What is the significance of low cost of entry? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 What is the significance of low cost of entry? The significance of low cost of entry is that it can assist those who provide content by helping them become creators. Article analysis The article under analysis deals with us a problem of medical masks shortage, especially of type N-95, in The USA. The given information is absolutely not outdated because the situation described is still continuing and not only in The United States of America. The war between America and COVID – 19 is in full swing and here the news from the first line are presented. The government faced with lots of troubles because of which it is unable to supply medical stuff with an appropriate amount of N-95 masks. Why N-95? These masks help not only to protect your face but also to filter virus particles. There are some problems that were mentioned in the article: 1. About 95% of surgical masks are manufactured outside the US, including by American companies that moved factories overseas to reduce costs 2. Some companies sourced the raw materials for the masks from a supplier in Wuhan, China. These materials hung up on the dock as soon as the virus began to spread. 3. A huge number of masks robberies that took place at hospitals all over the the USA. 4. The beginning hysteria and increasing number of ill people among medical stuff 5. The increasing of prices on medical masks But as everyone knows on every problem should come the solution, so they are some implemented measures, listed in the article: 1. State budget financing of medical masks production 2. Retraining of some enterprises into mask producing ones 3. Financing of masks production by some private enterprises such as «Apple» 4. Home production by some people, especially doctors To sum up, it can be said that every information about COVID – 19 is still actual nowadays because now is the time of pandemic peak, moreover it contains reference on YouTube channel that helps to learn how to make homemade mask. To make the conclusion, personally, I want to say that the given article was very useful and interesting to me, especially because of the relevant information from the reliable source about the current situation that is described in details.