Methods of enzymes investigationLesson 3 Methods of enzymes investigation 1. The primary structure of protein can be determined with the help of: А. gel-filtration; B. ultracentrifugation; C. dispersion of optical rotation; D. electrophoresis; E. determination of sequence of nucleotides in the respective genes.
2. Isoelectric point of a peptide asn-leu-trp: А. is higher than рН 7.0; B. is in the range рН 7.0; C. is lower then рН 7.0; D. depends from рН of solution.
3. The conformation of protein can be determined with the help of: А. gel-filtration; B. dispersion of optical rotation; C. ultracentrifugation; D. determination of primary structure; E. electrophoresis.
4. The solubility of proteins is provided, among other, by: А. high molecular mass; B. presence of leu, ala and phe residues; C. presence of arg, tre and asp residues.
5. By what method the secondary structure of protein can be studied? А. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); B. Dialysis; C. Gel-filtration; D. Ultracentrifugation; E. Electrophoresis.
Lesson 3 Methods of enzymes investigation 1. Isoelectric point of a peptide gly-val-asn: A. is higher than рH 7.0; B. is in range of рН 7.0; C. is lower than рН 7.0; D. depends from рН of solution.
2. From what factors the existence of amino acids in equilibrium state (aqueous phase) dose depend? A. From pH of medium; B. From temperature of medium; C. From pK of amino acids; D. From a charge of amino acids.
3. The conformation of protein can be determined with the help of: A. gel-filtration; B. ultracentrifugation; C. dispersion of optical rotation; D. determination of primary structure; E. electrophoresis.
4. What technique is known as "finger printing of proteins or peptide mapping"? A. Protein digestion by trypsin, followed by two-dimensional chromatography (electroforesis); B. Chromatography; C. Aamino acid sequence; D. Dialysis; E. Ultracentrifugation.
5. What reaction can be used for qualitative identification and quantitative estimation of proteins? A. Xanthoprotein test; B. Ninhydrin reaction; C. Reaction with copper sulfate; D. Biuret reaction; E. Reaction with ammonium sulfate.