Conference working languages. Deadline for submission of presentation proposals: July 15, 2020. Registration fee. Accommodation. Publications⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 32 из 32 Conference working languages Russian and English Deadline for submission of presentation proposals: July 15, 2020 The Programme Committee will notify successful applicants of the deadline to register for participation and pay the registration fee via the Conference website https://events.spbu.ru/events/synergy?lang=Eng Conference proposals, including abstracts, should be e-mailed to events.foreignlang@spbu.ru.
Requirements for abstract submissions Abstracts should be written in Russian and/or English. They should contain from 5 to 10 keywords. They should not exceed 2 pages, including bibliography. Typesetting requirements: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.0. Registration fee The registration fee for participation in the conference is 3,500 roubles (currently $55). For participants from Russia and the CIS countries, the registration fee is 2,500 roubles. The registration fee covers participation in the conference, a certificate of participation and article publication in the Conference Proceedings included in the Russian Science Citation Index.
Payment deadline is August 31, 2020.
Accommodation For a list of recommended hotels please refer to the conference website https://events.spbu.ru/events/synergy?lang=Eng Publications
As a follow-up to the conference, the best papers will be published in Russian or English in the Conference Proceedings, which will be included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database (editor-in-chief - Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Rubtsova, St Petersburg University) and in English in a special edition of The Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes devoted to the topics of the conference panels, indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (editor-in-chief - Assoc. Prof. Nadezda Stojkovic, University of Niš; guest editor - Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Rubtsova, St Petersburg University).
Deadline for full paper submissions is November 1, 2020. Manuscripts should be emailed to events.foreignlang@spbu.ru
Requirements for Publication in the Conference Proceedings: Manuscripts submitted for publication should contain original, previously unpublished research.
Papers should not exceed 30,000 characters, with spaces, including the abstract and keywords in Russian and English.
The text should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman font, one and a half line spacing. The pages must be numbered and the margins should be 2 cm. on all sides. The page format should be A4, with portrait orientation.
The following should be attached in two separate files: For papers written in Russian File 1 should contain: • abstract in Russian and in English (one paragraph of from 400 to 800 characters, with spaces) with the author’s surname and name and middle name initials as well as the title and keywords in both languages • UDC codes for the paper
For papers written in English File 1 should contain: · abstract in English (one paragraph of from 400 to 800 characters, with spaces) with the author’s name and surname as well as the title and keywords in English · UDC codes for the paper
The following information about the author should be contained in File 2 in Russian and/or English:
• full name • academic degree • academic title • academic affiliation • telephone number (will not be published) • email address (will be published)
Additional information in Russian https://publishing.spbu.ru/files/trebovaniya k sbornikam statej 2018.pdf https://publishing.spbu.ru/files/pravila podgotovki rukiposi 2018.pdf
Requirements for publication in The Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes can be found here: http://espeap.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/
We thank you for your continued understanding and patience.
Programme Committee