Manchester University. University of London ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Text 2 Manchester University The city of Manchester is in northern England. It was a typical city of the Industrial Revolution, which influenced the development of such type of higher schools as Redbrick Universities. So Manchester University was founded in the second half of the 19-th century. It was one of the first Red-brick Universities in England. It is a public university. The University of Manchester was formed on the basis of several higher educational institutions. One of the most important of them is Victoria University of Manchester. Let’s say some words about it. It was founded in 1851.By 1880 it included the number of colleges from Leeds and Liverpool. One of its faculties – the faculty of technology later became fully independent. Now it is the Institute of Science and Technology. Now let’s return to the University of Manchester. The number of its students is over 40 000. They study about 500 academic programs. Students of Manchester University can study more academic subjects than in any other university of Great Britain. The most notable areas of study are engineering, humanities, economics, social sciences. The number of teachers of the university is more than 10 000. It is interesting to say that the University of Manchester gained the title “University of the Year 2006”.According to the quality of teaching the university is on the 5-th place in UK and on the 9-th place in Europe. Text 3 University of London The University of London is a federation of about 44 schools and institutes, which are located primarily in London. The number of students of London University is more than 40 000.A lot of students of the University of London are foreigners. Now we’ll look at the history of the University. It was founded in1836.It was created as the university for middle class students. At first its function was only to provide examinations for the degrees. Then in 1900 it was re-constructed in its present form. A lot of institutions within the County of London now form the University of London. Some of them are large and the others are quite small. The largest institutions which are part of London University are University College and King’s College. It is interesting that the first female students were admitted in London University in 1878. The buildings of colleges of London University are situated in many parts of London. They all are quite independent. The schools, institutes and colleges of the University of London are teaching institutions, which provide the study mainly by means of lectures attended mostly by day students. It is necessary to mention that students who attend the university classes are called “internal students”, and those who only sat for the University examinations are called “external students”.