. Right now, they're in Japan. They just stopped the freezer with pizza. Then lead me to run the place. I don't really mind. I'm used to being alone. Lori smoothed her hair. Well, you're not alone now. At least I don't think so, she thought. Jake fished the key from his pocket and smiled at her. You mean I'm not alone like at this moment, or I'm not alone as in something is going on between us both. She smiled. I think that is if you want. Jake touched her lips with his fingers and then gave her a kiss. He stepped back with to stare at her creamy skin and rosy cheeks. You're for real, aren't you, Laurie? Oh, yes, she said breathlessly. He smiled nervously as he leaned against the door and it pushed open. Then his expression suddenly became serious. Hey, that's weird. I swear I locked the door this morning. I always lock the door. Lori backed away from the porch. Could someone have come over who has a key? Jake peeked inside and whispered.
Now, the only one who has a key is my older brother. But he's away at college in Los Angeles right now. Lori, this is really strange. Stay out of your wallet. Check it out.
Lori paced back and forth on the porch as Jake disappeared inside. She caught a glimpse of the old Myers house down the road, sending chills down her spine. She was sure she'd seen a face in their.
Jake, is everything okay?
She called timidly, Louis, open the door and let herself in. She got that the unusually creepy, the core of the house. Tribal African mask, no walls among mountain heads, deer, buffalo and a bear. They seemed to watch her every move with dead glassy eyes. She stepped across the hardwood floor and peered up to the staircase. Jake, she called softly. Where are you? Where are you? Jake, alow, vicious growling came from behind the closed door upstairs. The hair on the back of lorries next stood on it. Not daring to take another step in any direction. She stood frozen, staring at the closed door. Jake. She called. The door creaks open and Lori sucked in her breath. Jake stood at the top of the stairs, wearing a hideous wolf mask, clutching a large bag. Lori laughed at herself for having been so scared just a moment ago. That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen, she said. Jake pulled off the mask and walked down the stairs. I didn't know you were in here. I was just getting together some stuff to use props at the Scream Factory, he explained. Lori took a deep breath. You almost made me scream, she said. She looked around nervously, remembering. They found the door unlocked. Jake followed her glance. Don't worry. He assured her. There's nothing missing from the house and there's no one in here but us. I checked it out. I must've rushed out this morning and just forgot to lock up. He opened the bag. Hey, come here. Look at this. I've got all kinds of mask and old clothes in here that we can use to decorate. Let's get out of here. Unless she agreed. Lori held the heavy bag of decorations in her lap, sandwiched between their bodies. Jake started the bike and they drove down the road away from the creepy Meyers house. Lori thought relaxed and happy, although it hadn't been spoken outright. She knew that she and Jake were now a couple. She squeezed him tightly as they rounded a turn on the old ranch road, which was lined with tall green trees. Lori breathed in the fresh air, the fresh, cool air, orange and brown leaves tembo behind the motorcycle as they sped down the road. Lori tilted her head backward and watch the tops of the pine trees rush by, suddenly aloud. Chris cracked. Feel the air followed by a creaking groan. Lori's eyes followed a tree leaning toward the road and realized a split second later that the towering pine was falling in front of the speeding motorcycle. Jake, look out! She screamed. Jake's body went rigid in alarm as the giant tree crashed to the ground one hundred yards in front of them, blocking the entire road. Jake hit the brakes and the motorcycle swerved sideways towards the shoulder. The distance to the wall of branches before them closing in at lightning speed. Lori screamed and covered her eyes as the bike leaned terrifyingly toward the ground. Everything feeling as if it were happening in slow motion. A cloud of tires, smoke and dust blown up around them. Lori opened her eyes and stared in disbelief at the giant tree that stretched her across the entire with the road. What happens? There was bright red blood all over the back of Jake's leather jacket. She screamed her eyes wide with her. When she saw that her white blouse was soaked with it. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Somebody help us! She cried. Her voice echoing down the desolate road. Jake got off the bike and touched the blood and Lori shirt. It's OK. He told her, licking his fingers. It's just the fake blood that was in the bag. It must have burst when he stops. And suddenly I had almost a gallon in there. We're not hurt. It's OK. Lori shook her head in disbelief. The sight of the blood, real or not, made her stomach turn. They had almost crashed. Oh, God, that was so scary. We almost crashed, Jake. Jake took off his helmet and stretched his shaky legs, which had tensed up when he was trying to stop. He couldn't understand what had just happened. Jake ran his fingers through his hair and some sort of a daze as he followed the tree to its end. Lori came here. He shouted. Lori followed him into the clearing from where the tree had fallen. She took a sharp, deep breath, fresh sap from the neatly cut tree stump. She screamed. It was cut. Somebody did this on purpose in her mind. She was screaming. Someone tried to kill us. Jake searched the woods with nervous eyes. Let's go. We'll report this when we get into town. But let's go now. Jake, will the motorcycle around the tree. He had to kick start the bike a couple of times before the engine broke nod. Lori was trembling with fear. She quickly picked up the sticky bag of fake blood and hopped on the back of the bike, frightened and anxious to get out of there.