ExercisesExercises I. Найти в тексте и перевести предложения с этими глаголами: look for _____________________ искать set (set, set) about _____________ приступать к walk on _____________________ продолжать идти flow (flew, flown) together _______сливать get (got, got) up _______________ подниматься run (ran, run) away ____________ убегать keep (kept, kept) from __________ удерживаться от throw (threw, throw) out __________выкинуть come (came, come) _____________ проходить дальше turn off ______________________ свернуть с
II. Найти в тексте и выписать английские эквиваленты к этим словосочетаниям: наступила зима; желания Стоупи были не большими; искать приют; три месяца в тюрьме; он начал исполнять свое желание; много способов сделать это; хорошо пообедать; быть арестованным; его піджак и галстук были достойными; изношенные штаны и ботинки; официант толкнул его на тротуар; он розбил стекло; терпеть неудачу; я могу заплатить; официант выгнал его из ресторана; он услышал приятную музыку; я исправлюсь; тога пойдемте.
III. Закончить предложения по тексту: 1.Soapy, a New York pickpocket felt uneasy because… 2.He wanted to get into… 3.The pleasantest way was to dine… 4.Soapy was freshly shaven and his coat and tie were decent but… 5.He threw a cobble stone at the glass and… 6.Soapy entered a small and cheap restaurant, sat at table, and… 7. He danced and hawled like… 8.The man followed him and asked… 9.He reached a street where… 10.Soapy heard the music and said… 11.The policemen arrested Soapy, and the next morning the judge sentenced him to…
IV. Пересказать отрывки из текста, используя эти слова и словосочетания как план: 1. brightly lit cafe; freshly shaven; decent; shabby; a roasted duck; two bottles of wine; but just as Soapy entered; the head waiter’s eye; pushed him. 2. another way of getting to prison; shop window; cobble stone; break; glass; stood still; friendly way; policemen; a man hurrying to catch a car; rushed after; failed. 3. a quiet corner; sweet music; made Soupy; remember mother; clean thoughts; reform; honest man; get out of; the mire; Soapy felt a hand…; come along; robbing the church; judge.
V. Выразить согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями. При необходимости исправить неверные варианты: I’m afraid that’s wrong. Боюсь, что это неверно. That’s not quite true to the fact. Это не совсем соответствует факту. That’s (quite) right. Совершенно верно. According to the story… Согласно рассказу…
1. Soapy was one of New York workers. 2. Whiter was coming, and the time had come for him to look for a hotel 3. Soapy’s desires were not great, six months in prison was what he wanted. 4. He was freshly shaven, his trousers and tie were shabby, but his coat and boots were decent. 5. As Soapy entered the restaurant, the head waiter’s eye fell upon his shabby trousers and boots. 6. Soapy saw a policeman and told him that he had broken the shop window. 7. At a small and cheap restaurant a waiter came up to Soapy and to told him to go away. 8. The umbrella owner called a policeman and told him that Soapy had taken is umbrella. 9. He heard the sweet music of the organ and this made him go into the church.
VI. Ответить на вопросы: 1. What season was coming? 2. What was Soapy by profession? 3. Why did he feel uneasy? 4. Why did he want to get into prison? 5. Which was the pleasantest way for Soapy of fulfilling his desire? 6. How was Soapy dressed? 7. What did he want to order 8. What did the waiter do at the moment Soapy entered the restaurant? 9. What did Soapy do at the corner of Sixth Avenue? 10. What did the policeman ask him about? 11. What did Soapy answer? 12. Why didn’t policeman understand his hint? 13. What did the Soapy eat at the cheap restaurant? 14. Why did he tell the waiter to call a policeman? 15. What did the waiter do instead to calling a policeman? 16. What did Soapy begin to do next? 17. Whom did he see as he was passing a cigar store? 18. What did the man leave at the entrance? 19. What did the man does then he saw Soapy walking away with Ills umbrella? 20. Why didn’t a man call a policeman? 21. Where did he suddenly stop? 22. What did Soapy remember then he heard the music of the organ? 23. What did he decide to do? 24. That did a policeman ask him about? 25. What did the judge say in the Police Court?
VII. Пересказать текст: 1) в оригинале; 2) от имени Соупи; 3) от шимени полицейского.
Repair a bicycle or ride it (after Jerome K. Jerome) There are people who are fond of repairing things. I have met such people and know them very well. One summer day a friend of mine by the name of Ebbson suggested going for a bicycle ride. I agreed. The next day Ebbson came very early. The first thing he did was to take my bicycle by the front wheel and shake it violently. “This wheel wobbles”, he said. “Tills is dangerous. Have you got a wrench?” I had never noticed that either of the wheels wobbled, but I thought he really knew something about it, so I went to my room to see what could I find. When I came back, lie was sitting n the ground with the front wheel between his legs. He was playing with it turning it round and round – the rest of the machine was lying beside him. He said: “Something has happened to tills from wheel”. “It look like it”, I said but he could not see the joke. He said: “I think the ball bearings are all wrong. We must see what the matter with them”. I could not stop him. He unscrewed something somewhere, and many little balls rolled over the grass. “Catch them”, he shouted. “We mustn’t lose any”. We began looking for them and in half an hour found sixteen. I put them in my hat on the door step. Then he began taking off the gear-case. I tried to stop him but he would not listen to me. “It is very easy to take off a gear-case”, he said.
He was right. In less than five minutes he had the gear-case in two pieces, lying on the path, while he was looking for the screws. He said he could never understand how screws disappear. I began to feel tired of standing there and looking at the fool who was breaking my bicycle. It was clear to me that he knew nothing about the business. I was about to tell him so when Ebbson said that he going to put the wheel back in its place and that everything would be all right. He hurt his hands while doing it, but at last he managed somehow to put the wheel into position. Then came the turn of the gear-case. We soon found out that it was a much harder job to put it back in its place than to take it off. It took us a whole hour to get the thing into the position, and then it was on position, Ebbson suddenly exclaimed: What fools we have been! We have forgotten the ball-bearings.” I looked for my hat- it was lying on the ground and my wife’s little dog was quickly swallowing one by one. “He will kill himself”, shouted Ebbson. “They are of the hardest steel”. “I am not worded about the dog”, I said. “He has eaten a packet of needles this week, I am thinking about my bicycle”. “Well, we must put back all we can find”, said he. We found eleven balls. We took off the wheel again and put six of them on one side and five on the other. Half an hour later wheel was in its place again. It really wobbled now. Then Ebbson tried to put the gear-case back again. I held a bicycle for him, while he lay on the ground with his head between the wheels, and worked at it from below, and dropped oil upon himself. More than fifteen tunes he said: “No, it’s not after all”. At a quarter to one, dirty and tired he said: “That will do”, and rose from the ground. Neither of us had any wish to go for a bicycle ride now, and so Ebbson go home. After he was gone I took the bicycle to the nearest repair shop. The man looked at it and said: “It won’t be easy to repair tills bicycle, but I shall do my best”. He did his best, and I paid two pounds for it. But it was never the same machine again and at the end the summer I sold it. Yes, there are two ways of getting sport out of bicycle: one can repair it. But it is impossible to get both forms of sport out of the same machine: no machine will stand it.