Examples of tests for correspondenceExamples of tests for correspondence (you must select the appropriate option from the proposed list) 1. Indicate the correspondence between enzymes and their coenzymes: Pyruvate carboxylase NAD NADP FAD biotin
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase NAD NADP FAD biotin
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase NAD NADP FAD biotin
Succinate dehydrogenase NAD NADP FAD biotin 2. For each metabolic pathway, indicate the corresponding biological significance:
TCA Production of NADPH2 for reduction reactions Getting the maximum amount of ATP Adaptation to short-term hypoxia Maintaining of blood glucose level
Pentose phosphate pathway Production of NADPH2 for reduction reactions Getting the maximum amount of ATP Adaptation to short-term hypoxia Maintaining of blood glucose level
Anaerobic glycolysis Production of NADPH2 for reduction reactions Getting the maximum amount of ATP Adaptation to short-term hypoxia Maintaining of blood glucose level
Gluconeogenesis Production of NADPH2 for reduction reactions Getting the maximum amount of ATP Adaptation to short-term hypoxia Maintaining of blood glucose level
3. Indicate the correspondence between the reaction (chain of reactions) and an amount of ATP that can be synthesized as a result of the oxidation of 1 mol of the substrate:
pyruvate → СО2 + Н2О 3 mol of ATP 15 mol of ATP 12 mol of ATP 5 mol of ATP
acetyl-CоА → СО2 + Н2О 3 mol of ATP 15 mol of ATP 12 mol of ATP 5 mol of ATP
pyruvate → acetyl-CоА 3 mol of ATP 15 mol of ATP 12 mol of ATP 5 mol of ATP
succinate → oxaloacetate 3 mol of ATP 15 mol of ATP 12 mol of ATP 5 mol of ATP