Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Согласование времен” (из самостоятельной работы)2. Грамматическое упражнение по теме “Согласование времен” (из самостоятельной работы) Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple, Past Progressive or Past Perfect Simple. Fill in Past Simple, Past Progressive or Past Perfect Simple.
1. After he (call) the police he (call) the ambulance. 2. She (wash) her hair when her baby (start) to cry. 3. Before she (have) dinner she (work) in the garden. 4. While she (learn) for her test her brother (play) football with his friends. 5. When we (arrive) there the ceremony (start). 6. She (wash) her hair when her baby (start) to cry. 7. They (sell) everything before they (move) to Glasgow. 8. He (visit) me yesterday evening. 9. When I (clean) the room Mary (come). 10. After he (finish) school he (start) to work as a butcher.
3. Устная тема: “The Modern Olympic Games”. Билет 5 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст “ PIERRE DE COUBERTIN” на русский язык (из самостоятельной работы) PIERRE DE COUBERTIN (FRANCE)
He was born on January 1, 1863 in the old aristocratic family. After graduating cum laude from the college 17-year-old Pierre, to the amazement of his relatives, refused to take up the military career intended for him and entered The Higher School of Politology. He was convinced the everyone must make his choice independently and have an opportunity to form his moral principles himself. Coubertin went to Britain in search of his true vocation. In the small town of Rugby he familiarized himself with the pedagogical heritage of Thomas Arnold who headed the local college for 14 years and showed in practice that the team sports and competitions were beneficial for the educational process and conducive to the opening up of the individual and to the creation of informal relations within the college. Coubertin began his reformative activity in one of the Paris schools. He was also engaged in enlightenment work. Lectures and articles, calling to give up the militarized upbringing of the youth based on the German drill exercises, are known. In 1887 the Union of French Running Societies (subsequently renamed the Union of French Athletic Sports Assotiations) and the Committee for the Propagation of Physical Education were set up on his initiative. On October 25, 1892 during celebration of the fifth anniversary of the Union of Athletic Sports Assotiations of France in the big amphitheatre of the Sarbonne in Paris Pierre de Coubertin, Secretary General of the Union, formally announced that he was getting down to the immediate implementation of his long-cherished project-“to the revival of the Olympic Games on the principles corresponding to the needs of the present day”. Then, he managed to convince the leadership of the Union in the need to convene an international forum for the elaboration of uniform approaches to the organization of the Olympic Games as well as common requirements for the participants. International Athletic Congress was opened on June 16, 1894. A week later, after voting for the revival of the Olympic Games, the delegates adopted a decision to set up a standing committee authorized to supervise the organization and conduct of these competitions. As it is known, Demetrius Vikelas (Greece) was elected the first IOC President, while Pierre de Coubertin occupied the post of the Secretary General. However, on April 10,1896 Coubertin became the second IOC President.