Payment will be possible to provide online on the website of the Conference (bookmark in the menu Payment), using bank card until April 15, 2020. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Physical attendance of students or PhD students to the conference is not permitted by MINISTERY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION in conditions of present epidemiological situation. The cost of the printed copy of the Conference materials is not included in the registration fee. If you'd like to have the printed version of the Conference materials - please make a special mark during online payment. The cost of the single (one) copy of the Conference Materials is 300 rubles.
Payment will be possible to provide online on the website of the Conference (bookmark in the menu "Payment"), using bank card until April 15, 2020. Organizing Committee ask to register all the authors of the submitted reports as listeners, but in case if you do not intend to participate in the conference either personally or through the WEB broadcast (remotely), ignore the invoices. Contact information: Sechenov Institute of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology Russian Academy of Sciences 194223 Russia, Saint-Petersburg, pr. Torez 44 Phone: +7(812) 552-79-01, Fax: +7(812)552-3012 Site of the conference: http://conf20.iephb.ru/en/; Information on IBRO site: Optogenetics Email: optogenetics2020@gmail.com For more information on the conference, please contact: Ivan Sukhov: +7 (812) 552-3117, E-mail: optogenetics2020@gmail.com Marina Belova: +7(812) 552-7901
We are in social media: https://vk.com/confoptogenetics,
Information is also provided on IBRO site: Optogenetics
The Organizing Committee would be grateful if you are able to make proposals for the organization and holding of the Conference. Please send your suggestion to the Organizing Committee.
Best wishes, Organizing committee of the Conference