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Jack London. Loveoflife.. Dictionary-2. Предложение ориг.текста


Performed by Makushina Milena, №291 (1) RIA

Jack London. Loveoflife.


№        слово перевод

Предложение ориг.текста

Своё предложение

His tongue even strayed out to moisten them. -Он облизнулсухиегубыкончикомязыка.

My tongueis my enemy.-Языкмой –врагмой.

It was the pleading cry of a strong man in distress.-Это была отчаянная мольба человека, попавшего в беду.

She asked for help in apleadingvoice.-Она просила о помощи умоляющим голосом.

But from the ridge, he saw that the shallow valley


- Но с гребня он увидел, что в неглубокой долине

никого нет!

The ridge of this mountain was sharp.-Гребень этой горы был острым.

But from the ridge, he saw that the shallow valley

was empty!

The valley stretched to the horizon.-Долина расстилалась до самого горизонта.
Swampy- болотистый

The valley floor was swampy, and the water soaked the thick moss like a sponge.-Дно долины было болотистое, водапропитывала густой мох, словно губку.

Swampyterrain is dangerous for construction.-Болотистая местность опасна для строитеьства.

The valley floor was swampy, and the water soaked the thick moss like a sponge.

In ancient times, mossinsulated huts. В давние времена мхом утепляли избы.

The valley floor was swampy, and the water soaked the thick moss like a sponge.

Spongewashes can be used as a makeup tool.makeup's.-Губкамоетбытьиспользованакакинструментмакияжа.

Reedsgrow along the banks of the stream.-По берегам ручья растет камыш.

In the marshes, thereedgrows to a height of two meters. -Наболотахкамышвырастаетвысотоюдодвухметров.

Reeds growalongthe banks of the stream.

Clouds driftedalongthe horizon.-Вдоль линии горизонта плыли облака.

Another stream starts from thewatershed.-От водораздела начинается другой ручей.

The watershedbounded the valley.-Водоразделограничивалпространстводолины.

There's also some flour, but not much, and a piece

ofbrisketandbeans.-А еще там есть мука - правда, немного, и кусок

грудинки, и фасоль.

Pancakes are made fromflour.-Измукипекутблины.

There's also some flour, but not much, and a piece

of brisket and beans.

Beans come in different shades and colors.-Бобы фасоли бывают разных оттенков и цветов.
piece of brisket-кусокгрудинки

There's also some flour, but not much, and a piece

of brisket and beans.

Coldbrisket tastes better than hot.-Грудинкахолоднаявкуснеегорячей.

The dim disk of the sun was slowly

disappearing in the Northwest.-Тусклыйдисксолнцамедленно

скрывался на северо-западе.

  Dim light filtered through the trees.-Тусклыйсветпробивалсясквозьдеревья.

The dim disk of the sun was slowly

disappearing in the Northwest.

The sun beat down mercilessly.-Солнце палило безжалостно.
Disappear-исчезать, скрываться

The dim disk of the sun was slowly

disappearing in the Northwest.

Тениисчезают в полдень.- The shadows disappearat noon.

He hadn't eaten anything for two days.-Онничегонеелужедвадня,

eatenenough-естьдосыта, достаточно

but hehadn't eaten enough for even longer.-ноещедольшеоннеелдосыта.

Children in the war did not eat enough.-Детиввойнунеелидосыта.

Every now and then he stoopeddown, plucked palemarsh berries.-Тоиделооннагибался, срывалбледныеболотныеягоды.

Healwaysslouchedatthetable. -Он постоянно сутулился сидя за столом.

Every now and then he stooped down, pluckedpale marsh berries, put them in his mouth, chewed and


Кухаркаощипывалакур.- The cook was pluckingchickens.

Every now and then he stooped down, plucked pale berries, put them in his mouth, chewed and


Роткривился в улыбке.- His mouthtwisted in a smile.

Every now and then he stooped down, plucked pale marsh berries, put them in his mouth, chewed and


От волнения он не мог прожевать и кусочка торта. - He couldn't chewa piece of cake in his excitement..

Every now and then he stooped down, plucked pale marsh berries, put them in his mouth, chewed and


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