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Symbolism:A dark figure walks the land searching for souls to collect and corrupt. The moon has a dark energy around it, indicating the negative influence of the figure.

Upright: self-interest, temptation, consequences, and choice.

Reversed: unwise choices, lust, wanton abandon, and manipulation

The Tower (XVI)


Meaning: The Tower represents sudden, unexpected change that takes something we have built over time and rather quickly forces us to start over or reset. The Tower is the sixteenth encounter for the Fool, teaching the lesson that life is a construct and, at any time, it can be “blown up, ”forcing us to make unexpected adjustments.

Symbolism: Figures fall kom a monolithic structure as energy rips through the atmosphere around the tower.

Upright and Reversed: unexpected change, sudden catastrophe, and traditions failing

The Star (XVII)



Meaning: The Star represents hope and vision for the future. What do we see as our life purpose, and how do we get to it† The Star, as an archetype, is the seventeenth encounter for the Fool, indicating that we all need hope and optimism about the future. We need to have dreams to enjoy this life.

Symbolism: A beautiful star lights the sky, sending energy tendrils out into the cosmos as strings of hope that pierce the darkness.

Upright: hope, Inspiration, promise, purpose, and faith

Reversed: doubts, confusion, delusion, and despair

The Moon ( XVIII)


Meaning: The Moon represents the feelings we need to explore and express. The Moon, as an archetype, is the eighteenth encounter for the Fool; it illuminates our deepest feelings so we can understand the emotional framework that gets reinforced, suppressed, and shaped by our family and close relationships.

Symbolism: The phases of the moon represent the changing emotions humans experience as part of numerous cycles, both monthly and yearly.

Upright: dreams, positive emotions, intuition, and soul purpose

Reversed: delusion, nightmares, negative emotions, and despair

The Sun (XIX)


Meaning: The Sun represents revelation and the light of truth. The Sun, as an archetype, is the nineteenth teacher for the Fool, showing us the lesson of honest revelation and how we deal with clear truths in our lives. What do you learn when you see a situation or a person for what they really are?

Symbolism: A dying sun prepares to consume its solar system and emits the last of its light, creating space for a new sun to form in the future.

Upright: revelation, greatness, vitality,

and truth

Reversed: excessive pride, arrogance, blocked action, and lies

J udgement (XX)


Meaning: Judgment represents significant and life-changing decisions, as well as the judgments from the world around us. Judgement, as an archetype, is the twentieth lesson for the Fool, teaching tis the need to use all we have learned from others and the lessons we need to make the most important choices in life.

Symbolism: A hand reaches up from the ground into another world, seeking to be welcomed. If the judgment is not in its favor, it will be destroyed.

Upright: deciding for others, being judged, consequences, and closure

Reversed: prejudging, stereotyping, lazy thinking, and abuse of power

The World (XXI)


Meaning: The World represents the ending of a cycle to prepare for a new repeating journey for the Fool (us). The World, as an archetype, is the twenty-first encounter for the Fool, showing us that life is constantly changing and we are meant to build on our experiences. In this ending is another beginning.

Symbolism: A cosmic egg is struck open by bolts of energy and releases the gestating universe inside, representing an ending and a new beginning.

Upright: fulfillment, completion, conclusion, the sum of your efforts, and success

Reversed: stagnation, failure, and final obstacle



The Minor


The Suit of Wands

The Suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire, representing passion, energy, willpower, and strength. The cards of this suit provide archetypes of human actions and reactions. The Fool takes his or her journey through this suit to make choices, seek adventure, and deal with challenges.


Meaning: You need to be inspired or excited; something or someone needs your spark.

Symbolism: A spark of light illuminates the darkness at the tip of a magic wand.

Upright: inspiration and spark.

Reversed: lacking energy; and hinderance.




Meaning: You need to choose a direction and take steps to move forward.

Symbolism: A figure carries one wand while

a caching a second one,

represents a new adventure.

Upright: determination, and confidence.

Reversed: fear, and indecision.







Meaning: Conflict and

necessary forward.

Symbolism: Figures battle one another as a test of strength and courage.

Upright: conflict, or competition

Reversed: poor leadership, and trouble-making





Meaning: You are right; hold your ground. Any lack of integrity will be your downfall.

