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Drugs that promote dissolution of gallstones (cholelithiatic)

Drugs that promote dissolution of gallstones (cholelithiatic)

Ursodeoxycholic acid

250  mg capsules

500 mg tablets

2-5 capsules (tablets) once a day before bedtime
Chenodeoxycholic acid

250 mg capsules

1 capsule in the morning, 2 capsules in the evening

Emetic and antiemetic drugs


Sol. 10 mg/ml in 1 ml amp.

Inject S.C. 0,5-1 ml for one time


4 and 8 mg tablets

1-2 tablets twice a day

16 mg suppositories

Insert 1 suppository into the rectum once a day

2 mg/ml in 2 and 4 ml amp.

Inject I.M. or I.V. 2-4 ml once a day


10 mg tablets

1 tablet  3 times a day

Sol. 5 mg/ml 2 ml amp.

Inject I.M. 2 ml 1-3 times a day

10 mg tablets

1 tablet 3-4 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals

drugs that affect intestinal motility (antidiarrheal and laxatives)


2 mg tablets and capsules

1 tablet (capsule) 1-6 times a day

Magnesium sulfate

Powder in 20; 25; 30 g packages

20-30 g in 1,5 of glass of water (laxative)

Sol.  25-33%

1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day (choleretic)
Macrogol (Forlax)

Powder in 10 g packages

10 g 1-2 times a day in 1 glass of water.
Tabulettae radicis Rhei

300 and 500 mg tablets

1 tablet twice a day


1 tablet before bedtime
Extractum Frangulae

200 mg tablets

1 tablet before bedtime

Oleum Ricini

500 mg capsules

15-30 capsules during 30 minutes

30 and  50 ml vials

1-2 tablespoon once a day

Syrup in 200 ml vials

1 tablespoon  2-3 times a day
Sodium picosulfate

Sol. 7,5 mg/ml in 15 and 30 ml vials

5 mg tablets

10-20 drops in 1/3 of glass of water before bedtime 1 tablet before bedtime



5 mg tablets

1-2 tablets before bedtime

10 mg suppositories

Insert 1 suppository in the morning into the rectum



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