Individual work. student of _____ group. Lesson 11 (II). HORMONES. CLASSIFICATIONS AND FUNCTION. HYPOTHALAMIC AND PITUITARY HORMONES. HORMONES OF PANCREAS, THYROID AND ADRENAL MEDULLA. MECHANISM OF PEPTIDE HORMONES ACTION.Individual work student of _____ group _______________________________________________ (name) Lesson 11 (II). HORMONES. CLASSIFICATIONS AND FUNCTION. HYPOTHALAMIC AND PITUITARY HORMONES. HORMONES OF PANCREAS, THYROID AND ADRENAL MEDULLA. MECHANISM OF PEPTIDE HORMONES ACTION. 1. Give a definition: Hormones – are ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. With the help of numbers indicate the types of hormones action according to figured below.
3. Write the classification of hormones, which is based on their chemical structure. Give the examples. 1. _________________________________, f. ex., _______________________________ 2 ._________________________________, f. ex., _______________________________ 3. _________________________________, f. ex., _______________________________ 4. _________________________________, f. ex., _______________________________ 5. _________________________________, f. ex., _______________________________ 4. Name two groups of hormones which are produced in hypothalamus and their functions. 1. _________________________________, their functions _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 ._________________________________, their functions _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Fill in the scheme with the names of pituitary hormones, which act on indicated target organs:
6. Name the diseases caused by deficiency of growth hormone and explain a difference of clinical symptoms in various age: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Write the formula of thyroxin. 8. Two patients А. and B. have visited endocrinologist with similar complaints: weakness, giddiness, constant thirst and excretion of increased amount of urine. The laboratory investigations have shown that concentration of glucose in blood of the patient А. – 5.2 mmol/l, and in the patient B. – 9.6 mmol/l. In the urine of the patient B. glucose and ketone bodies are found. The urine of patient A. is vary diluted, glucose and ketone bodies are absent. Put the preliminary diagnosis to both patients. А. ________________________________________________________________ B. _________________________________________________________________
10. It is known, that effect of insulin on blood glucose is based on uptake of glucose by cells and storage as triacyglycerols and glycogen. With the help of numbers indicate by regulation of activity of what enzymes (proteins) the metabolic effects of insulin are realized.
11. The researches had shown that during examinations blood pressure of the students is increased and the level of sugar in blood is higher than in norm. Name the hormone’s reason of this phenomenon and explain its mechanism. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
12. On the scheme «Mechanism of action of peptide hormones» some parts are marked with numbers. Name these parts.
1 – _________________________________ 2 – _________________________________ 3 – _________________________________ 4 – _________________________________ 5 – _________________________________ 6 – _________________________________, 6 R – _________________________________, 6 C – _________________________________