Card № 22 Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes
Card № 22 Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes
1. Do you follow any stereotypes or prejudices?
Personally I don’t. Frankly speaking generalisations about nationalities can be a source of pride or bad jokes. On the other hand, there are some reasons for all stereotypes. They mostly concern appearance, language, attitudes and values.So stereotypes should be taken with a grain of salt.
All people are individuals and we are living through a period of global transition. Across the globe, all communities face economic, social and environmental challenges. We can only advanceas a community of nations, recognizing that we share a common destiny. Tolerance is a necessity for reconciliation and sustainable[sə'steɪnəbl]future. In fact every national character is a combination of good and bad traits[treɪts],[treɪz] but still we should treatevery nation with equal respect.
2. Do you agree that people belonging to one nation have a lot in common? Prove your point of view.
A nation is a group of people who share their common history and language. Culture can be described as our everyday life: how we communicate, what makes us happy and sad. That is why people that belong to the same nation have a lot in common.
For example, the Germans are regarded as scientifically-minded and industrious. The British are reserved, courteous ['kɜːtɪəs] and honest. People living in the southern countries have less problems than those who live in the North that’s why they're more cheerful and artistic [ɑː'tɪstɪk].
The National Character exists. It is not a myth, it's a reality. But the National Character doesn't describe every person’s character it describes the character of the whole nation in general.