VOCABULARY.Новые слова. READING.Чтение. Задание 2А.Для его выполнения посмотрите тему по биологии «Почка/мочевыделительная система».Это понадобится на экзамене 2 курса.Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
Тема: Мочевыделительная система VOCABULARY.Новые слова Задание 1. Работа со словарём (онлайн-переводчиком).
Переведите медицинские термины A-J и определения к ним 1-10. Заполните таблицу ответов ниже.
1. ____________is inflammation of the urethra. 2. ____________is inflammation of the bladder. 3. ____________is inflammation of the kidney. 4. Surgical repair of the urethra is called ______________. 5. Kidney stones are also called _______________. 6. _______________is surgical incision into the kidney to remove a stone. 7. Unrelieved obstruction of the urinary tract can lead to _______________. 8. A ________________tube may be inserted directly into the kidney pelvis to drain urine. 9. Surgical removal of a kidney is called a _________________. 10. Thickening and hardening of the renal blood vessels is called _____________.
READING.Чтение Задание 2А.Для его выполнения посмотрите тему по биологии «Почка/мочевыделительная система».Это понадобится на экзамене 2 курса. Расположите три абзаца A, BиCв пропуски 2-4вправильном по смыслупорядке. ___?*___ 1. Unfiltered blood enters the kidney for filtration through the renal artery from the heart. Blood passes to the kidneys in large quantities so that it can be filtered well and have most of the waste products removed.
A. The next section of the kidney is called the renal medulla. This is where the level of salt and water in urine is controlled. Sodium ions are concentrated in the medulla so that very concentrated urine is produced. Any excess water and waste products are then secreted as urine. The urine collects in the renal pelvis, which is the fan-shaped section at the narrowest part of the kidney that joins onto each ureter. B. Renal veins carry the cleaned blood away from each kidney. Renal veins are wider than renal arteries because they transport blood towards the inferior vena cava of the heart. The blood returned from the heart through the renal artery contains a toxic product, called urea, and also high levels of salt and large amounts of water. C. The kidney’s function is to filter out these unwanted materials. In addition, the kidney also reabsorbs any products that the body needs and secretes waste materials as urine. Blood enters the kidney through the hard-outer layer, or cortex. The filtration units of the kidney, called nephrons, are found in the renal cortex. The nephrons help to fitter out waste from the blood, leaving a filtrate of important salts and glucose.
Задание 2Б*Выберите лучшее(самое подходящее по смыслу)название этой статье: a) The anatomy of the kidney b) The function of renal veins and arteries c) The work of the kidneys d) The work of nephrons and the renal medulla Задание 2В. Ниже даны вопросы к прочитанному тексту. Но в статье ответ можно найти не на все эти вопросы. Без ответа останутся 1) ___ ,2) ___ и 3) ___.
A. What are the functions of the kidneys? B. What are the filtration units of the kidney? C. Which part of the kidney controls salt and water concentration levels? D. How much urea does the blood returned from the heart contain? E. What level of salt and water in urine is considered normal? F. Which part of the urinary system stores urine? G. Why do the kidneys reabsorb the products necessary for the body? H. What is the tube that carries urine outside the body called? |
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