Государственное образовательное учреждение среднегоСтр 1 из 26Следующая ⇒ Государственное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Луганской Народной Республики «Луганское высшее училище физической культуры»
Экзаменационные работы, оформленные в соответствии с требованиями информационного письма, присылайте на электронную почту GOYLVUFK@yandex.ru Видеофайлы пересказа устной темы (3 вопрос билета ) можно также присылать ВК https://vk.com/liya_skalaukh Фото страниц - только разворот тетради(2 страницы сразу), при хорошем освещении. Также соблюдайте ТРЕБОВАНИЯ к почерку – пишите крупно и разборчиво. Желаю удачи! Билет 1 1. Чтение и перевод текста “SPORTS COMPETITIONS”. Competitions are an integral part of the training process. They may be of individual, team or individual-team kind. A competition may consist of preliminaries, quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final. Competitions can be held by either elimination or round-robin systems. A competition which is held to determine a champion is called a championship. The winner of the first place or the holder of the first prize is a champion. The second prize holder is called a runner-up. There are national, international, open, indoor, outdoor, European and World Championships. The greatest championships in sports are the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are held every four years with the Summer and Winter Olympics taking place two years apart. Athletes qualify for the Olympics in competitions called trials. The competition sites are different and suit the event. Sports fans attend numerous stadiums, aquatic centres, playing courts, football fields, ice-hockey palaces, gyms, indoor tracks, etc. to see the competitions in swimming, diving, basketball, handball, football, ice-hockey, lawn tennis, gymnastics, athletics and other sports. Tournaments are set to find the winner in a series of games or contests. The most common tournament is the elimination (or knock-out) tournament in which losers are eliminated and winners are qualified for the next rounds until there is a single champion. When teams are competing, each team plays against the same opponent once or twice (home and away games) For example, at the NHL Championship the two games (home and away) are considered as one match.