Conditions.. For participation in the forum, the candidate must email an application.5. Conditions. Workshops are open to young composers, performers, culturologists and musicologists of any nationalities between 17-45 years old, students from secondary and higher musical and humanitarian institutions, postgraduate students, graduates or interns of higher educational institution of music and young members of Russian Music Union, Union of Composers and other relevant unions. Participation of young composers in the forum implies the following: 1. Attendance of all lectures of the forum; 2. Work under the supervision of mentors, composing new symphonic piece during the forum (premiere performance will take place 2020-2021); 3. Attendance of all concerts of the forum; 4. Attendance of all master-classes, lectures, seminars, and active participation in them with own-composed pieces; 5. Attendance of all rehearsals and meetings with symphonic orchestra, including collaborative work with the conductor, sectional rehearsals and individual sessions. Participation of young musicologists in the forum implies the following: 1. Presentation on the forum; 2. Attendance of all concerts and lectures of the forum and writing reviews on each concert, lecture and creative meeting; 3. Attendance of all master-classes, lectures, seminars and active participation in them with own-written reviews and scientific works.
For participation in the forum, the candidate must email an application. The deadline for applications is 10 February 2020(see Annex 1). The deadline for auditors is 15 February 2020 (see Annex 2).
Application must include the following documents: 1. scan of color copy of passport; 2. scan of color copy of proof of graduation or study from the educational institute with an indication of the main discipline; 3. reference of chairman of regional branch of MolOt (for composers and musicologists; if there is no MolOt branch in the region of the candidate, recommendation from the organization, which the candidate presents); 4. brief biography; 5. list of composed work (for composers), publications (for musicologists) or videos from concert performances (for performers). Young composers must attach score in pdf format and audio/video files (in link format) of 2-3 pieces in contrast genres of any instrumentation. Young musicologists must attach 2-3 articles. Application must be sent to transfest@mail.ru, copy to vshkolamus@mail.ru
No more than 15 composers and musicologists will be selected for the participation in workshops. Successful candidates will be provided with free accommodation and eating on behalf of Higher School of Music of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Travel costs are not included. Candidates, which were not selected, but wishing to take part in the forum, are able to come as auditors, warning organizers in advance. In this case, they pay for accommodation and eating by themselves.
By the results of the forum, there will be a concert, which will involve symphonical pieces, written by participants during the forum in 2020. Also, there will be created a list of composers, pieces of which will be recommended for performances by orchestras of other cities in Russia and neighboring countries. Similarly, there will be a list of musicologists, recommended for later participations in conferences and other events of MolOt.
Annex 1.