Symbolism: A figure in the center of the vortex lights the way for others and keeps the dark matter from collapsing.

Upright: courage and valor

Reversed: treachery, and lack of conviction




Meaning: Be focused and



Symbolism: A figure races down the path using the bright energy trail to light her way, so she can run at top speed.

Upright: intensity, and drive

Reversed: frustration, and confusion


Meaning: You have a duty to uphold; others look to you as a role model.

Symbolism: A figure remains steady in the face of adversity, resolved to set an example to others.

loyalty, and


Reversed: disloyalty, and






Meaning: You have a lot of excitement, but you need to find some focus.

Uprigljt: enthusiasm, and creativity

Reversed: unpredictability, and foolishness



Men   You need to go on an adventurous quest; step out of your routine and explore.

Symbolism: A warrior rides a stallion filled with energy to take him through the darkness.

Upright: driven, and passionate

Reversed: headstrong, and reckless




The Suit of Cups

The Suit of Cups is associated with the element of water, representing emotions, feelings, and relationships. This symbol indicates what is happening in the heart rather than the head.




Meaning: Enjoy a mutual attraction and shared positive feelings with someone.

Symbolism: Two energy figures intertwine and the female/male symbols link in a burst of energy above them. They each bring a cup to the relationship.

Upright: attraction, and connection

Reversed: unrequited love, and rejection




M eaning: Find some time to meditate or rest; your emotions need soothing.

Symbolisas: Four cup form a pedect balance around the fi ure in the

middle,       a safe

container that will provide


Upright: rest, and meditation

Reversed: boredom, and isolation




Meaning: You have a disappointment you must accept; hidden possibilities have not revealed themselves yet.

Symbolism: A figure reaches for five cups, three are upside down and two are upright; the landscape is barren. There is more adversity than hope, but there is still some hope.

Upright: disappointment, and sadness from loss

Reversed: depression, and despair



Meaning: Reach out to someone you care about, and share a memory or create a new one.

Symbolism: A figure walks toward an energy pulse, inside a sphere, surrounded by six cups. There is positive energy with all six cups upright.

Upright: happy memories, and the positive legacy of childhood

Reversed: unhappy memories, and the negative legacy of childhood


Meaning: You have an important decision to make; you need to know what motivates you to make the choice you want or need

to make.

Symbolism: A female figure stands on seven cups, considering the choices she

must make,    ore m mo ov i i n ng

ifitO the vibrating energy in front of her.

Upright: choices, and moDvations

Reversed: wishful thinking, and inaction



Meaning: %u must let go of something or someone that was once emotionally important to you, but no longer has any value; the relationship or situation is empty.

Symbofism: A figure runs across water under an orb of light; he is running from something and running towards something.

Upright: letting go, and

moving on

Reversed: denial, and attempts at bargaining for something now worthless





Meaning: Profound joy in relationship is what you need or need to appreciate (if you have it). Happiness with a partner is key.

Reversed: disagreements, and unhappiness in relationship


Meaning: Emotions

are strong and flowing wildly; they need a proper container.

Symbolism: A merman floats in the dark matter, open to all feelings and emotions.

Upright: imagination, and


Reversed: emotionall y

stunted, and confused



Meaning: The warrior carries a cup with an important elixir or cure, to be delivered where it is needed, regardless of the challenges.

Symbolism: A figure rides

a horse that is waNng on

water;  the  neoo n a  rest

to find their pe non and


Upright: romance, and seeking what you love

Reversed: possessive, and


Meaning: Accept and embracee your res oonsibilit for the care of others


as your way to become empowered and lead others.

of flowing water, he is able to understand the needs of others and takes his

i: esponsibilities seriously.

Upright: influential, and responsible

Reversed: narcissistic, and


The Suit of Swords

The Suit of 5words is associated with the element of air, representing intellect, logic, thought, and decisions. Since this suit deals with the mind, many of the cards reflect the dangers of negative thinking and poor decision-making. When these cards appear in a reading, they often provide a warning for the @uerent.





Meaning: Time to make decision; consider a new way of thinking; use logic

re ardin the situation or

I e ons p

S hOliS? t A single sword floats in the darkness; its sharp clarity is a source of light.

