Расскажите о высшем образовании в Великобритании, используя план упр. Расскажите о высшем образовании в Великобритании, используя план упр.4.14. 4.18. Подготовьте рассказ об одном из университетов Великобритании, используя информацию приложения 1 (Appendix I). Cambridge University Cambridge University was founded at the beginning of the 12-th century. Now it consists of about 20 colleges. Each college is mostly independent. The teaching includes lectures organized by the University and tutorials. The system of individual tuition is organized by the colleges. Tutorial system of Cambridge University is famous all over the world. Each student has a tutor who practically guides him during the whole period of study. The tutor plans the student’s work and the student discusses every task with his tutor. After three years of study a student can get a Bachelor’s Degree. If you continue the study you can get a Degree of Master and later a Doctor. There are many rules and traditions in Cambridge University. For ex-ample, there still are colleges for men or for women only. The next thing is that students wear gowns* at lectures, in the University library, for dinners in the college and for official visits. The education in Cambridge University is expensive. Some students have grants, for the other students pay their parents. It is interesting that until the 15-th century the history of Cambridge University was not as great as the history of Oxford University. But when Isaac Newton was a professor of mathematics in Cambridge the situation changed. At that time candidates for degree began to take serious exams. Also many laboratories for natural sciences appeared at the end of the 17-th century. For example, Cavendish Laboratory, which is now one of the greatest physical laboratories in the world. Примечание * gown (n) – мантия