Змістовий модуль 4.. Theatre (Unit 9). At the TheatreЗмістовий модуль 4. Theatre (Unit 9) Task 1.Study Vocabulary Notes and Essential Vocabulary I on pp. 312-317 and do ex. VII, VIII, p.319-320; ex. XII-XIV, p. 321. Task 2. Listen, read and translate Text A and Text B on pp. 325-326. Do ex. I A, p. 329. Task 3.Study footnotes on p.327, Essential Vocabulary II on p. 328 and do ex. V, VI, VII, pp.329-331 Task 4. Fill in the blanks in the text with appropriate words and word combinations. Mind the meaning of the following words: alter –to make different intricate –composed of many small parts put together in a complex way ingenuity– the talent for solving problems in a clever original way playwright –a person who writes plays conceive –to form an idea, a plan, etc in mind; to imagine script –a written text of a play the set –the scenery used for a play without a hitch –without a difficulty or problem At the Theatre The 20th century brought great change into the theatre. Television, radio, cinema, video altered the course of the major performing arts and created the new ones. But first, I’d like to tell you some words about the theatre. It is a building where 1) ____, 2) ____ or 3) ____ are performed. There are hundreds of drama 4) ____, musical 5) ____ theatres, opera 6) ____, puppet theatres, philharmonics and conservatories which give regular 7) ____ of opera and ballet, drama and 8) ____ shows, music and other entertainment. What does the interior of a modern theatre look like? Its two main parts are the 9) ____ and the 10) ____. The hall is separated from the 11) ____ by the 12) ____. At the side of the stage are the 13) _____. A 14) _____ is lowered or drawn between the scenes or15) ____ of a play. An intricate system of 16) ____ (footlights and toplights) illuminates the stage. The seats on the ground floor are known as 17) ____ (those nearer the stage are 18) _____). The passages between the rows of stalls are the gang-ways. The raised back part of the ground floor is 19) ____, while the small compartments nearer the stage are 20) ____. Then follow the 21) ____, the 22) ____ and, finally, the 23) _____ where, in some theatres, alongside with the seats, standing room is available for the lowest admission 24) ____. A play lives a long life before it makes its appearance on the 25) ____. It is a real work of art and its creation calls for inspiration, talent and artistic ingenuity. A 26) ____ conceives an idea and after months of hard work his ideas develop into the 27) ____ of the play. Only after lengthy discussion about its merits and flaws does the theatre decide to 28) ____ it. The 29) ____ instructs the theatre staff on the general 30) _____ of the play and outlines the main points of its stage presentation. The 31) _____ chooses his 32) _____ and begins to 33) ______ the scenes. The scene painter draws the sketches of the 34) _____ and special work shops get busy preparing 35) _____, while the 36) _____ department supplies the furnishings and the dress department makes the necessary 37) _____. When everything is ready and the rehearsals go off without a hitch, a 38) _____ is called. After come time the curtain rises to a full 39) ____, the play faces the theatre-going public on its 40) ____. Task 5. Supply prepositions or adverbs where necessary: Last night Mr and Mrs Smith went ……. the theatre. They had some discussion first as to what kind ……. to attend: a musical comedy or a drama. They decided ……. a play (drama). ……. the theatre they went first ……. the box-office and asked ……. two seats ……. the orchestra. But the orchestra seats were sold ……. and they were obliged to take two seats ……. the first balcony. Once inside the theatre the presented their tickets ……. the usher and he directed them upstairs ……. the proper aisle. First, however, Mr Smith left his hat and coat ……. the cloakroom. A second usher, upstairs, led their way ……. their seats which were ……. the fifth row ……. the first balcony and also gave ……. a programme. The Smiths enjoyed the play very much. It was a comedy, and the scene was laid ……. Paris. The acting ……. particular was very good. ……. the end ……. each act the audience applauded ……. the actors loudly. There were two intervals ……. which Mr Smith went ……. the lobby and smoked. The final curtain fell ……. about eleven o’clock. Task 6. Do ex. VII on pp.330-331