Upright: new thoughts,

and logic

Reversed: ignorance, and misinformation







Meaning: You need to move from one “shore of thinking” to another; you are currently in-between and need to complete the journey.

Symbolism: Three swords above pointing west

and three swords below pointing east provide balance to the energy of the in-between.

Upright: transition, and the old gives way to the new

Reversed: fear of the unknown, and forced change in thinking



Meaning: You need a mental break; you need to disengage to save your sanity

Symbolism: Four swoA• hover above a meditating figure who is resting and contemplating.

Upright: rest and contemplation

Reversed: bumout and




Meaning: There is a fear you need to face; this card also warns you to protect

s om the cruelty of other

Symbolism: Nine swords hover above a figure clutching its head in anguish; there is fear and worry present.

Upright: warning, and foreboding

Reversed: torment, and cruelty






Meaning: The situation Of relationshiip calls for detached and logical thinking; be strategic.

Symbolism: A female figure flows in and out of existence as a symbol of the ever-flowirig energy of thought.

Upfi$bt: strategic and just

Reversed: cold hearted and insensitive




The Suit of Spheres

The Suit of Spheres is associated with the element of earth, representing prosperity, health, security, and stability. Spheres deal with tangible possessions. Money may be the first thing that comes to mind with this suit, but the cards refer more generally to the material world and what we need to take care of ourselves.


Meaning: Time to experiment and try different actions to get better results.

Symbolism: Two spheres revolve around one another, churning energy in the darkness.

Upright: adaptability, and activity

Reversed: intederence, and stagnation


Meaning: Hard and consistent work is what is need to succeed and push forward.

Symbolism: Three spheres function as wheels on a cycle that allows a figure to both rise above the mundane and travel the darl‹ness.

Upright: creativity, and


Reversed: missing skill, and incompetence



Meaning: Be careful with resources; it is a

; id time to save and be

conservative with finances.

Symbolism: A figure clutches a single large sphere, representing what he has. Three spheres Cover above him, indicating unrealized potential.

Upright: conservation, and cautiousness

Reversed: miserliness, and hoarding


Meaning: Be prepared to face material difficulty; you may need to ask for help or

the gh a diet t emu*

Symbol One of the five spheres crashes into the darkness while the other four continue their flight.

Upright: debt, and illness Reversed: loss of resources,

and ersistent health pnblems




Meaning: Share your wealth and success; be



Symbolism: Six spheres hover in the darkness; they represent the accumulated potential of the figure in the darkness, while two paims press against the card showing his fate.


Reversed: stinginess and



Meaning: Time to consider how you will invest inyour success; put resources back into what you have that is successful, or start a new venture.

Symbolism: Seven spheres drop from a tree, exhibiting the abundance of energy hoovveerninng over a volatile landscape.

Upright: long-term planning, and dedicated persistence

Reversed: lack of vision, and wastefulness



Meaning: Vse your skill and experience to improve your financial status and your security.

Symbolism: A powerful figure expertly juggles eight spheres, showing his mastery of the process.

ght: craftsmanship,


Reversed: deception

regarding skill, and laziness



Meaning: Focus on your purpose and use it to attain the wealth you desire; be your best to earn the most.

Upright: financial independence, and empowerment

Reversed: egotism and pride



Meaning: Embrace or seek the fulfillment that comes with a partnership that will helpyou both attain a great and safe life.

Symbolism: Ten spheres move over the landscape of the dark realm, showing the abundance of energy and the power of interconnection.

gbt: lIoonng--term gains,


Reversed: missed opportunities, and burdensome obligations


Meaning: Experiment; try not to get lost in starting but not finishing anything

Symbolism: A figure with a single sphere for a head uses the energy to light his way throughte dar4cness.

ght: aapprenticeship, practice

Reversed: lack of ability,

and lack of ambition





and make sure all important legal documents are in place. Assess your material life and fix anything that needs attention.

SymboEsm: A woman with intricate ene'r8Y â OVhC through her head into the darkness above meditates on the sphere approaching her.

Upright: stability, and necessity

Reversed: instability, and desires leading to debt



Meaning: Use your wealth, status, and irtfiuence wisely; others look to you for leadership.

Symbolism: A male figure with an intricate web of ener above his head

the sphere

before him.

Upright: power, and prosperity

Reversed: corruption, and excess


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