


Случайная статья

Молочник. Holiday Jobs


1. Mr. Jones looked forward to having a garden of his own.

2. He invited his friends to spend their weekend in the country.

3. It took him a lot of work to make his lawn look decent.

4. Hardly had the herdsman said his garden was hopeless to get straight, when he set to work

5. The preparations for the party kept him busy.

6. It was arranged Mr. Jones should fetch his friends from the station in his car.

7. He askedtwenty friends to a party.

8. It’s important to have winters in England, so cottage owners could relax after their hard work in the garden.

9. I wonder if Mr. Jones would ever come across with the idea of making up for his lost time and pride building a fence.

10. English countryside is famous for its cottages with first-class lawns and gardens.



29 мая

упр.1 на стр.93 - с переводом; упр.2 на стр. 110-111, выполнить задания 1,2, 3, которые следуют за диалогом, №3 - краткое изложение диалога в косвенной речи.

упр.1 на стр.93


1. ‘Breakfast is ready, everyone,’ called Mother.

«Завтрак готов, все к столу!» — позвала мама.

2. Granny and Granddad usually come on Christmas Day for the Christmas Dinner.

Бабушка и дедушка обычно приезжают в день Рождества на ужин.

3. David and Sally had lunch at school, and Dad had his in town.

Дэвид и Салли пообедали в школе, а папа — в городе.

4. You can unpack after supper.

Вы можете распаковаться вещи после ужина.

5. The wedding breakfast was held in her father’s house.

Свадебный завтрак был проведен в доме ее отца.

6. At last they all sat down to breakfast.

Наконец все сели завтракать.

7. He arranged to take Tom out to dinner.

Он договорился пригласить Тома на обед.

8. Were you at the lunch for the chairman?

Вы были на обеде у председателя?

9. Dinner will be served at six o’clock.

Обед будет подан в шесть часов.

10. It was Mother’s birthday and Mother was having breakfast in bed.

Это был мамин день рождения, и она завтракала в постели.


1. Next came lunch.

Затем был обед.

2. They sat round the table and ate what Mother had found in the kitchen — bread, butter, marmalade, some cold meat, a bar of chocolate, two tomatoes. ‘A very funny lunch,’ said Dad.

Они сели за стол и ели то, что мать нашла на кухне: хлеб, масло, повидло, холодное мясо, плитку шоколада, два помидора. «Очень веселый обед», — сказал папа.

3. Thedinner we ate was unusual.

Это был наш обычный обед.

4. Is it a custom in your family to take afternoon tea?

Есть ли в вашей семье традиция пить послеобеденный чай?

5. Eat something. We will have a real breakfast at the station.

Сьешь что-нибудь. А позавтракаем мы на станции.

6. High tea is an early evening meal, usually with meat or fish, in homes where dinner is not eaten in the evening.

Полдник — это вечерний прием пищи, обычно из мяса или рыбы, в домах, где не ужинают.

7. Doctors recommend a substantial breakfast, a moderate dinner and a light supper.

Врачи рекомендуют сытный завтрак, умеренный обед и легкий ужин.

8. They were at lunch when I called.

Они были на обеде, когда я позвонил.

9. Father took him out to lunch and gave him a talk. He enjoyed thelunch but he did not like the talk.

Отец взял его с собой на обед и завел с ним разговор. Ему понравился обед, но не разговор с отцом.

10.  I'll phone you after supper if you don't mind.

Я позвоню после ужина, если ты не против.


упр.2 на стр. 110-111

1. Sarah looked forward to that weekend, because she was tired of staying at the dreary little house of theirs and wanted to be away from it all.

2. Anna was going to have a holiday in East Grinstead.

3. Sarah and Reg arrived to relieve Annie, Reg’s sister, who was housebound with Sarah and Reg’s bed-ridden mother. She arranged a weekend out. Annie wondered if the couple had a good journey, which gave Sara the opportunity to nag at her husband’s driving. But to tell the truth, Sara was really happy because she was looking forward to this weekend to relax from her little house. She missed the trees and the birds. Then Annie explained why she was going to spend the weekend in some random city of England and not at a first-class spa resort. That was due to more clever tourists who had booked everything in a heavenly little pubs areas one hundred years in advance. Sara couldn’t hide her surprise, when she asked what on earth made Annie choose there. Annie not only gave her an icy reply that it was interesting, but also informed that a cold supper awaited her in the fridge. But nothing could spoil Sara’s excitement about her own escape from town. She was mentally getting ready to eating with her fingers and probably more ways how to get loose. She was on holiday, for heaven’s sake.


19 мая

упр.7-8 на стр.105 с переводом, упр.10-11 на стр.106 с переводом.

Упр 7 стр 105

1. You don’t seem to be well. Let me go and fetch a doctor.

Кажется, ты неважно себя чувствуешь. Позволь мне сходить за доктором.

2. The postman usually brings the morning papers at 7 o’clock.

gочтальон обычно приносит утреннюю корреспонденцию в 7 часов.

3. Bring my shawl, please. It is chilly here.

Принеси мою шаль, пожалуйста. Здесь прохладно.

4. James came to see us the other day. He brought his sister with him.

На днях приходил Джеймс повидаться. Он приводил с собой сестру.

5. Wait a minute. I will fetch my car here and take you home.

Подожди минутку. Я возьму машину и подвезу тебя домой.

6. What lovely flowers! Who has brought them?

Какие прекрасные цветы! Кто их принес?

7. A: Hullo. Is that you, Sally? Chris here. Can I speak to David?

     B: Yes, just a moment, Chris. He is upstairs. I will fetch him.

— Привет! Это ты, Салли? Крис у телефона. Могу я поговорить с Дэвидом?

— Да, минутку, Крис. Он наверху. Я сейчас его позову.

8. Mr Smith took his wife out at weekends, as that was the only time he had.

Мистер Смит выезжал со своей женом за город в выходные дни, так как другого свободного времени у него не было.

9. David got the breakfast tray ready, and Sally brought Mother’s presents from her room where she had hidden them.

Дэвид приготовил поднос с завтраком, а Салли принесла подарки для мамы из своей комнаты, где она их прятала.


упр.10 на стр.106


Мистер Джонсон работает молочником. Он начинает работать рано утром, когда на улице еще никого нет. Он очень ранняя пташка. Его рабочий день заканчивается к обеду. Работа молочника очень трудна, нет ни одного дня выходных. И неважно, какая погода, рабочий день должен состояться. Но мистеру Джонсону это нравится. Он свободен после обеда, и, если погода хорошая, может посвятить себясадоводству, тогда как остальные ещё на работе. Ничто не любит он больше, чем возиться в саду.

(a) It is hard work being milkman because there are no days off, it’s every day’s work, whatever the weather one has to go to work and whether the weather whether he likes it or not.

(b) On the contrary being free in the afternoon makes up for it.


упр.11 на стр.106

Holiday Jobs

Most of the young people in Greenford who were still at school and over seventeen tried to get a job at the post-office at Christmas. The boys were given the work of delivering and sorting parcels and the girls sorted the letters. Sally was too young, she took a holiday job in a shop instead. The shops always had too much work to do at Christmas and liked to have extra help from schoolgirls. When David got home after his first day’s work at the post office, his feet felt, in fact, as if they were dropping off. Then Sally came back from her work and fell into a chair with a groan. Mother looked at them both. ‘What kind of workers are you?’ she said, ‘one day’s work and you are finished.’ Dad laughed at them. ‘You will get used to it,’ he said. ‘There is nothing like a bit of work to show how lazy you are.’


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