Грамматическое упражнение по теме «Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I), причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II).2. Грамматическое упражнение по теме «Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I), причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II). Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Participle I или Participle II: 1. You can get the book (to recommend) by our teacher in the library. 2. He spent the whole day (to read) a book. 3. We listened to the Russian folk songs (sing) by the girls. 4. Everything (write) here is quite right. 5. The question (to discuss) now is very important. 6. This is the house (to build) many years ago. 7. Read the (translate) sentences one more. 8. The wall (surround) the house was very high. 9. The exercise (do) by the pupils were easy. 10. We are interested in the goods (to produce) by this factory.
3. Устная тема: “National sport games in Great Britain” (из самостоятельной работы)
Билет 2 1. Чтение и перевод текста “Our body”. While our bodies are at rest, the large muscles are not in use. It is these large muscles which pull on our bodies and let us move as we want to. Hard work with our large muscles uses up energy quickly so that we come to feel hungry and want to eat. In every step we take, what any of our muscles can do depends on what our other muscles are doing, and all this is possible only because our nerve cells are in control. And nerve cells can work together well only if the blood is serving them well. And the blood can serve them well only if the heart is in good order and if the lungs are taking in enough oxygen, and the heart and lungs, in turn, are dependent on the food and the stomach can give the blood stream and on the control the nervous system can keep up over all the organs of the body. But in fact, the organization of our bodies is far more complex than this short and simple account can say. In everything we do, every breath we take, every motion we make, from the directing of our eyes as we look to the wording of a sentence as we write, billions of cells of every sort in our bodies are working together serving one another.