Закончите предложения из колонки А соответствующим вариантом из колонки В.Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ 4.12. Закончите предложения из колонки А соответствующим вариантом из колонки В. А В 1. Oxford and Cambridge were a)…аncient, Redbrick, Open, founded … New. 2. The main types of universities b)… a result of Industrial Revolution. in Great Britain are … 3. New universities appeared as … c)… Bachelor, Master and Doctor. 4. A student of British higher d)… in 12th and 13th centuries. school can gеt a degree of a … 4.13. Заполните таблицу:
4.14. Расположите названия частей текста (4.5) в соответствии с содержанием. Прочитайте каждую часть. The degrees you can get in British universities. New universities. Ancient universities. Higher educational institutions in Great Britain. Redbrick universities. Open University. 4.15. Составьте вопросы к каждой части текста и устно дайте на них ответы. 4.16. Выберите и поставьте вместо пропусков соответствующее место-имение (Personal Pronouns in Nominative or Objective Case, Possessive Pronouns). Переведите получившиеся предложения. I – me – my 1. ______ favorite subject is mathematics. 2. ______ study mathematics. 3. Tell _____ about the exams. We – us – our 1. _____ don’t pay for _____ education. 2._____ tutor told _____ to do all the tasks. You – your 1. ____ test is not good. 2. ____ can get a Bachelor’s degree after three years of study in university. 3. Thank ____ for ____ help. She – her 1. ____ mother is a teacher. 2. ____ was a student of Oxford University. 3. You can ask ____. He – him – his 1. ____ passed ____ exams in October. 2._____ parents told ____ about tuition fees. It – its 1. ____ is a very interesting type of a university. 2. University sends ____ students lecture materials and tasks. 3. Give ___ to your teacher. They – them – their 1. ____ were founded between 1850 and 1930. 2. The material for ____ construction was red brick. 3. British government can help ____ with the grant.