What topic are both photos connected to?A B 1. What topic are both photos connected to? 2. How are these pictures similar? 3. How are these pictures different? 4. What are the advantages/disadvantages of small/big families 5. What about your family? What about families in your country? 6. Would you prefer to have a big or a small family? Extra Questions 1. Who is your favourite relative and why? 2. Do you often visit your grandparents? 3. What kind of things do you do with your family? 4. What’s the most important thing that your parents taught you? C 1. What topic are both photos connected to? 2. How are these pictures similar? 3. How are these pictures different? 4. What are the advantages/disadvantages of having pets? 5. Do you prefer going to the zoo or having a pet at home? Why? 6. Do you have pets? Talk about them. Extra Questions 1. What can children learn by having a pet? 2. What animals do people keep as pets? Do you know of any unusual ones? 3. Do you think it is ok to hunt? 4. Do you think it is ok to keep animals in captivity (e.g. in a zoo)?