Myth #4 - Your degree won’t be recognized ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Myth #4 - Your degree won’t be recognized Russia’s education system is based on the Bologna principles, and you can expect to get an internationally-recognized bachelor's or master’s degree, postgraduate certificate, or equivalent. Russia’s status in the international education community has been cemented through partnerships and shared programs with the world’s leading schools. Accreditation and teaching standards meet international requirements, with 95 Russian universities ranking in the QS EECA University Rankings 2018 and 24 in the QS World University Rankings. One of Russia’s top schools, HSE University, has more than 20 double-degree programs with foreign universities, making for an excellent opportunity to receive a European degree at Russian prices.
Myth #5 – Russia is a rural country with a rough climate In addition to its two world renowned metropolises, Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia has many modern and fast-growing urban areas. Moscow (population 17 million) and Saint Petersburg (5.3 million) provide you with a good quality of life and affordable prices at the same time. Life in these cities is very safe and comfortable with all the services you would expect from major European cities.
Both cities are noted for their wide varieties of traditional and cutting-edge entertainment, vibrant nightlife, and international cuisine. Student discounts for theaters and exhibitions and open lectures and conferences make enjoying the city life possible on your budget. If you study in Russia, you can enjoy historic sites, urban lifestyle, and Russian culture all while studying at a high quality university in a rapidly changing country where opportunities await you.