Vocabulary. ExercisesVocabulary Village - село at the height - на вершине leading part - главная роль male - мужской character - персонаж, роль capable - способен suggestion - предложение genuine - добрый real - современный imitation - имитация country manner – сельские манеры black smith’s shop - кузнеца since – с тех пор marry - пожениться grin - ухмыляться needle - иголка court - досматривать isolated- отдельный innocent - невиновный brilliant - яркий cancel - аннулировать engagement - помолвка stage - сцена
Exercises I. Найти в тексте и выписать английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: знаменитая актриса; в расцвете славы; предстоящий сезон; главная роль; мужской персонаж; по имени; мечтал стать партнером; настоящее подражание; деревенские манеры; обычно собирались; просто одетый; он казался застенчивым и неуклюжим; деревенский; “не может быть”; три дня назад; уезжать из города.
II. Закончить эти предложения в соответствии с текстом: 1. She began her life… 2. One day a capable young actor… 3. She wants something… 4. Next day Highsmith… 5. The same night a small party… 6. The moment he entered… 7. Eliza Perry told me… 8. She led him to an isolated table… 9. When I saw her last she … 10. When I was leaving, I… 11.Come to the hotel and… 12. It was a brilliant idea…
III. Пересказать части текста, используя эти слова и словосочетания в качестве ключевых: 1. a famous actress; to perform the leading part; dreamed of being Miss Carrington partner; must convince; collected many facts; returned to the city. 2. Used to gather; the star of that small party; a plain-dressed flaxen-hair youth; upset a chair; “how are you?”; I have grown a little; “you don’t say so”; an old friend of mine; an isolated table. 3. Recollect’ I called on your family; ma; was sitting at the door; I am waiting for; I took this rose from a bush; a little tired; a brilliant idea; she will have to confess; she didn’t guess; he called on Miss Carrington; she will agree; handsome; cancelled all her engagements; Highsmith understood.
IV. Выразить согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями. При необходимости исправить неверные варианты: I’m afraid that’s wrong. Боюсь, что это неверно. That’s not quite true to the fact. Это не совсем соответствует факту. That’s (quite) right. Совершенно верно. According to the story… Согласно рассказу… 1. Miss Carrington lived in a small town named Cranberry. 2. She was a good actress, and she wanted to play a leading part in a newly written comedy. 3. Highsmith, the young actor, was to perform the male character in the play. 4. Highsmith collected many facts concerning life and the people at the village where he lived. 5. At half past twelve a young handsome man entered the restaurant. 6. “I’m Mr. Highsmith”,- the plain-dressed youth said to Miss Rosie. 7. “When I was leaving “,- the young man went on,- “your mother took tills rose from a bush by the front door”. 8. Next morning Mr. Highsmith called on Miss Carrington at her hotel.
V. Ответить на вопросы, не смотря в текст: 1. What was Miss Carrington by profession? 2. Where did she begin her life? 3. Was she a good or a bad actress? 4. What part did she to perform in the coming season? 5. Who called on Mr. Goldstein one day? 6. What did Mr. Highsmith dream of? 7. To whose suggestions didn’t Miss Carrington want to listen? 8. What sort of part was it? 9. What did Miss Carrington want? 10. Where did Mr. Highsmith go next day? 11. How long did he remain at Cranberry? 12. What facts did he collect where? 13. Where was a small party of actors sitting when the performance was over? 14. Was Miss Carrington among them? 15. Who entered the restaurant at half past twelve? 16. What was the youth like? 17. What did he do as sat down in a chair? 18. Whom did he “suddenly” see? 19.By what name did he introduce himself? 20. Was Miss Carrington interested in the news from Cranberry? 21. Did she recollect Bill Summers? 22. Whom Miss Carrington asks about? 23. What did Mr. Highsmith understand at that moment? 24. What did he say about her mother? 25. Why did a young man take the rose? 26. Did Miss Carrington ask a young man to come and see her? 27. Whom did Highsmith approach when Miss Carrington had left the restaurant? 28. What did Mr. Goldstein say about his acting? 29. Was Miss Carrington at the hotel next morning? 30. Where had she gone?
VI. Пересказать текст: 1. от имени автора; 2. от имени Хайсмита; 3. от имени Роузи Каррингтон, актрисы.
THE TWO GIFTS (after O’Henry) Jim and Della were very poor. They lived in New York In a small room on the top floor of a high building. Jim was twenty-two years old, Della was twenty-one. Both husband and wife worked very hard, but there never was any money in the house; for all they got went to pay the grocer, the bother, and the baker. And the rent was $8 a week. And yet they owned two treasures of which they were very proud. These treasures were—Jim’s gold watch, which he received from his father, and Della’s beautiful hair. It was the eve of New-Year’s Day. Della wanted to give Jim a present. She counted her money. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all she had. Only $1.87 to buy a present for Jim. So she sat down on the sofa and wept. Suddenly she got up and went to the looking – glass. Her eyes shone brilliantly. Quickly she undid her hair. It reached below her knees and covered her like a cloak. And then she did it again quickly and nervously. She put on her old brown hat. Then she ran out of the door and down the stairs to the street. She stopped before a sign and read the words: “M-me Sofranie. Hairgoods of all kinds”. Then she entered the shop. She saw Madame sitting at the counter. She was fat and red cheeked. “Will you buy my hair?”, asked Della. “Let me see it,” said Madame. Della took of her hat and undid her hair. “Twenty dollars”, said Madame, lifting the mass of Della’s golden hair with a practiced hand. “Give me a money”, said Della… The next two hours were like a happy dream. Della hurried from shop looking for Jim’s present. She found it at last. It was a watch chain for which she paid $21. And then she hurried home with the chain and the remaining 87 cents. Jim was not at home. Della got out of curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work. In forty minutes her head was covered with tiny curls. She looked like a schoolboy. She said to herself: “I hope Jim not kill me. But what could I do – oh, what could I do with one dollar and 87 cents. At seven o’clock the coffee was ready. Della sat waiting for Jim. She heard his steps on the stairs, and she turned white for jus one moment. The door opened and Jim entered the room. He looked thin and very serious… and suddenly Jim stopped. His eyes were fixed upon Della, and there was an expression in them that terrified her. “Jim, darling! She cried, “don’t look at me like that: I sold my hair because I wanted to give you present. My hair will grow again. It grows very fast. Say ‘A Happy New Year’, Jim, and let us be happy. You don’t know what a beautiful present I have for you”. Jim sighed. He drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it on the table. “If you open that package, you will understand,” he said. Della took off the paper and string. There lay the beautiful combs that Della saw in a Broadway shop window. Now they were hers, but her hair was gone. Suddenly Della jumped and cried: “Oh, Jim, I shall give you your beautiful present.” She held it out to him upon her open palm. “Isn’t it a beautiful chain? Give me your watch: I want to see how it looks on it.” Jim did not obey. He fell on the sofa and put his hands behind his head and smiled. “Della”, said he,” I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. It the coffee ready?”