What is convergence?. What is media multitasking?. Differentiate between concentration of media ownership and conglomeration.. What is globalization?What is convergence? Convergence — the erosion of traditional distinctions among media What is media multitasking? Media multitasking is the concurrent use of multiple digital media streams. Media multitasking has been associated with depressive symptoms and social anxiety by a single study involving 318 participants A 2018 review found that while the literature is sparse and inconclusive, people who do a heavy amount of media multitasking have poorer performance in several cognitive domains. One of the authors commented that while the data does not "unambiguously show that media multitasking causes a change in attention and memory," media multitasking is an inefficient practice that requires "task switching" costs. In many cases, media multitasking is made up of experiences that are not necessarily intended to be combined or coordinated. For example, a user may be browsing the Web, listening to music, playing video games, using e-mail, and/or talking on the phone while watching TV. More intentionally coordinated forms of media multitasking are emerging in the form of "co-active media" and particularly "co-active TV". Differentiate between concentration of media ownership and conglomeration. Convergence is fueled by three elements—digitization of nearlyall information, high-speed connectivity, and advances in technology’s speed, memory, and power. Conglomeration is aimed at the increasingness in the ownership of media outlets by larger, non-media companies What is globalization? Globalization is primarily large, multinational conglomerates that are doing the lion’s share of media acquisitions. Th e potential impact of globalization on the mass communication process speaks to the issue of diversity of expression.