Application for European Solidarity Corps volunteer programmeApplication for European Solidarity Corps volunteer programme With AFS Interkultur as coordinating organisation (Denmark) TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT Please fill out this form as detailed as possible. Email the complete form along with your CV to evs-denmark@afs.org Name of the project in Denmark you are applying for:
Where/how did you find this project?
Volunteer Data First name: Picture:
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
Street address:
Postal code, town:
Region, Country:
Telephone/mobile phone:
Driving licence (yes/no): Emergency contact in your home country:
What is your educational background?
What are you currently doing?
What relevant work experience do you have? Professional and voluntary.
Do you have any other qualifications and/or experiences (e.g. computer, courses, travel) relevant for this volunteer experience?
What are your strengths and challenges? What values are most important to you?
What are your hobbies/interests?
Do you have any special needs that would need to be taken into account?
This project requires that you live at the project, among the students. Please share with us your reflections on this.
This project is placed in the countryside. Please share with us your reflections on that.