Выпишите из приведенных отрывков термины, терминологические словосочетания и укажите, к каким отраслям науки и техники они относятся.2. Выпишите из приведенных отрывков термины, терминологические словосочетания и укажите, к каким отраслям науки и техники они относятся.
A) Two officers from the Lothian and Borders traffic police in Scotland were out playing with their new radar gun on the Berwickshire Moors, catching speeding motorists and having a jolly time handing out tickets when the gun suddenly jammed up, giving a reading of 300 mph. For a moment duo were terribly confused, wondering who on earth could be driving at that speed. Suddenly, all became clear when a very low-flying Royal Air Force Harrier jet skimmed the top of their police car. The officers complained to the local RAF station, saying that their new toy had been ruined by the pilot's exploits but were surprised to find themselves being reprimanded for using the radar gun in such a reckless fashion. At the moment their speed gun had locked on to the Harrier, the plane's target seeker had locked on to what it interpreted as an enemy radar signal and triggered an automatic air-to-surface missile strike. Fortunately for the officers, the Harrier's weapons systems had not been armed. (From The Best Book of Bizarre But True Stones by Mike Flynn)
Б) How do you expand an existing two-lane bridge into a three-lane bridge? To widen the Interstate 84 crossing over the Hudson River from 30 to 39 feet, the New York State Department of Transportation used structural lightweight concrete. Because the concrete used in the new deck weighed 35 pounds per cubic foot less than the concrete that was removed from the old deck, less than 20 percent of the steel support framing needed strengthening. And this is not unusual. Replacing an old bridge deck made of normal weight concrete will often permit the deck to be widened with minimal modifications to the substructure. (From Concrete Construction, 1985)
B) The concept of "semantic field", like the concept of "semantic frame", opened up new domains of semantic research, first in Germany in the 1930s and then in the United States in the 1970s. Both concepts brought about "revolutions" in semantics, and provided semanticists with new tools for the study of semantic change and semantic structure. Although there have been several historical accounts of the development of field semantics, there exists no detailed study linking and comparing the development of field and frame semantics. (From Journal of Pragmatics, 2000)