Answer the questions please.. Семестрова контрольна робота. клас з англійської мови (за підручником Л. Биркун). Translate this words into English.. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Answer the questions please.. Семестрова контрольна робота. клас з ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 3. Answer the questions please. 1. What can happen if you eat too much chocolate and sweets? 2. What can happen if you eat unhealthy food? 3. What can happen if you do not wear a hat in cold weather? 4. What should you do to keep your teeth healthy? 5. How do you feel when you catch a cold? Семестрова контрольна робота 7 клас з англійської мови (за підручником Л. Биркун) 1. Translate this words into English. 1.приймальне відділення 2. відділення реанімації 3. лабораторія 4. картотека медичних карток 5. хірургічне відділення 6. аптека 7. відділення педіатрії 8. терапевтичне відділення 9. подряпина 10. харчове отруєння 2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian 1. He was playing football and broke his right leg. 2. She got into a car accident. 3. One of the illnesses that doctors most often treat is a common cold. 4. If you have flue, you can have a very high temperature and a bad headache. 5. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. 3. Answer the questions please. 1. Did you like being in hospital? Why? Why not? 2. Did you have to go to a pharmacy? 3. How often do you exercise? 4. What are the main four form of medicines? 5. Are you safe in the street and in other public places? What dangers can wait for you there? 6. Can you feel safe at school? Семестрова контрольна робота 7 клас з англійської мови (за підручником Л. Биркун) 1. Translate this words into English. 1.приймальне відділення 2. відділення реанімації 3. лабораторія 4. картотека медичних карток 5. хірургічне відділення 6. аптека 7. відділення педіатрії 8. терапевтичне відділення 9. подряпина 10. харчове отруєння 2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian 1. He was playing football and broke his right leg. 2. She got into a car accident. 3. One of the illnesses that doctors most often treat is a common cold. 4. If you have flue, you can have a very high temperature and a bad headache. 5. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. 3. Answer the questions please. 1. Did you like being in hospital? Why? Why not? 2. Did you have to go to a pharmacy? 3. How often do you exercise? 4. What are the main four form of medicines? 5. Are you safe in the street and in other public places? What dangers can wait for you there? 6. Can you feel safe at school?