RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. MINISTERY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION. Department of Physiological Sciences RAS. I.P. Pavlov Physiological Society. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEPhB RRUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MINISTERY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION Department of Physiological Sciences RAS I.P. Pavlov Physiological Society Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEPhB RAS) Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (IHNA&NPh RAS) Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Informational letter №4 D e a r c o l l e a g u e s !
We inform you that despite the emerging situation in the world and in Russia, The Conference OPTOGENETICS+ 2020 and the School on Advanced Methods of Non-invasive Control of Neuronal Activity - WILL TAKE PLACE! We understand the value of preserving scientific and human contacts of our professional community, and therefore we will try, in compliance with all State, Departmental and Local regulations, as well as in accordance with common sense, to find an acceptable form of holding a conference. The conference will be held in online webcast format. We are confident that such format will attract more participants than would be in the case of face-to-face participation. All meetings will broadcast from the Main Conference Hall of IEPHB RAS, St. Petersburg, pr. Toreza 44. On the 24th of April 2020, the broadcast of the satellite symposium on Imaging will also take place from the Small Conference Hall of IEPHB RAS. We have reached an agreement on rent of the professional equipment for WEB conferences, and we hope that our communication will take place without any technical difficulties. A limited number of participants will be able to participate personally (physically in IEPHB RAS) in the conference by attending the conference rooms as speakers or listeners. Very soon, the Organizing Committee will send instructions how to connect to the conference broadcast for WEB listeners and WEB speakers. As the format of the conference was changed, the participation fee also was changed. For participants physically present at the conference in IEPHB RAS, the cost will remain the same. Poster session also will take place in new format. As not all participants of the conference will be able to come, we suppose to make the main form of poster presentation also virtual. This means that you will need to download your posters (*.pdf, *.ppt) to the site of the conference, where the participants of the conference will be able to read them and ask questions. For participants present at the conference personally, it still remains possible to place their posters in printed “paper” form. We look forward for your active participation and quick reactions. Let us not allow circumstances to disrupt our scientific interaction in the field of Optogenetics! Registration fees: 1. Participation with oral or poster report (through WEB participation) - 30 ? (2550 rub) If you plan to arrive, it is necessary to add - "a face-to-face" (physical) participation and +50?rubles in payment. In this case, the cost of participation with an oral or poster report will be 80?(6800 rub). 2. Listener or co-author (WEB participation) - 10 ? (850 rub) If you plan to arrive physically you need to add to your payment: "a face-to-face participation" and + 15 ?. So the the cost with "face-to-face participation" as a listener or co-author will be 25 ? (2125 rub). 3. Students and PhD students: Participation with or without poster (through WEB translation) - – 10 ? (850 rub)