Считаете ли Вы данные слова варваризмами? Объясните свою точку зрения. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3. Выпишите из данных отрывков архаизмы и варваризмы; переведите отрывки и предложения. Все ли иноязычные слова из этих отрывков являются варваризмами? Есть ли в них примеры интернациональных слов?
A) A man in Norfolk, Virginia, cut off his own hand and would not let a doctor attempt to reattach it. Claiming that the hand had become possessed by the Devil and, quoting the biblical verse "If thy right hand offends thee, cut it off and cast it from thee", he got busy with a saw. When the doctor tried to reattach the hand, the man claimed that the number 666 - commonly believed by certain Christians, horror writers and the insane to be the mark of the antichrist – had appeared on the hand and refused to allow the doctor to perform the operation. (From The Best Book of Bizarre But True Stories by Mike Flynn)
Б) "Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short... Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and sixty six." (Revelations Ch. XIII V. 18) B) "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be nomore Death. Neither sorrow, nor crying. Neither shall there be anymore Brain; for the former things are passed away." (Revelations Ch. XXI V. 4)
Г) "O God of Earth and Altar Bow down and hear our cry, Our earthly rulers falter, Our people drift and die, The walls of gold entomb us, The swords of scorn divide, Take not thy thunder from us, But take way our pride." (G.K. Chesterton: English Hymnal)
Д) "The time will come for him to lay claim his crown, And then the foe yes they'll be cut down..." (Iron Maiden: To Tame a Land)
E) "The Dolce Vita is worth all the hassles, except one: health care."
"If you go to Che's shrine in Santa Clara southeast of Havana, where he is buried beneath a gigantic Soviet-style statue that commemorates both his decisive military victory over Fulgencio Batista's army in 1958 (after which the dictator fled the country) and Che's departure for Bolivia in 1965 to foment another (this time unsuccessful) revolution, you will see him heroically outlined against the sky." "Cubans who apparently revere "El commandante" muse out a lot about his longevity, wondering whether he will last another decade or more, which keeps them in a state of suspense, if not suspended animation."
"Like a dream, salsa music wafted in from a dance hall across the street."
"It glows with Spanish-style grandeur and art-deco elegance; and its literary history makes it memorable." (From Newsweek, 2003)
Misaki and Daisuke dressed up in their formal kimonos to celebrate and bought the symbolic good luck candy called chitose-ame.
Huge lanterns in the shape of samurai are paraded through the streets.
Origami is the Japanese traditional art of making various forms, such as animals or flowers, by folding a piece of paper. People are familiar with Origami from their childhood in Japan. Orizuru (a paper crane) is the most popular subject in Origami, and it is very hard to find a Japanese who cannot make one. (From Hello Japan, 2003)
4. Считаете ли Вы данные слова варваризмами? Объясните свою точку зрения. sari, rupee, samosa, dacha, samovar, decolletage, decollete, coup d'etat