VII International Scientific and Practical Conference ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Digital Innovations & Global Business
November 12, 2020 Moscow
International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) Institute of the International Economics and Business, RUDN University kindly invite you to participate in the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital Innovations and Global Business in the face of New Challenges" November 12, 2020 (Moscow, ICSTI headquarters and online within ZOOM digital platform)
Articles published and papers presented on the outcome.
The pandemic has hit the global economy seriously on a global scale. The factors of international economic development such as integration, cooperation and even the international division of labor are under threat. In some cases, the transition from globalization to regionalization and protectionism may be observed. Disruptions in the international supply of goods and services, imbalance in global commodity markets, difficulties in direct and portfolio investment require new solutions and coordination efforts in the field of digitalization.
The demand for digital technologies boom is a new global reality. The growing demand for digital innovation is observed in almost all areas: education, healthcare, finance, entertainment, management and business organization.
The conference will be focused on the impact the pandemic has on various areas of international economic cooperation and explore main directions in which the role and demand for digital technologies increase. Representatives either from business or scientific areas are going to assess the main trends and difficulties the increasing usage of digital innovations faces in various business areas in the context of the global crisis. Main topics to be discussed: - Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the global economy and business; - Consequences of the crisis for the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America; - Foreign experience of dealing with the consequences of the virus crisis; - Trends and difficulties of a new round of digitalization; - Fintech development in new realities; - New methods of attracting investments and financing; - Startups development in the new global environment.
Conferencelanguages are Russian and English.
Conference materials of young scientists and post-graduate students will be published in the conference materials, and also posted in electronic form on the websites of the organizers.
Terms of participation: - for those participating in the videoconference (speakers and debaters): online participation. - for those participating in absentia: submission of the article.
Contactsof the organizers:
Anna Trusova, Institute of the International Economics and Business, imeb.conference@gmail.com, +7(925) 053 7536
Attachment 1. Participant application form. Attachment 2. Requirements and an example of publication layout.